01 October , 2002

This is going to be a longer spiel today...so bare with me.
Especially if I start bitching.

But I'll try to keep it light at the moment.

I'm in the middle of uploading the chapters of my stories online. This is the last time I do this!
DO you know how long it takes to upload all of this shit? Continuously pressing buttons.....

It just takes too long! And I keep on freaking out about all the work I have to do.
I mean, there's assignments and actually writing new chapters and working on the other parts of this site and finding my stories and....
*sighs*. I'm too stressed out for this.

Can you believe I'm actually on holidays? Yeah, this is my spring break.
I get one week. ONE WEEK!
I've been at uni for an exhausting 11 weeks....after only having 1 week winter break.....and now I only get 1 week.....
with 7 assignments/exams in the following/last 2 weeks of uni!
I'm going insane!

This is why, sadly, I'm not updating anything lately.
I don't have the time to be creative! I have assignments to do!

I hate my assignments. I'd rather write. Just simply sit here all day, putting all my little ideas down on paper...errr....screen and sharing it with the world.
Instead of having to work out what would please my tutor and keep it under 1,500 words. Grrr......

You know....life's weird. I wonder...do any of you live inside your head? I mean, would you prefer the insane delusions of your mind to reality?
I do.
It's crazy, I know, but I prefer to live inside of my ideas, hallucinations, dreams...whatever you call it.
I hate reality. I hate the real world. I hate how it's treated me. I hate the world.
I escape every chance I can get and trap myself inside my mind...where life is not always bliss....but it's how I want it. I spend more time in there than I do here.
This way, I don't have to deal with the insufferable shortcomings life has given me. I don't have to deal with life in general.

Ok, some of you might think this is bad. But I enjoy it.

Hm...where the hell have I ended up? See? Told you I was crazy! Certifiable. I live in an insane asylum. I live in a little room with padded walls. It's fun to jumpa round in there. You can't hurt yourself.

Still not convinced? Ok. I'll tell you the truth. I'm actually from outer space. I come from the planet Quakamorjiky. It's cute. You'd love it. We had to escape because my family was being persecuted. They didn't tell me why.
See, this explains my weird behaviour. I think.

Ok. I see I've convinced you. *smiles manically*.

But you know what really pisses me off? When friends can't deal with your *Bad* side. You know the type. They'll hang out with you when you're all wild and wacky, because you're cool to hang out with! They never know what to expect, except for a good time.

But when you're depressed and feeling miserable, they don't want to be around. They love when you're high, but as soon as you're down, they're out of there.
All of my friends are like that.
I guess it comes from the beginning. They meet me when I'm hyperactive. When they find out I'm not like that all the time, they freak and run.

Gee...I'm a little depressed fairy, aren't I? I swear I suffer from mental depression. My mother does. So it's either manic depression or bipolar. What do you think? Want to take on any bets?

Ok...let's wake up a little here!
I saw Austin powers:Goldmember yesterday. I have to say...I wasn;t impressed. I mean...I enjoyed the other 2...but he was really pushing it this time! Firstly..the whole movie within another movie thing was just....misplaced. It didn't fit at all. That was a major problem with the entire thing, actually. It jumped too much - there was no natural flow of events. I have to admit, I really enjoyed the Britney Spears thing. Hehehe...Austin killed Britney! *sighs* My hero. Wish I could do it in real life.

Anyway....everything was ill-contrived. My major thing was it was meant to be all 70's. They were in the 70's for about 5 minutes! Huh? SO, the other 85 minutes they were in 2002! Somebody fucked up!!!

By the way, did anybody notice that if Dr Evil and Frau Whatshername shaggd in 1969, Scott was born in 1970. That meant that in 2002, he would be 32 years old!


In the first movie, in 1997, Scott was meant to be a teenager. But if he was born in 1970, he would have been 27 years old. Somebody missed something!

Anyhoo......it's late at night, and I have to get up in the morning to buy milk before I study. *sigh*.

Enough of this rant! It's making me all........hmmmm.......

Angel Ecstasy

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