Project:  1910's Era Under things(Combinations)
Pattern: Discontinued Simplicity Pattern 7157
Fabric: 45" Wide Bleached Muslin
Status: Have Not Started Yet- Need To Do More Research On the 1910-15 Under things.

I can't wait to start this pattern. I think it has more of the 1912 look imp going for. I will get some practice fabric and maybe try this pattern on my own. I have never put a pattern together on my own before, and so I think it will be a learning experience for me. If I have a lot of trouble I will hold off until I find an experienced sewer
Things That I Like About This Pattern So Far:
1. The design Of The Pattern. This style pattern is good for the years: Turn of the century to 1925.
2. The garment it self is simple in detail and looks much easier to make than the Folkwear Pattern
When I first found this fashion plate photo on my friend violet's website I was just so taken away by it. The outfit is so simple and so elegant and it gives it that historical flare I'm looking for. I also knew that this one was for me because not only did the image come from a 1912 magazine (which I wanted that year to have my combinations to be made in), but the magazine was made in March (my birthday month) so I knew it must be a coincidence to make this piece. This will be the second pair of combinations that I will make for the rest of my 1910's clothing.
Since I want to have to pairs of combinations (one to wear while the other one is being washed I think I need to continue looking for a second fashion plate photo and this time  maybe have it styled from around 1913? I will see what happens, but for now I want to concentrate on these two being made first.

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