Tuesday, 29 October, 2002

Long time, no write, I know.

I've nearly finished my first year of uni, and the last few weeks have been chaotic. Assignments to finish, stories to write, exams to study for...
That's what I'm doing right now, in fact. Studying. I have an exam tomorrow morning (good luck in getting up...it starts at 8:30...if i'm lucky that's when I wake up!!!!)

I'll be thrilled when exams are over. I'm trying to choose subjects next semester that aren't too strenuous. It's just...there are so many other things I could be doing that I don't want to study! Especially not for transforming Cultures! *shudders at the thought*

I'm planning my trip overseas, as well. I'm a little scared, it seems to be a bad time to be out there. But hey, nowhere is safe, is it? Besides, dying in a terrorist attack is les likely than dying in a vehicle crash or by crime or something. Why sit back and let fear rule you? I'm going out there to see the world!

Of course, that means my stories will suffer. I really have to stop starting new stories continuously. I've got at least 10 stories going at a time...and I need to concentrate on finishing them before I start anything new! Gah! Damn, this is irritating! If only I had the inspiration to write!

Back in my ff.net days, I had a muse. Some of you may know that he ran away several times. Well, he ran away to get married. I've lost him forever! *sobs*

So now what? I need a new muse. Until then, my writing's going to suck. Or it's not going to be written! It's difficult finding muses nowadays! They're very hard to come by! Anybody where I can catch one...errr..... buy one? Hehehehe.....I'm not paying for a muse!

We're having a lovely spring here in Australia....or at least we were. I went swimming every day last week...I've got an unbelievable tan from just lazing about for a few minutes in the sun to dry off! Then, of coruse, we had to have a massive storm on the weekend..and now it's too cold to swim! It's only 25 degrees! Brrr......I'd catch pneumonia!

Damn, I'm tired! They keep putting the good shows on too late. Reruns of Seaquest are on at 11pm, Buffy reruns are on tonight at 10:30pm, 3rd season Roswell (only 1 year too late) are on Thursday at 11pm....Amazing Race was shunted to Saturday night at 12:30am...man, that sucked when I had to go to work Sunday morning. I only had 5 hours sleep!

Mmmmm....I'm bored....I'm tired....I'm sick of uni......and exams.....I just want to sleep for a week!


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