In Memory of Columbine High School

Thank You!

To all who visited my site:

Words can hardly express the thanks I have for each and every one of you who have visited this site, left a message or memorial, or even provided me with a poem. You each have made this site such a success! Hundreds of thousands of people have visited at one time or another since this site went up shortly after April 20, 1999. To all of you, I say again, thank you!
On a more somber note, I am sad that this success has come from such a tragedy. But I believe that this site has not prospered without reason. I personally believe that this site has done as well as it has because the people have arose with one voice to say "End the Violence!", and I agree. Columbine is a terrible reminder of the school shootings that have gripped our nation the last two years, however, I hope it will be the last example.
In the same, I pray that those who died at Columbine have not given their lives in vain. It is for those that this site was dedidcated, but it was for those who survived Columbine that this site was constructed. And it is for everyone who attends or has ever attended a public or private school that I will leave this site as it is. From now on, this site shall remain a reminder that Columbine and the other school shootings did not occur for no reason. They happened to send a wake-up call to America and the world. So this site will remain existant until all the world can truly say "The Violence has Ended!"
Finally, let me just say a personal thanks to all those who E-mailed me or left me a note in the Guestbook encouraging me to continue the work of this page. Indeed, without you, I may have ended this long ago. Also, let me just say that I hope I have helped all those who needed my help, and I hope your individual endeavours to remember Columbine have succeeded. Remember, it takes all of us to truly make a mark.
To end, I again say thank you. A web page is nothing more than a bunch of data and HTML, but you have proven that it is really much more than that. It is a way for people to help other people, and to share love around the world. Remember Columbine and do not let history repeat itself. The future is in your hands - make it the best it can be!
Joshua Robinson
[email protected]

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