I professed my faith in Junior High and was active in serving the Lord in inter-varsity fellowships. Before migration to Canada, I served in Hong Kong Baptist College as a Coordinator of Christian Student Activities. I had been an Assistant Pastor in Toronto Chinese Baptist Church before joining Hallelujah Church as a Senior Pastor in January 2000. In April 2005, I have joined Hong Kong Baptist Church to serve as a Senior Pastor there. I have also been involved in Student Evangelism Ministry in Toronto. On a few occasions, I served as the speaker in Teen’s Conference and Joint-University Student Evangelism Rally.

In 1979, I graduated with a Social Science Degree in Chinese University of Hong Kong. I furthered my study in British Columbia University and Hong Kong Baptist Seminary. In 1992, at the Silang Cavite International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Philippines, I had a better understanding of the history and philosophy of rural reconstruction through the teaching of Dr. Y.C. James Yen (晏陽初博士) for nearly two months. Later, Dr. Yen engaged Miss Louisa Chan and I in front of the graveyard of Mrs. Yen. In

1998, under the guidance of the professors of McMaster Divinity College and Doctor of Mount Sinai Hospital, I was conferred the Degree of Doctor of Ministry by McMaster University, Ontario. My thesis focused on Spiritual and Palliative support to Chinese terminal cancer patients. At present, I serve on a voluntary basis, as Consultant Chaplain of Cancer and Palliative Service. In recent years, I have devoted much effort in training caregivers of terminally ill patients and in establishing church-based cancer patients support group in Living Water Counseling Centre caregiver training courses. I have also written a series of feature articles on the caregiving for the terminally ill patients in “Herald Monthly”.

In the last couples of years, I have been speaker of various Enneagram and Enrich seminars as part of my study in personality. As of December 2003, I have been a qualified MBTI counselor. I have conducted Life revision sessions for working adults.

When I retire, I hope to spend more time in studying Nestorians China Mission history.

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