
Disclaimer: Joss is God, Joss is King, Joss our Lord owns everything! (But if he really brings Cordy and Angel together, then I'll really think about killing him...)
E-mail: [email protected]
Notes: There will be dozens and dozens of mistakes, because I'm German. I hope you'll like it all the same... SORRY!
Summary: Imagine Buffy never returned when she ran away, but Angel came back from Hell all the same. Now Angel's in L.A. and � oh wonder � Gunn knows 'Anne`!
Timeline: S5/S2
Dedication: To my sister Jeannette and my friend Renate, because the allowed me to write this on their computers, since my own's broken.
Feedback: P-L-E-A-S-E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"You know what? I QUIT! I'm sick of being slimy and dirty and sick of getting those brain-killing vision and sick of risking my life every single night! And I HATE demons!" Cordelia exclaimed annoyed after they had returned from a mission that had involved a *little bit* of dirt and slime...

"I liked it, today! Okay, so it was dirty and disgusting, but the thing was easy to fight! I've won in a heartbeat!" Gunn said proudly.

"Nice that YOU had fun!" Cordy snapped.

"C'mon, the fight was awesome!" Gunn grinned.

"But my dress is ruined. It was new!" The May-Queen whined.

"Buy a new one. Nobody will notice the loss, anyway." Gunn smirked.

"What does THAT mean?" Cordy huffed.

"THAT means, that guys aren't interested in fashion!" Gunn replied. "Hey English!" Gunn greeted Wesley.

"I see, you've been successful?" Wesley asked, leafing through a book.

"Yup. Slimer is dead." Gunn remarked. "Cut the head right off. Was like my very first fight had been!"

"When was that?" Cordy wanted to know.

"When was what?"

"Your first fight! When was that?"

"Oh, dunno. Five years ago or more. But I grew really good, one and a half year ago." Gunn tried to remember. "Had a damn good teacher, then. Annie's a hell of a fighter. Even Dracula came after her, and she defeated the guy!"

"Dracula?" Wesley was very interested in that now, that his book was completely forgotten.

"Yeah. Even bit her and she drank his blood. But in the end she won." Gunn told the ex-watcher. "Dracula wanted her to come with him, he said some stuff about they both having the same darkness, or something. Had her under his thrall!"

Wesley was in his element, now. "Tell me more about her. Is she a demon, or�"

"Nah. She's very human. Damn pretty. She can read thoughts, that nearly killed her once, but she learned how to control it." Gunn explained.

"How did you meet her?" Wes asked.

"She saved my sister from some bleech blond vampire. In the daylight! The bloke had something called the 'Gem of Amara`. She seemed to know him. As much as I know, he's soft know. Helps her even. He has a chip, or so. Makes him unable to kill a living. So now, he's fighting the good fight!"

"Have you any idea how boring this conversation is?" Cordy stated, before exiting the room. "I'm gone! I'll buy myself a new dress!"

But Gunn and Wesley didn't listen to her. Wesley was too engrossed in Gunn's stories about the mysterious heroine.


"I can make you lasagna, that's your favourite, Dawnie." Joyce told her youngest. It was Saturday, so Dawn had no school.

"No." Dawn replied sadly.


"That's Buffy's favourite. Mine is Spaghetti Napoli." Dawn shrugged and walked up the stairs into her room. It passed no day, where she didn't miss her. She loved her sister. Even when she never told her that.

"Dawn?" Joyce yelled. "Willow's on the phone."

Dawn ran downstairs as fast as she could. "Did you find her?"

"I'm sorry, Dawnie. We stopped searching for her four months ago, remember?" Willow tried to soothe the younger girl.

"Right. I remember." Dawn whispered.

"She'll come home, whenever she wants to. Don't forget that."


"Well, I thought, maybe, you wanna come over? We're researching at Giles` and you wanted me to show you a few tricks, didn't you?"

"Yeah. Cool. I'll come." Dawn said uninterested.

"Cool. See you later, Dawn."



"It's her birthday."

"I know, Dawnie."


"Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday Dear Annie, Happy Birthday To You!" Lily, Nick and Spike sang, very off tune, so Buffy had to hold back the laughter.

"Feeling any different with 20, Luv?" Spike asked the slayer.

For that day, Buffy was happy. For a small moment she could forget about Sunnydale and that she had killed the love of her life.

"Not really." Buffy answered with a shrug and hugged Lily.

Lily had baked a cake in the form of a chocolate stake with little choco-drops on top of it.

Lily had finally learned how to take care of herself. She worked as a chef in a noble restaurant in downtown and Buffy worked in a music-shop beside College. They shared a huge apartment near downtown L.A. and helped each other.

Lily had taught Buffy how to cook and Buffy had taught Lily how to fight.

And Nick was one year older and went with her to UC LA.

He belonged to the team, since he was first attacked by a vampire and saved by the slayer.

Spike had come to Buffy when he'd gotten the chip and needed help. Since then he stayed. She knew about his feelings about her, but she knew, too that he knew that she'll probably will never be able to get over Angel. He was the love of her life.

And Buffy knew that there was a new slayer in Sunnydale, Kendra's replacement. So she knew that her friends and family were allright.

She let Spike look after them from time to time, though.

Of course she missed them, but she just didn't know how to return to them after all that time. She had another life, now.

So all she could do was living this lie, that became her life. She was Anne Summers, now.

And nobody called her by her real name, not even Spike. Nick didn't even know that Anne wasn't her real name.

There wasn't much that remained of Buffy. Just the slayer. She still patrolled as Buffy the Vampire Slayer to fight the forces of darkness, but in the day she was Anne, the normal College girl.

And now, she was twenty years old.


"What's with Angel? He's like this all day! Okay, so he's always brooding, but like this?" Gunn asked Cordy.

"It's January 19th."Cordelia answered simply.

"And yesterday was January 18th and tomorrow will be January 20th and the day after tomorrow will be January 21st and the day after the day after tomorrow will be January 22nd and--"Gunn mocked the brunette.

"It's her birthday."



"Oh." Gunn replied, understanding. "Who is she? I mean- I know she'st he love of his unlife and a slayer, but- Who is she?"

"She's great. - and I swear to you, if you ever tell somebody that I said that I'll kill you.- She and Angel had this unique love and everything was perfect until they made love for the first time and he lost his soul - I told you about that! - Well, and then there was Angelus haunting her and trying to kill all her friends � which included me - and he tried to destroy the world with some thing called Alfalfa, or something which only he could open. So he opened it and Willow casted the curse on him anew and he was Angel again. But in order to save the world she had to send him to hell, because only his blood could close it again. Then she ran away and never came back. Angel returned from Hell and searched everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. But ya know- she's THE slayer, when this girl doesn't want to be found, then nobody could ever find her." Cordelia explained.

"Oh. That's kinda sad." Gunn said.

"Yeah. Wanna see a photo of her?"


"We could rent a movie!" Lily suggested. "And Annie picks, it's her birthday!"

"But you do know, that every time she picks, we and up watching Dracula, don't ya?" Spike teased the blonde.

"HEY! Not everytime. I could rent the Peanut's this time!" Buffy protested.

"The Peanut's? What's that?" Nick asked confused.

"The Peanut's! Linus, Lucy, Snoopy, Woodstock, Charlie Brown?" Buffy replied surprised.

But Nick only shrugged.

"My GOD! What kind of childhood did you have, boy?" Buffy exclaimed.

"Don't listen to her. What can you expect, anyway, from a girl that reads novels with the title 'An Oversized wart-pig Devours The Earth'?" Spike smirked.

Nick and Lily broke out laughing.

"That was a good novel!" Buffy pouted. "And now I wanna have something of my stake-cake! With extra much choco-drops!"

"Just a minute!" Lily grinned and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Oh, and Nicky?" Buffy turned to the light brown-haired boy.


"Why the hell did you give me a supply package of condoms as a present, again?"

"Actually, that was Spike's idea!" Nick admitted.

"No, it wasn't!" Spike protested loudly.

"Was, too!"

"Was, not!"

"Was, too!"

"Was not!"

�Was, too!"

"Was not!"

�Was, too!"

"WAS NOT!" Spike yelled

And all Buffy could do was flee into the kitchen...

"Ooooh, cake!" Buffy languished when Lily handed her a plate. "Delicious!" Buffy moaned after she took the first bite.

Lily giggled at that. "Do you know that you look like you're in the middle of an orgasm, every time you eat chocolate?"

"Do I?" The slayer asked sheepish.

"Yes!" Lily smiled. "So, you're patrolling tonight?"

"Oh no no!" Buffy yelped. "Today's my birthday! I want just ONE day without fighting the apocalypse and forces of darkness or some demon appearing in my kitchen!"

...and Spike ran into the kitchen.

"I give up!" Buffy explained.

"Slayer, tell him I didn't!" Spike ordered.

"HE DIDN'T!" Buffy yelled into the living-room.


"Yeah, here it is!" Cordy handed Gunn the picture after a long, long time of searching.

"Oh God!" Gunn commented.


"Remember when I told you and English about that girl I know? Annie?" Gunn asked Cordy.


He held up the picture of Buffy. "That's her. Anne Summers."


Buffy and Nick were sitting in Film Study Class, both not paying any intention, they were busy playing cards...

"Ms. Summers? Ms. Summers?? Mr. Banday? HELLO?" The prof. shouted. "Oh, that are the self-made poker cards, again, I expect?" Proffessor Deedon smiled.

"Well, um. Actually, that are...kind of...real ones...this time." Buffy blushed.

Prof. Deedon only chuckled. "Finally got the money for the real deal?" He joked.

"No. Got them for my birthday along with a supply package of condoms." Buffy told the class.


It were moments like this when she missed her friends most. She always expected them to sit right next to her. It was just surreal that she had lessons without them and that they weren't there when she made fun of her teachers or that Willow wasn't the one helping her studying for her tests.

But it were also the best moments she had in a long time, because in those moments she could forget about her Angel for a small amount of time.

"So? How was your date with Cindy, on Saturday?" Buffy asked her friend.

"Not spectacular" Nick shugged, trying to look annoyed.

"But you DO know that I CAN read your thoughts, don't ya?" Buffy mocked him, 'cause she'd just overheard just HOW spectacular this date had been...


"Seems you need that supply package more than I do, huh?" She joked.

"Mr. Banday! Ms. Summers!" Prof. Deedon interrupted, startling them both and they turned to face the class, pretending to listen.

And outside it began raining.


"Angel, C'mon! You can't lock yourself up like this? Please, open the door! We need to tell you something." Cordelia pounded on the vampire's door.

"Give up, Cordy. We tried the whole last day. Either he's comatose or not there." Gunn told the ex-cheerleader.

"ANGEL!" Cordy yelled for the hundredth time.

"WHAT?!" Angel shouted annoyed.

"Jesus Christ, a miracle! He answered!" Gunn remarked.

"WE FOUND HER!" Cordy shouted to the closed door.

Throwing open the door Angel only stared at her in disbelieve.


"My God, Nicky, hurry up! I'm gonna be late for work." Buffy yelled.

Buffy and Nick ran through the crowdy streets of L.A. downtown, directly through the storm.

Passing Starbucks, Fox book stores, supermarkets, boutiques, restaurants and multistores they finally reached the Music Store.

"About time that you come!" Jenny, a colleague of Buffy's, commented.

"I'm sorry!" Buffy apologized.

"Is okay, God, Annie you are soaked! Bye Bye!" Jenny said while grabbing her belongings and exiting the shop.

Pouring herself a cup of coffee Buffy shrugged off her coat and looked over the people in the store.

"Do I also get--"

But Buffy had already handed Nick a mug.

"How did you--"

Raising an eyebrow she looked Nick directly into his eyes.

"Right. Silly question." Nick replied. How he HATED it when she did that. And just his luck, that he thought about sex *this little*... and of course she had heard him now 'cause she's looking at him like he was some alien... And of course, she always then listened when he thought about things he wasn�t allowed to tell her, like that her 'after-birthday' present from Spike was hidden in her bathroom closet ... Duh!


"You know where she is? You knew all the time?" Angel whispered.

"Considering it's 4pm, she's either still on campus or at work." Gunn told the Vampire.

"Campus? Which College?" Angel asked.

"UC LA!" Gunn answered simply.

"WHAT? All that time we searched for her and she was HERE IN LA?" Cordy yelped.

"Can you bring me to her?" Angel whispered.


"Oh, the worst I ever got shouted after me was: 'I wanna be your tampon!'" Buffy complained, totally disgusted.

"Nah eeew, the guy had no idea how ungently those things got pulled out!" Rebekka, another colleague of Buffy's, joked.

Nick cleared his throat loudly.

"Well, at least they're longer inside!" Rebekka added, shrugging.

And Nick screamed..."C'mon! I'm a male. You can't say something like this in front of a guy!" Nick whined.

"Ahw, poor Nicky." Buffy teased.

"That's not funny! I'm scared for life!" Nick pouted.

"'Sides, what was that with 'your brother' being Satan?" Rebekka wanted to know.

"Yup." Buffy grinned.

"And who is your brother?"


"Who is Satan?"

"Tom!" Buffy smirked.

"Tom's your brother?" Rebekka asked shocked.

"Not really."

"Tom's Satan?" Rebekka replied, a little shocked and totally dumbfounded

"Yup. Satom!"

"What did I miss, here?" Nick asked confused.

"Spike is the Big Bad, and Tom wanted something better, so now he's SaTom!" Buffy giggled.

"Uh-hum." Nick stated. "Really, Annie. Your friends are crazy!"

"Should I remind you that that are your friends, too?" Buffy mocked.

"Funny." He remarked annoyed, but Buffy already didn't even listen anymore.



�Hey Annie!� Gunn greeted grinning.

�My God, what are you doing, here? How are you? How�s Alonna?� Buffy hugged him.

�Alonna�s dead.� Gunn told her.

�Oh god, I�m so sorry! How are you?� Buffy said quietly.

�It�s okay. I guess I�m finally over it.� Gunn replied.

�Anne, may I remind you that you�re not here for fun?� Stiff snapped at Buffy. Stiff�s real name was Rueben Beardsley. Stiff was a sixteen-year-old genius, and therefor much younger than the other students at UC LA. He was a sort of teenage Elephant Man- only not so good-looking. He was 4�7� short and thin- a pair of mega-thick glasses on legs. He was soon called �Stiff� because of the way he moved: all slowly and carefully.

But looking and sounding like an idiot were not enough: everything Stiff did made him the most hated boy at work and campus! He lost two marks for his trousers, two marks for always doing his top button up. Four for his hair. Ten for talking with the boss after work and looking like he�s enjoying what he�s doing. Fifteen for always annoying people with �may I remind you, that�� and twenty for his voice. Because when their boss said to Stiff on his first day �I�ll hope you�ll be happy here�, and he replied, �Thank you very much, sir� in a �I�ll lick your shoes if you like� voice � Stiff was already finished.

At first Stiff always asked Buffy and Nick where the rooms for the lessons were and they always carefully sent him to the wrong room. So then he walked �round the campus on his own and drew himself a beautyful map, which they quickly stole.

But the worst was that Stiff didn�t care. He continued being a bum-licker and blamed the others in front of their profs and bosses as often as he could. So the whole UC LA just sticked to only hate him.

�My GOD! Who�s the troll?� Gunn yelped.

�Rueben Beardsley. Called Stiff.� Nick answered simply. �Hey Charles�

Nick and Gunn knew each other as long as Nick knew Buffy.

Stiff went away, hurried back to his place and pretended to work very concentrated, �cause Mr. Miller, the boss was on his way.

�He can�t possibly be as bad as the name.� Gunn wondered.

�Believe me, he�s worse.� Buffy remarked. �So, whacha doin� here?�


Angel fell in love with her all over again. It was like seeing her the very first time, once more.

She looked absolutely stunning to him. She�d grown from the young High School girl to a woman. Her hair was waist-lengh, not light blonde anymore, but a shiny golden. Her hips were a little wider which gave her a more female form and curved her undiscribable. She weared deep-black cord-jeans and a thin blood-red shirt and black boots.

He wanted nothing more than just go over to her, grab her and kiss the breath out of her, but he was frozen on his place. He couldn�t, because she still believed he was dead. How could he possibly shock her like this?

In some way, he knew what she was going through. She had killed him. Not that he blamed her � He�d known all the time when he was standing there, being sucked into this vortex, that she�d had a reason for it, that there was no other way around, even if he didn�t remember anything when Willow had restored his soul, right then. Because, when there was anything he could be possibly sure of, then it was her love for him. She had gifted him with that wonderful night and had been haunted in repay. Angelus had tried to kill all her friends and family and she still hadn�t been able to kill him.

The world around him drifted away, all he could see was her smile.

And then this little freaky-looking guy with the huge glasses and melted it away with just one sentense and he wanted to jump right infront of him, scare the shit out of him and chase him forever out of his love�s life, standing there so beautifully.

And hiding here, away from her, so that she wouldn�t be able to see him, he felt more jealous than ever before in his life. Because she was standing infront of him, with her work, her friends, her enimies, her life and he wasn�t part of it.

And this light-brown-haired guy next to her seemed to know her better than Xander ever did, understanding all her inside-jokes and knowing all of her colleagues and friends and enimies.

Even Gunn knew her more than he did, now.

And this fact made his heart broke into thousands of little pieces, because he had no longer any idea who the girl was that he loved with all he was and had been searching for so long.

All he wanted to do was protecting her, guiding her through the hell that was her destiny and fighting at her side, keeping her save and living. But now it seemed he was even denied this pevileges, because she had her new friends now, that seemed to do this job pretty well.

It killed him inside that he wasn�t able to touch her, making sure she was real. Not just one of those many dreams. After all this time he�d finally found her, gotten her back. But couldn�t even let her know, yet.

This had to wait.


�I�d like you to meet a friend of mine.� Gunn told his long-time friend.

�Oh, no! Remember when you and Lily tried the matchmaking last time? My date ended up in flames!� Buffy whined.

�It�s no matchmaking, I promise!� Gunn grinned.

�So? Tonight? Sunny Island?� Gunn suggested.

��Kay. But I�ll take someone with me, just in case you�ve planned the matchmaking all the same.� Buffy warned. �Ten?�

�You�ve got it, Annie!� Gunn hugged her. �See you, there!� He said before disappearing into the crowd and leaving Buffy with her work.

Well, that had been a little too strange for her liking. And of course he�d carefully avoided to think about the real reason why he came! Damn! She hadn�t seen Charles Gunn for months and now he suddenly visited her at work and wanted her �to meet a friend of his�. That was kind of way too �meet Joe Black� for her! Something told this day was going to be way confusing.

She had had a very strange feeling, anyway. A feeling she�d lost when she�d killed the man she loved and now it had been there with Gunn and dissapeared just when he went away. Was her mind playing with her, again? Was she finally going nuts?


Buffy bumped straight into Spike when she entered her apartment, but that was no surprise � he was always hanging around at her place. �Spike! Have you got no home, *darling*?� She snarled. �Where�s Lil�?

�Still at work, *sweetheart*.� The bleeched blond vampire mocked her back. �Where�s Nick?�

�Occupied with his new girlfriend. You�re free tonight?� Buffy shrugged off her leather jacket.

�Why? Finally gonna date me?� Spike smirked.

�As if� Buffy rolled her eyes. �I�m meeting Gunn and a friend of his and I don�t feel like going alone.� She explained to the chipped demon while plopping onto the couch.

�Sure thing. Pizza take-out, before?�

�Of course!� Buffy beamed.


�My older bother is hell. He�s *so* annoying!� Janice told her friend. �He�s hearing this music that makes the walls tremble and eats everything and my parents allow him everything, �cause he�s 18.�

�Must be terrible.� Dawn replied.

�Yeah. Do you have any brothers or sisters?� Janice wanted to know.


�Right. I saw a picture of here in your hall. Is she at a College?� Janice asked.

�I guess.� Dawn commented.

�Yay, the words today, huh?� Janice joked.

The two of them were sitting in the Summers� living-room, doing their math-homework when the phone rang. But Dawn wasn�t listening at all. Where was she? Was she really at some College? Was she working at some Pub? Was she in another country? Another continent? Europe? Maybe she was even speaking another language. Maybe she was ill. Maybe she was dead�

No! Don�t go there. She�s alive! She has to!

�Dawnie?� Joyce Summers came into the room.

�Yeah?� Dawn replied half-heartly.

�That was Cordelia. She� - They� they found her.� Buffy�s mom whispered to her youngest.

�What? How? Where?� Dawn jumped up.

�Go, pack your stuff. We�re going to L.A.� Joyce stated.


He sensed her even before he entered that club. She was dancing among the others to some fast song.

All that bothered him was the guy she was dancing with. What the hell was Spike doing, here? Or more so, why did Spike knew where she was when he hadn�t had any idea for over two years?

Why did she trust *Spike*?

She was laughing about something he�d said and when he�d thought that he couldn�t be more jealous erlier that day, then he�d definitely been wrong.

�Do you want me to warn her?� Gunn asked Angel.

// Do you want me to warn her? \\

She was dancing with Spike, but needed to be warned about Angel. Something had seriously changed, here!

�Yes.� He answered quietly. �I�ll wait outside.�


When Gunn entered the club, once again. He spotted Buffy and her bleeched blond vampire friend sitting at a table near the stage.

�Hey Annie!� Charles Gunn hugged the blonde slayer.

�Hey! What�s that? Alone?� Buffy asked confused.

�Nah. He�s kind of� waiting outside�� Gunn stammered. //�Kay, and if you take me serious now, I�m really starting to question you, Buffy\\ The demon-hunter thought.

�What?� Buffy asked with wide eyes. She�d never told Gunn her real name. How the hell did he know? �H-how do you know my name?�

�I-I � umm,� Gunn tried to rescue himself. How could he forget that? Hadn�t he told Cordelia about her being able to read thoughts just a few hours, before? He�d learned avoiding important things in his mind while he was around her, a long time ago. So, how could he forget?

�I�ll get myself a drink.� Buffy needed to get out of this. She hadn�t heard her name, since Spike had found her, two years ago.

Buffy went slowly, her left leg was pulled slightly after her. �Why is she limping?� Gunn asked Spike.

�She stepped into a pice of glass, before we went here. It�s not serious, though. She can run, dance, stand. Only going hurts her a little.� William the Bloody explained.

�Ouch.� Gunn remarked.


Buffy didn�t get herself a drink. She went straight to the exit. She just couldn�t face her past like this, because she knew that Gunn knew her name from someone out of her past and that would mean they�d found her. She couldn�t possibly face them, now! She had finally been able to make the best slayer there had ever been out of her and the end of the world was nothing she couldn�t face. She was one of the best students at UC LA and all her profs adored her. She had a nice work that brought enough money, loyal friends that knew who she was and all in all a pretty good life. And she was sure her world would break anew when she�d have to face her past.

That was when she ran directly into the person whose face haunted her every dreams and nightmares.


So? This was it? Now, she was crazy?

�Buffy.� He breathed out of his velvety mouth.

No. Not again. She�d had this. All demons came after her � with or without body � haunting her with this beautiful face. Showing her all the people that had died, because of her self-view. �Is this some joke? First evil trying to drive me crazy again, or am I only dreaming?� She asked the face of her long-lost love coldly.

�Because if you are some of those demons, then there�s something I can tell you: I�ve fallen for this one too often. I won�t let you break my heart, again.� She whispered.

�I�m sorry.� Was all he replied.

No game-face. No �I loved you and you killed me�. Nothing. And she began to hope that maybe this was one of the better dreams. And she went over to him, stroking his mouth and crying softly, because she knew it would kill her if she�d had to ever wake up from this dream. Because right now her Angel was with her.


Buffy woke up in her bed. She began sobbing and wheeping, because she had to realize that it really had been nothing but a wonderful dream.

She went to the bathroom, showered, then dressed herself. She fell over one of her shoes lying on the floor. And the pain, physical pain, shot through her body, because she�d forgotten all about her foot which she�d stepped in glass with. Well, at least now she could be sure she was awake, because you couldn�t feel physical pain in your dreams.

She strolled � limped � down the hall into the living-room.

And she stared into his eyes, again. His *real* eyes, because she�d fallen onto her injured foot and the pain was shooting through her and you couldn�t feel physical pain in your dreams.

And all she heard was �Yes, Luv. He�s back.� whispered behind her, before she passed out and her world went black.



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