DeSade Division
peruse at own risk

Contrary to what I had originally planned, I will limit myself to this choice for the time being. I read (or have read to their conclusion) a couple of other webcomics. However, as the internet breaks the boundaries of cultures and age groups, I do not think that they are necessarily suitable for everyone who may pass here.

However, I can recommend the four above without reservation.

Elf Only Inn - this is currently once again semi-defunct. And there was at least one 2-year hiatus before! You will see it, the comic changed significantly after it returned. However, I was merely glad it got back in the first place! I have never seen the forum environment - which most BattleTech fans will firmly be entrenched in - sent up as deliciously as by Sortelly. Go back, read through the archives, it's worth it!

Currently not updated.

Magellan - the best superhero comic I've ever read. Stephen Crowley is a master of complex story arcs, both in the epic Magellan and in his other works. He is also a true gentleman and extremely approachable if you want to praise him or ask him technicalities about his work.

Normally updated twice a week.

Questionable Content - one of the net's true webcomic giants. It has evolved so much and is truly the most epic cynical soap-opera I've ever desperately devoured.

Updated weekdays.

a heart made of glass - so extremely different from the work that made Hard/Clay famous, AHMOG is one of the most truthful pieces of writing that I have yet to see in comic form. I think it is important to remember Clay's early work all the more, now that his famous pieces have disappeared from the web.

Archive - completed in 2001

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