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Large companies of goblins stood within protective fields, invisible except for an occasional glint of reflected light upon the surface. Murmandamus came riding into view.
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Ah, well, they are gone now, and my vengeance with them . . . Dragosani smiled grimly. 'I can't help asking myself, Thibor, why they deserted you and left you to your fate? Sidell reporter.
Mate... where are you goin'? Jon-Tom had turned right. Instead of running toward the succor and safety offered by the Witten soldiery, which quickly forced its way across the causeway, the spellsinger was racing up a side path that led to the top of the highest hill in sight.
They preferred to gamble all on one last, frantic assault than to watch us eat while they froze to death. Borric looked at the goblins again, then ordered his men to take the bodies outside the cave.
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