Truth or Fate?

(C) 1996

The wind blew around the trees, tugging at the green leaves, pulling off any loose ones, then whistling its victory as it continued on its way. All of a sudden, the wind died, letting go of the limp leaves, which sagged gratefully towards the ground. Alana Shelf sighed, and turned around, letting the curtain flop back to its original spot as it slid by her fingers.

Sweeping her eyes over the living room, she rested her eyes on the blinking coloured lights that decorated the festive Christmas tree. Alana sighed again, and picked up the curtain as she turned around to watch another struggle between the wind and the leaves.

Alana was thirteen years old, living at home with her parents. Ever since her sister, Amber, had left, her parents seemed to fight more often. Alana knew that most of their arguments involved her in some way. The only times when she was ever happy were when Amber and her boyfriend, Michael, came over for dinner.

Alana absently ran her fingers through her tangled brown hair. She knew that soon she would be forced to wash and change to be ready for Christmas dinner. At the moment, though, she had retreated to her window seat.

�Only two hours until they arrive,� Alana thought.

�Alana! Get out of your room and into the shower NOW!� came her mother�s voice seeping through the walls. Alana held back a sob and slowly unfolded her legs. Gathering her new denim dress, she walked down the hall to the bathroom, and locked the door behind her. Stepping into the shower block, she waited for the spray of water to hit.

�Mmmmmm. What a relief to be able to unwind.� Alana said to the mirror image. She also realised that the water was a good way to block out the noises of her parent�s argument.

�I don�t care what you wear, just put on some clothes, you stupid bastard!� her mother yelled at her father.

�Look, I...Can�t find... don�t know if...Oh, just be quiet!� Alana�s father yelled back. Alana cringed.

�I guess it doesn�t,� she thought dismally.

* * *

Ten minutes later, Alana was ready to get out of the shower. She turned off the hot water, and gave a small yelp as the first smack of cold water hit her face, but it was a wonderful feeling. Soon she turned off the cold water as well. Shaking one leg, she placed it on the towel on the ground, following with her other leg. Reaching for her fluffy blue towel, she tossed her head forwards and rubbed her hair, then tied it up. Slowly coming up, she giggled at the image in the mirror.

All of a sudden, Alana was really excited about Christmas.

Her purple towel was on the verge of falling off its beam so she swept it up and wrapped it around her body. When she was dry, Alana put on her undies and her dress. Swivelling in a circle, she appreciated how nice it looked n her.

Carefully, Alana opened the bathroom door, and tiptoed back to her own room. All was quiet in the house. Alana reached into her wardrobe, and pulled out her make-up kit. She put some powder on, then followed it with lip balm and mascara.

�There. Now I�m ready for Christmas,� she whispered. Unwrapping the towel from her hair, she made a face at the tangles. Picking up her brush, she started the fierce struggle with her wild mane.

After a half an hour, Alana finally got her hair into a French braid. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door, and looked outside. Amber was due in an hour. Alana�s mother walked into the living room, carrying an armload of presents. She beamed when Alana walked up.

�Why, Alana, you looked absolutely fantastic in that dress. You have good taste.� Alana wrapped her arms around her mother and hugged her tight. For some strange reason, she felt that she really needed to hug someone at the moment. Alana�s mother stepped away from her daughter, and nodding happily, walked into the kitchen to check on the chicken. Alana was pleased when her father picked her up in a big bear hug, and told her she looked like a princess. She did not notice the look of disapproval from her mother. Singing happily, Alana skipped downstairs to practise on the piano.

* * *

The trees were swinging around more ferociously now. The wind had picked up a lot in the last two hours. Alana sat at the window to watch for Amber. All of a sudden she shivered. The tremor through her body only lasted a couple of seconds, but Alana was puzzled. What could have possibly caused her to shiver?

A swift techno beat strained to be heard through the whistling wind, and Alana heard the sound. Jumping up, she watched the green hatchback sloe down and drive into the driveway.

Amber! Michael! They�re here!� she cried joyfully. She flew past the stairs and hastily threw open the front door. Alana jumped past the doorway and ran into Amber�s arms, tangling her arms in Amber�s curly brown hair. Amber laughed and returned the hug, as Michael got out of the car.

�Hey kiddo, how are ya�? Did ya� miss me lately?� Amber asked. Alana nodded. She stepped away from Amber and gave Michael a big hug. Alana was truly thrilled. Suddenly she noticed their sad faces, glistening with tears.

�Wh... Wh... What�s wrong, guys? You�re here aren�t you?� Alana�s heart started to freeze with terror.

�Hey, we�re sorry, kiddo, but we gotta go,� Amber smiled bravely.

�No! You just got here, for Christmas dinner, remember>� Alana�s eyes filled with tears, dripping down her cheeks.

�We know, but, we can�t join you, Lana. This is it. This is goodbye.� Amber answered as Michael joined her.

�Yeah, Alana, we�re really sorry, but we can�t join you any more. We�ve gotta go. But hey, we�ll see you soon. We�ll miss you.� Michael wrapped his arms around her, and whispered goodbye.

Amber tried to hold back her tears, as she hugged Alana like she had never hugged her before.

�See you around, kiddo. Goodbye,� she added, with a light kiss on Alana�s cheek.

Amber and Michael got back in the car and put their seatbelts on. Alana couldn�t stop the tears from dropping, as a sudden sob arose in her throat. Michael gunned the engine and they drove back into the street, with Amber looking out the window, mournfully waving goodbye.

As the same techno song started on their stereo, Alana stood in the driveway, crying for her sister and Michael. She knew they were lost to her forever, and that she would never see them again. They drove back up the street vanishing into the distance, as Alana stood in the driveway, while light rain started to fall. Soon she couldn�t even hear the stereo, and Alana knew that she was truly alone.

* * *

Alana walked back to the door, gazing at the silent street before she closed the door. Her feet seemed heavier as she slowly dragged her feet upstairs. She heard someone�s small cries. Alana looked up, realising that it wasn�t her cries that she could hear. Reaching the end of the stairs, she saw two figures hugging close on the chair. Her father�s soothing words did nothing to stop the heart-wrenching sobs erupting from her mother�s throat. Alana made a small step, her breath quivering with fear. Her father looked up, his sorrowful eyes searching her tear-stricken ones. His voice was choked with emotion as she walked closer to the doom that lay upon them.

�Amber and Michael had an accident on...on the way here. They ... they didn�t make it,� his eyes told all the emotions that were quivering on the inside as he held out his hand to Alana. Alana nodded, and ran to her father�s arms, feeling the need for togetherness. Her heart reached out to her parents. Lifting her face to meet the eyes of her father, she whispered to him softly, �I know,� her own voice trembling with that knowledge.


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