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Not that he was wearing a standard-issue uniform, mind you. His collar pips marked him as a lieutenant, and like most officers he had his uniforms tailor-made, taking full advantage of the Legion's lack of uniformity among their uniforms.
She said, I hate a man who doesnt know what he's doing. So you think I cant stand the bastard touching me refers to her husband? Yes.
The whole of their task seemed hopeless. Zedd was already into the chicken. Periodically he would toss a bone over his shoulder. After a while he thought to offer a piece to the others.
They were so absorbed in their work, they just werent bothering. There's the wreck, somebody said. Up ahead. Each time Manchek saw a wreck, he was astonished.
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To all appearances, he was operating with the utmost cunning. In fact, Pierce would never bother with the crossover fakement to dodge a tail it was a glocky ploy that rarely worked, and when he glanced out of the small back window of the hansom cab, he saw that he had not thrown off his pursuers.
I turned and hurled myself back up the slope I had so recently descended. A rock formation jutted up into the sky on this ridge, one we had occasionally used as a lookout post.
Here, boy. Eat this. Pug took the offered food. It was soft bread, with a nutty flavor. After two bites he began to feel better. Meecham said, Eat quickly, we're off in a few minutes.
It was made of tulipwood. Akiko stared at it but made no move to take it. It's for you. Dont you want it? Yes, she whispered. So he reached out and, taking her hand, deposited the netsuke into her small fist, curling up the fingers around its cool girth.
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I take it you mean may you ask me a question that may be impertinent?' Umm . . ., 'Ask away, young Oelph. I can always pretend I didn't hear you.
He made an embarrassed noise. She laughed and buried her eyes in the crook on an elbow. No peeking, she vowed. Tell me when you're acceptable. I aim to see you well asleep.
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She bathed and went directly to bed. I couldnt even interest her in any supper. It's probably best to just let her sleep, Ehlana said. Ill look in on her later.
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