From Hong Kong:

On Friday the 14th, In Hong Kong.. a 12 year old boy in our Jewish community was hit by a double decker bus. He is currently in ICU.. his family and friends need lots of prayers. He has undergone 2 brain surgeries as of yet and is currently in an induced coma. No one knows what will be for now till they allow him to wake up. This will take 5 or 6 days.. But right now we need everyone's prayers..

please say tehillim for SHLOMO CHAIM BEN YONAH

Thank you all

P.S. if you could pass this on to people you know that would be great.. thanks!

October 20 - Just a little update, Shlomo Chaim ben Yonah has opened his eyes and has moved his body, the doctors think this is more reflexes, but we have to thank G-d for everything step by step because this means there has been no paralysis.

He stills needs as many prayers as he can get, he is still in critical condition. We are very worried about his speech and memory as it is this part of the brain that was injured and it is there where all the operations are taking place.

Please keep davening for SHLOMO CHAIM BEN YONAH!!

thank you so much for the time you have already given

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