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Acknowledged. We had known of the potential bad weather conditions when we commenced the assaults, but we were required to proceed to insure coordination with the other Planetary assaults.
And Lathi was no cold idol. Bathing in a warm glow which had its source at the top of her high throne's backrest, she looked at the dreamers particularly at Hero for long moments, then said Welcome, strangers, welcome to Thalarion.
' The accounts of this part of the battle are very sketchy, Sparhawk,' the white-cloaked knight replied dubiously. He smiled at Ulath. 'Our Genidian brothers are a bit lax in keeping records.
... Don t look at me that way. I told you, I m not afraid of you, I m not afraid of anyone any longer. But if what you say is true, that this is the way things really are with you, then I suggest you leave aside all thoughts of love and concentrate on hatred.
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