Amy writes, my mom is fighting cancer. There are no more treatments left and it is still spreading. Baruch Hashem, she feels good and she is going to try holistic treatments. But, please, if you would say tehillim for her. Her name is Ruchma Shleima bat Chana. I sincerely thank you for your help.


August 8, 2005 - amy writes -

To Everyone,

First of all, I want to thank those of you who have been saying tehillim on behalf of my Mom, Ruchma Shleima bat Chana. Because of your outpouring of support, I was inspired to also put together a tehillim group where I live. I thank you for that. My parents recently visited and we were able to spend valuable time together. My Mom is tired, she sleeps a lot and works at keeping on weight. She is also quieter, as dealing with having cancer weighs heavily on her mind. She continues to receive alternative therapies (traditional cancer treatments were discontinued as they were ineffective). We wont know if she has made progress until she has her next scan and I will let you know. Most of all, we continue to have hope and daven that she should have a refuah sheleimah.

Thank you,


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