please add Leah bas Sara on the list. She has been very ill in the hospital with pneumonia, and also has non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Thank you. May we hear besuros tovos.

May 17, 2004 - Chaya Miriam writes: My mom is extremely ill. They seem to have the pneumonia under control, and now they are starting chemo. Her immune system is very weak and the cancer is widespread. Please daven for Leah bas Sara, and may we hear besuros tovos.

june 17 - Leah bas Sara who was recovering from pneumonia and has cancer - chaya miriam writes - thank you for asking. My mom is doing better, b"H. The pneumonia seems to be gone. She is home and has a lady to help her from 9-6. She is still very weak. She is going to see the oncologist Thursday about starting chemo. She still needs tefillos and a refuah. May all cholim have a refuah shlema.

August 3, 2004 - B"H my mom is doing much, much better. She is (miraculously) completely recuperated from the pneumonia. She finished her chemo treatments and we are now waiting for the results of her CT scan. I hope to hear in the next couple of days. May we hear besuros tovos. Chaya Miriam

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