MENDES, Juscelino Vieira (2004). Ethical Basis of Civil Obedience and of Rational Criticism: revisiting K. Popper and J. Bentham. Master's Degree Dissertation. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (Pontificial Catholic University of Campinas) PUC de Campinas, 2004, pp.145.


Searching for answers in the epistemologies of Karl Popper and Jeremy Bentham, this Master's Degree Program dissertation intends to analyze the ethical basis of civil obedience and of rational criticism, distinguishing the various forms of civil obedience and its public utility, specially concerning the observance of the laws, and its significance in the construction and reformation of open and democratic societies.

Laws have limitations. And even while correctly applied, may become instruments of injustice, due to the anachronism of institutions which, not rarely, distinguish themselves for the observance of information determined by history, therefore, of historicist character. Thus, as said by Popper, "it relates itself closely with this kind of character, for historicism is a social, political and moral (or, as I see it, immoral) philosophy, and has been, as such, very influential, from the start of our civilization".

The intention of this dissertation is to demonstrate, in the simplest and most objective manner, without falling into oversimplification, and most of all, without loosing the severity required by a philosophical text, that it is only possible to build and reform open and democratic societies, if such are based on civil obedience, tolerance and critical rationalism, disregarding anachronous, dogmatic and irrational attitudes.

This demonstration will be based on Popper's critical rationalism, as well as in Bentham's case on obedience, in other words: "Under a government of Laws, what is the motto of a good citizen? To obey punctually; to censure freely". In this sense, we will seek to answer the following questions:

• Isn't obedience a primitive state factor and a fomentation of dogmas, and, consequently, an impedimental element to criticism?

• Which are the reasons civil obedience can be seem as being of public utility?

• What relation is there between rational criticism and civil obedience?

Lastly, ways are proposed to attempt solutions for the problems that were brought out, under the view of the Popperian and Benthamian doctrines, so that there may exist societies which are truly open, democratic, whose individuals may be confronted with personal decisions and, with the summing up of the joy of such individuals, promote the contentment of all.

Direitos reservados. Para citar este texto:

Mendes, Juscelino V. – Abstract. Página de Juscelino Vieira Mendes, seção "Filosofia". Sítio, Internet, Campinas, 2003.


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