Get StartedOffers assistance to computer system users. this may be with hardware, such as desktop computers, printers, scanners or handheld devices or it may be with software programs and update the status of each user with their issues.
Maintain and Upgrade Systems
Keeping current systems updated and running smoothly also tasked with upgrading the system and its components when the need arises. Conduct research and provide cost analysis data when upgrading or purchasing new hardware, software or equipment.
Administer Data
Overseeing an organizations data, including client information and internal information. This includes maintaining, backing up and securing databases, as well as restoring files as needed.
Network System Administering . I.T Specialist . Web Development
Install, maintain and repair computers and networks. Ensures that adequate IT infrastructure is in place and is used to its maximum capabilities.
Windows Os, Mac Os and Linux Os.
Drivers, Antivirus, Firewall, Microsoft Office Suit Etc. .
Voip Telephone, Team Viewer, Remote Desktop, Facebook Chat .
Previous companies and my tasks
Silicon Valley Computer Group Phils. inc.
Ama Computer Learning Center (ACLC).
STI College Naga.
For more information and Technical Support Message Me.