
pyramidgiza.jpg (11193 bytes)

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eyer.gif (338 bytes) Temple of Dendur eyel.gif (335 bytes)

dendur.JPG (134432 bytes)To the left is a picture of the Temple of Dendur, now located in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.� The temple was built by the Roman emperor Augustus and honors the goddess Isis and two deified sons of a local Nubian chieftain.�

As can clearly be seen in this picture, the archways in the temple line up to form decreasing rectangles which are proportional to the golden ratio.�

eyer.gif (338 bytes) Temple of Dendara eyel.gif (335 bytes)

den1.jpg (6539 bytes)The Temple of Dendara was known as the 'Castle of the Sistrum' or 'Pr Hathor' - House of Hathor. Hathor was the goddess of love, joy and beauty.� The archways are proportional to the golen rectangle.� Inside the temple is a is a spiral staircase, which is made in the likeness of the golden spiral.

eyer.gif (338 bytes) Temple of Philae eyel.gif (335 bytes)

philea1.jpg (12591 bytes)Philae in ancient Egyptian, meaning 'the end,' defined the southern most limit of Egypt. The Temple was dedicated to the goddess Isis, the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.� This temple also shows the decreasing golden rectangles in its gateway, much like the Temple of Dendur.� There are multiple archways created by hundreds of pillars throughout this magnificent temple.� These are all proportional to the golden rectangle.

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