How the Flaming Pussies came to be...

Well, people, the story goes like this...

It was SChoolies Week, 2001.
Lauren, Petra and Melanie were staying for the week at the Gold Coast...Second week, mind you.
One night, while walking along the beach, they met up with Ben, who was twirling.
Lauren got her pois, and they twirled.

On Thursday night, after several nights of rain, we caught up again with Ben. This time, Petra joined in and became hooked.

Suddenly, Phil and Pete, both from Sydney, decided to try it. They were also hooked.

Friday night, was the big night.

We were joined by Troy and Megan, and a guy whose name I can't remember from Canberra. Sorry!~

At 3am, when we were wiped out...we realised we had a group.

A fire-twirling group.

We were called...

The Flaming Pussies!!!

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