One Dimensional Elastic Collisions Answers


1) (a) Two tennis balls each with a mass of 0.30 kg collide with each other. After the collision, the first ball moves to the
          right with a velocity of 4.0 m/s and the second ball moves to the left with a velocity of 5.0 m/s. Given that the
          velocity of the first ball before the collision is 5.0 m/s to the left, determine the velocity of the second ball before
    (b) Is the collision elastic? Justify your answer using calculations.
    (a) m1 = 0.30 kg               m2 = 0.30 kg
         v1 = -5.0 m/s                v2 = ?
         v1' = 4.0 m/s                v2' = -5.0 m/s
                        Δp = 0
                        pi = pf
          m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1' + m2v2'
         0.30 kg • -5.0 m/s + 0.30 kg • v2 = 0.30 kg • 4.0 m/s + 0.30 kg • -5.0 m/s
         v2 = 4.0 m/s to the right
    (b)                ΔKE = 0
                        KEi = KEf
          1/2m1v2 + 1/2m2v22 = 1/2m1v1'2 + 1/2m2v2'2
          1/20.30 kg•(-5.0 m/s)2 + 1/2•0.30 kg•(4.0 m/s)2 = 1/2•0.30 kg•(4.0 m/s)2 + 1/2•0.30 kg•(-5.0 m/s)2
          6.2 J = 6.2 J
          You may be wondering why moving to the right is a positive velocity and to the left a negative velocity.
          There is no particular reason as long as you are consistent in your signs within the same problem. The
          same results would be obtained if you reversed the sign convention in the problem. In this case
          v2 = -4.0 m/s which would still mean the first mass before the collision would be moving to the right with
          a velocity of 4.0 m/s. Of course for the kinetic energy calculation it would not make any difference
          because the velocities are squared.
2) (a) Two carts with masses of 2.0 kg and 0.90 kg are held together by a compressed spring. When released the
          2.0 kg cart moves to the left with a velocity of 6.0 m/s. Determine the velocity of the 0.90 kg cart.
    (b) Before the event (any change to the system can be thought of as an event), the two carts are stationary meaning
          that before the event the kinetic energy is zero. After the release, each cart is moving meaning that after the event
          the kinetic energy is non-zero. Is the conservation of energy being violated here? Justify your reasoning.
    (a) m1 = 2.0 kg               m2 = 0.90 kg
         v1 = 0 m/s                  v2 = 0
         v1' = -6.0 m/s             v2' = ?
                        Δp = 0
                        pi = pf
          m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1' + m2v2'
         0 =  2.0 kg • -6.0 m/s +  0.90 kg • v2'
         v2 = 13 m/s to the right
    (b) The conservation of energy is not being violated. You must be careful of how you define the system. In
          this problem, the system is made up of the two masses and the spring. The compressed spring
          possesses elastic potential energy that is converted into kinetic energy of the masses after the event.
3) A 4.0 kg mass is moving with a velocity of 12 m/s and collides with a stationary mass of 2.0 kg. Calculate the
    velocity of each mass after the collision.
         m1 = 4.0 kg               m2 = 2.0 kg
         v1 = 12 m/s                v2 = 0
         v1' = ?                        v2' = ?
                        Δp = 0
                        pi = pf
          m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1' + m2v2'
         4.0 kg • 12 m/s + 0 =  4.0 kg • v1' +  2.0 kg • v2'
         24 m/s = 2.0 • v1' + v2'     (1)
         Not a pretty sight! One equation with two unknowns. However, life is good because we are told that this
         is an elastic collision which means that the conservation of kinetic energy is valid.
                        ΔKE = 0
                        KEi = KEf
          1/2m1v2 + 1/2m2v22 = 1/2m1v1'2 + 1/2m2v2'2     
          1/2 • 4.0 kg • (12 m/s)2 + 0 = 1/2 • 4.0 kg • v1'2 + 1/2 • 2.0 kg • v2'2
          288 m2/s2 = 2.0 • v1'2 + v2'2     (2)
          The problem becomes doable because equations (1) and (2) represent simultaneous equations. If we
          solve (1) for v2' and substitute into (2), we will be left with one equation with one unknown.
          It is worthy to note that you will need to solve a quadratic equation. If you have a TI graphing
          calculator, you may find the TI-83 Solver useful. If you don't have a calculator, you may find the
          Quadratic Equation Solver useful.
          The actual detailed chug and plug can be found at Plug And Chug For Elastic Collisions.
           By the way, v1' = 4.0 m/s and v2' = 16 m/s.








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