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I'm still not sure I salary for ultrasound tech understand what happened out there, said Jennie Higgins, leaning back in her chair and clasping her hands behind her head. The Gambolts chased the Zenobian around, and then the rest of the company came and swept them all along to the finish line, without settling anything-the bookies tried to argue that the Gambolts had lost, but eventually the bettors made them call off all the bets.
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Text may be a very rich medium, but it looks boring on the screen. It doesn't flash and hop about and so it had to give way to things that did. Early ultrasound tech computer graphics, of course, were slow, crude and ugly.
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The doctors were using a new type of synthetic steroid mixture to speed his recuperation, but still it would take several days for him to recover from the body-rebuilding surgery.
And we'd better. When Ginny lifted out her globe, a pale but waxing glow from inside it showed we were approaching the goal. I released her hand, not because I wanted to but because our arms ached from straining across the gap.
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