my collection
hi - this exciting feature will be available once i've gone home and seen just what i have from jackie chan, jet li and bruce lee. for now, there are only a few cos i can't remember much. i can't even remember to buy an envolope when i walk past the one place that sells them on the campus, and i really need one, and just five seconds before, i was telling myself to buy one. so you'll have to forgive me...

Jackie Chan:

Armour of God
Armour of God II
City hunter
Crime story
Dragon lord
Dragons forever
Drunken master
Drunken master II
First strike
Heart of the dragon
Miracles (mr. canton & lady rose)
Mr nice guy
My lucky stars
Police story
Police story II
Police story III
Project A
Project A II
Rumble in the bronx
Shanghai noon
Snake and crane arts of shaolin
Snake in the eagles shadow
Twin dragons
Twinkle twinkle lucky stars
Wheels on meals
Who am i?
Winners and sinners
Young master

Jet Li

Born to defend
Bodyguard from beijing, (the)
Fist of legend
Hitman, (the)
Last hero in china, (the)
Legend of fong sai yuk , (the)
Legend of fong sai yuk II, (the)
Master, (the)
Once upon a time in china
Once upon a time in china II
Once upon a time in china III
Once upon a time in china and america
Romeo must die
Shaolin temple
Shaolin temple III : north and south shaolin
Tai chi master, (the)

Bruce Lee

Big Boss, (the)
Enter the dragon
Fist of fury
Game of death
Way of the dragon, (the)


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