february 12, 2004 - hi everyone!! hope u r having a great day! unfortunately,, my mom fell again last nite in florida and she fractured her shoulder soo badly that they could not put it back in the socket and now she will have to have shoulder replacement in a week or two back in new york.

please keep her in your tefilos - tema bas chaya leah among the other cholei yisroel!!

thanks soo much,


February 21, 2004 - well, it seems that Baruch Hashem.. mom's surgery date is on a wonderful day on the jewish calendar. it's scheduled for Monday. Rosh chodesh ADAR.. mee she'nichnas Adar ,, marbeem b'simcha!! may the zchus of Adar bring her and all the cholim of Am yisroel a Refua Shalayma.. Gmura B'mhara!!! please say a kapital or a Mi Shebayrach for TEMA BAS CHAYA LEAH on Monday!!! thanks sooo much to u all,



February 24, 2004 - well.. baruch Hashem.. thanks to all of our collective tefilos.. mom made it thru the surgery. surgoen said all went b'h well and now begins a long recovery period.

i want to thank u all for your tefilos,, tehillim and mi shebayrach's.. they were all very appreciated!! may tema bas chaya leah have a very speedy and easy recovery and may all of the cholim in eretz yisroel esp those from the lastest bombing have a TOTAL and fast refua shlayma gmura b'mhara and all those needing refuos and yeshuos all over the world...

may mashiach come soon and bring the guela and may we know no more illness, pain.. hurt.or sorrow..and only joy and shalom. SMILE.. it's adar!!

have a great week and tizku l'mitzvot!!



August 1, 2004 - since my father a'h death.. she has sunk into a bad depression.. she fell again.. and cannot walk and needs to re-learn thru therapy how to walk again. she is unfortunately back again in the rehab center after having been discharged a few weeks ago. the setback depresssed her terribly.. so new tefilos are very much needed. thanks again! hatzlacha raaba!

October 15, 2004 - margie writes that her mom still needs our tefillos.

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