Welcome to Jurassic Park

Genre: Satire

Jurassic Park: Not Again is about all of the mistakes that were made in the recent parks that they keep repeating. A common theme in this series of movies is letting the past repeat itself. Instead of leaving the dinosaurs on the island, or destroying them and the current DNA and other scientific experiments they have from the dinosaurs, They decided to try another park. Then the dinosaurs break free, The evil scientist escapes with an ex-military contractor and taking a lot of DNA samples with him. This time the scientists run tests on an island to try to domesticate the dinosaurs for the people of the world. However, his plan doesn�t go to plan because his employees mixed up the DNA. Instead of small pets, they get enormous monsters. Only a handful of people stand between the beasts and humanity.


Leslie Nielsen, Tom Hanks, Ryan Reynolds, Will Smith, George Clooney, The Rock, Clint Eastwood, Millie Bobby Brown, Blake Lively, Andrew Astor, and Chris Pine