Men's Fashion's
<--These Gentlemen are wearing casual suits, hats. The one man in this picture is carrying a walking stick. They are popular with both men and women and were used to balance a person while walking. Notice the lady wearing the large hat and gown riding in the pram
Men�s underwear consisted of light weight cotton shorts, shirt and socks, I'm sure these were nice and cool in the summer, since air-conditioning was not invented yet. During the winter months men wore long pj's called long johns. They were a one piece outfit and it was made of cotton or wool
Men's Swimsuits also consisted of the heavy cotton wool tank tops, and a pair of cotton/wool shorts for a sportier look. Sports were becoming very popular in the 1910's with men and even women. With these new styles they were much easier to take care of. Fabrics were usually lightweight and had simple designs
The man is wearing a "Bowler" hat, also known as a "Derby" hat because it was made popular by the Earl of Derby in 19th Century England. Notice the gloves that the man is holding? Gloves are a popular accessory for both men and women
The suspenders that the man is wearing were introduced around the time of the Regency period. They were usually worn under the jacket holding the trousers up so they kept that really tight fitted look. As trousers had high waists at that time, and waistcoats were worn, nothing showed. He is also is putting a vest on
The revival of the belt for use with trousers occurred during the Victorian era, when, in certain circumstances, they replaced the suspenders, which continued to be worn by some people right up to the present day
Look how dashing this young gentleman looks. The 1910-1919 tuxedos consisted of: a top hat, overcoat, cuff links jacket, vest, gloves, sometimes a scarf, black pants, socks, shoes and sometimes a walking stick the vest on the tuxedo almost looks like it gives the man an S-curve Silhouette appearance.
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