Body Armor
A necessary addition for modern infantry
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On today's modern battlefield an infantry man without body armor is as vulnerable as a turtle without a shell. With lasers, phased pulse weapons and rapid fire solid projectile weapons infantrymen must have some form of protection against shrapnel and aimed fire. The following profiles will detail three forms of infantry armor in use today.

Infantry Armor Type         Damage Divisor       Tech (Rating)         Availability        Introduced (Date)      Cost (C-Bills, each)

Nine Lives Mk. III                       1                      Both (D)               B-C-B                  2305                               800*
Phoenix LSA                               2                        IS (D)                X-E-E                  3020                           40,000**
Emperor Class                            3E                       IS (E)                 E-F-F                  2745                         100,000

* identical to
Ablative/Flak, standard, TacOps, p. 317
** has identical Infantry Stealth Modifiers as
Sneak Suit, Camo, TacOps, p. 318

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