Norfolk Metal Detector Finds


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Now 7 pages!



Launched 1999. Last upload - January 2003.
Designed by Harnser using xhtml and css handcoded with Notepad.

Gold Celtic coin - Quarter Stater Snettisham type Anglo-Saxon Sceatta, Hybrid of two continental types, series E and D Anglo-Saxon Sceatta, Hybrid of two continental types, series E and D Anglo-Saxon Sceatta, Series D Type 2C Continental
Gold Celtic coin - Quarter Stater Snettisham type First century AD Iceni Anglo-Saxon Sceatta, Continental hybrid of Types E and D. Other side of this very rare coin. Dated to c.710 AD Another Anglo-Saxon Continental Sceatta Series D Type 2
Miniature Flint Axe - Neolithic Another bronze medieval seal matrix - can you identify? Medieval Silver annular brooch Small hoard of 12th century Henry III silver coins
Neolithic Miniature Flint Axe The Rude medieval seal matrix Click for more Silver Medieval annular brooch Hoard of 12th century medieval silver coins Henry III. Found 1999
Lead seal matrix Edward I penny 16th/17th century silver thimble Post Medieval buckle
Medieval lead seal matrix Edward I silver penny 16th/17th century silver thimble Post-Medieval bronze buckle
Medieval Ampulae - Priest's Purse Roman coin Unidentified C16 Italian silver coin Selection of silver medieval hammered coins
Lead Priest's Purse or Ampulae, used for carrying holy water Roman coin 16th century coin from Italy. Help needed on this one! Selection of medieval silver hammered coins

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