The Cloud Dragon

(c) 1997

I can�t focus today. Somehow, I keep turning to those clouds I see, knowing that my destiny lies within them. Even when I dismiss it as flighty, I know there�s something there, watching, and waiting. But waiting for what? For me? Why? I can�t focus today. Somehow, I keep turning to those clouds I see, knowing that my destiny lies within them. Even when I dismiss it as flighty, I know there�s something there, watching, and waiting. But waiting for what? For me? Why?

* * *

His eyes snap open as he awakes. He�s been called. The time has come.

* * *

My body is light, yet heavy. What�s calling me? What is so special about those clouds? I feel like a missing part is reconnecting. A new emotion of adventure and mystique swallows the emptiness inside of me.

* * *

Stretching his wings, he breathes inwardly. It�s been years since his last flight. A loud guffaw burst from the depths of his throat. It was time.

* * *

I close my eyes. There! I see him, flying out of the clouds themselves. He�s drawing closer to me. SO this is what I�ve been waiting for. The dragon gently lowers and beckons, as if inviting for the ride of a lifetime. I can�t refuse.

* * *

This child is�different, for he does not fear the great beast, unlike many others whom have come before him. He is ready for his destiny. He�s ready to follow his dreams.

* * *

I lean out to touch him. Such soft skin! Before I know it, I�ve climbed onto his back and we�re lifting. You think an airplane is awesome? Try flying on the wings of your very own dragon! The ground falls from beneath me, as the earth drifts farther away. Soon, all I can see is the sky, and those gorgeous clouds that swim through the skies. The wind roars through my hair, caressing my skin with a gentle touch. Laughter escapes from my throat; I�ve never felt so free in my entire life!

* * *

He enjoys the ride. It�s been awhile since he flew through the skies, bombarding the quite clouds with excitement and speed. He�s forgotten the thrill of the chase, the wonderment of the humans.

* * *

I don�t want to go back to the city life. The children who mock me, the people who push and shove along the dirty city streets. I want to be free in the skies, gently sailing through the heavens with my dragon. Can�t this go on forever?

It�s nighttime. The shy stars, delirious with curiousity, peek out at me. Their smiles glimmer and twinkle at me, joining in my merriment. We race across the sky, from one side to another. I always want to chase stars. Now they�re chasing me.

Waving a slight farewell, I lower onto his back, allowing the cool breezes to lull me into gentle sleep. I open my eyes.

The End.

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