Introduction to Ragnarok Online

What is RagnarokOnline?

RagnarokOnline is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), one of the first of its kind that uses a unique system of 2D- anime rendered sprites, acting in a completely 3D environment. The premise of this game is like most RPGs you've already played. Level up your characters, and attain rare items from monsters. However, what sets RagnarokOnline aside from other MMORPGs, is the ability to completely customize your character from the ground up, stats, as well as the very appearance.

The Novice Days

Novices are the defining moment in everyone's RagnarokOnline experience. It's the days when you are training for your first tier class, which will ultimately choose your destiny and set path in the world of Rune-Midgard. Why be a novice you ask? Well first off - you don't have a choice. Secondly, it gives you a chance (as the user), ample time to get aquanted with all the various job classes you see around the world, but also how to play, and a very basic feeling of what you'll be doing throughout most of your RagnarokOnline career.

Selecting a Class

So you hit job level 10 huh? Well you're probably wondering what to do now that you can't learn anymore skills... Fortunately, you can now choose to learn the arts of a specific class that interests you.

Swordsmen: Cunning warriors that focus their main attributes on both physical attacks, and high defense/agility. Specializing in either spear, one-hand, or two-hand mastery, their ability to kill hard enemies at low levels makes them a good first class.


Archer: Take up the bow - with deadly aim and accuracy, archers slay their prey from a distance. Though prone to physical attack, archers rely on their keen ability of high-damage, high-dodge speed to finishing opponents quickly, and cleanly.


Merchant: Like Money...? Merchants control the economy of RagnarokOnline. As well as supplying Rune-Midgard with discounted prices on normal NPC items, such as potions, wings, mags, and traps. Unfortunate downside to this class, is your ability to be effective at killing enemies is sub-par. Not much can be said about merchants, besides the                           fact that dedicate themselves usually at one point or another to goods                           distribution, and spend less time in the heat of battle.

Magician: Control the elements - using an armada of black magic, the magician is the most diversified and dynamic of all the classes. Specializing in mainly elemental and spiritual magics, the magician has the ability to level the faster than most of the other 1st job classes. Most of the time sacrificing defense and attack abilities, for high-end magical                          damage.

Acolyte: Take up the cross - Acolytes are the counter-part of Magicians. Though not very developed in terms of fighting capabilities (excluding the Undead), they are the healers and clerics of Rune-Midgard. They seek only to help others and support entire parties with their powerful healing spells. If you enjoy being a crucial part of every party, and like helping                          others, this is a good class to dedicate yourself to.

Thief: Perfect the art of killing -specialize in high speed/attack assaults on all monsters. Control an array of weapons from 1h-swords, to bows. Thieves have the ability to act decisively when the time is right, dagger in hand, stab the enemy into submission.


Leveling Up

Ok, so you've decided your class, but you're still clueless on how to level, and you keep dying. You should then select an area to level, which is a appropriate for your job and level. Below is a list of "generally-speaking" ok places regardless of your class, and only specific to your level.

What's the story behind RagnarokOnline?

The Plot and the Artwork

The stories of RagnarokOnline are based on Manga, or comic-books, that were released in Korea. Ragnarok: Into the Abyss was a series created by Myoung-Jin Lee. He drew many comics, and that is what RagnarokOnline is based on. However, he and his company - DTDS Studios, are the actual main artist for the game. If it's in-game, and it's anime style, that's one of his drawings. The only other artist is YoYo (or GoGo), however, his art is much more cartoon looking and can be easily picked apart from the artistic styles of DTDS.

The Music

All of the music featured while playing RagnarokOnline are the works of one music artist. His name - or as he liked to be referred to as - TeMP. SoundTeMP Studios produces all the whiney, and occassional good tunes you hear when playing RagnarokOnline. Don't get me wrong, once you start playing RagnarokOnline, eventually you'll develop some favorites of your own.

The Hype in Asia

As some may already know (especially if you're native to Asia), RagnarokOnline has made a huge boom in terms of strenious popularity. In some Asian nation, it even got so out of hand that Thai government needed to set a curfew on net play, so people would start going to sleep, and attending to their jobs. Close to 1,000,000 which is rougly 1/10 of the population were (I guess you could say... suffering) from the effects of playing RagnarokOnline too much. Since the government has stepped in, things seem to be doing better. In Korea, homeland of RagnarokOnline, cafes can be found throughout most of Seoul Korea. These cafes are dedicated to being playable kiosks for solely RagnarokOnline. Players can login just as if they were logging into hotmail, and begin playing, so long as he or she has an account. Advertisements dive deep into magazines, and sometimes even featured on the sides of buses. The game's overwhelming popularity speaks for itself. Even in America, 9/10 gamers who haven't played RagnarokOnline yet, have at least heard of it. The success of the iRO branch is slowly increasing, but it's not even near close to the success in Korea, we can only hope iRO users will one day, experience what was meant to be experienced.

Battle System, Partying, and Solo

Benefits of Partying vs. Solo

It is usually argued which is quicker. If you decide to party, essentially if the party leader sets the experience to "Even Share",
Your Exp = (Monster Exp/# of Party Members) + (MonsterExp*.25) As you can see from this formula, you divide evenly the experience of the monster, plus an additional 25% bonus per party member. Parties also allow you to take on harder monsters at lower levels. The share range for a party is,
Share Range = +/- 10 levels for EVERY party member If you or any of your party members do not meet these requirements, a share party is not possible you may be able to still party, but "Even Share" will not be able to be enabled. It's also important to note "Even Share" only applies to other party members ON the same map, and also once your party leader logs off, or disconnects, party settings automatically reset to "Each Take".


In the case you do decide to solo, there is something important to note. If someone kill steals you, your experience gets divided with whomever also attacked the same monster as you. Your End Exp = (Damage Dealt/Total Monsters HP*Monsters Total EXP)

Battle System

Instead of having to hold your left mouse click when attacking, you can iniate an autoattack mechanism. This can be activated by control + left clicking the monster OR typing in the bottom chat box: /noctrl. Obviouslly this helps leveling a lot. To hit an enemy first find one, then hover your cursor over that enemy. You'll notice your cursor goes from the spinning arrow, to a sword. Meaning you're only a click away from attacking the selected enemy. After the selected enemy is dead, your character will stop attacking. Some items may or may not have dropped to the ground. Hover your cursor over the items, and it turns to an a hand grabbing animation.

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