Sherry Dimarsky, Sorah Chana bas Baila who is having a lung transplant now. She has been on oxygen for several years waiting for these lungs. May we hear besuros tovos.

Kol Tuv,

Chaya Miriam

January 23, 2005 - B"H, I'm doing GREAT! I am just relishing in walking and driving through the snow, no longer terrified that it will bring my immediate demise, chas v'shalom. It is such a wondrous thing to reembrace life in all its beauty and complexities. I am utterly greatful for this gift of life, and hope to use it well! Thanks for asking. Viz tefillos, tho, it is my understanding that they are always in order on my behalf bec of the many risks of life post-transplant, esp since I am on immunosuppressants that make me vulnerable to all sorts of nasty little bugs and fungi and viruses and the like. So, pls continue to keep me on your list-- Sarah Chana bas Beila-- as it has clearly been the tefillos of so many that have gotten me here this far.

Sherry Dimarsky

May 4, 2005 - first from sherry dimarsky - Sorah Chana bas Baila - Because I will likely be immune-suppressed until the Moshiach comes, and therefore very vulnerable to infection (not to mention organ rejection), I have been told to keep me on indefinitely. Or, better said, until the Moshiach comes! Thanks for asking. Hope you are doing well. Sherry

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