Saturday, 14 December, 2002

Man, I've been a real bitch, haven't I?

I mean, the whole updating thing just hasn't been happening. Then again, istarted these stories at least 6 months ago....and sometimes, you just lsoe the inspiration. Especially since I'm not a "plan the whole thing in advance and merely write a poetical enticing version of what's written on paper".
Nope. Not me. I start with an idea and somehow finagle a story out of it.

I'm screwed, aren't I?

I'm also extremely tired. I worked nearly 8 hours today and it's hetting alte at night. I should be asleep. But I can't sleep! The inetrnet calls me, it needs me....oh bloody hell. WHere's help when you need it?

Anybody out there heard of Tripod? I'm listening to some of their songs.......hehehe...they're funny.

I just came back from a few days at the coast...god it was nice! I swam in the ocean, sunbathed, have a bloody awesome tan and increased my chances of skin cancer by about 80%. EH. Everyone has to die sometime.

Yesterday was Friday 13th. I never celebrate those. I didn't even realise until I walked into the bank and saw the Halloween-like decorations.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I am still alive and kicking, although very weakly.

I've cut all ties with my former muse. I renegotiated his contract with his wife. But after she found out what I was using him for......He gladly left me for good. I've spent the last month searching a new muse. He's young and naive...but dammit, he's good!

....I'm updating, aren't I?


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