Joes Pottery Shop


Working with Joes Pottery my intended purpose was to bring the beauty and magic of this gifted artists work to the public. This being the case, I wanted to create an opening page that introduced the viewer to Joe through his own words. In the opening page I kept the product clean and clear using his introduction of himself and no filler. I also included links to his intended site pages, namely his community outreach and his wares for sale. These pages will require up-keep and will rotate when necessary, I will be maintaining this rotation. Lastly, Joe wanted to allow for custom work to be requested and I added a custom works page where the clients can add their contact information and a detail of the work they would like Joe to make for them. This allows for communication between the artist and the customer.

Being that this is a ceramics website I wanted to give the product a clean and fresh appearance. I provided a color scheme that looked and felt like a ceramicists wares. I chose earth tones and colored the text dark red because of the firing process required to finish the wares includes flames and the color tone of the clay Joe works with. I chose a typeface script as my font because ceramics has a rich past and the typeface plays into that emotion. The crisp, clean design of the pages creates a professional feel for the customer. They are able to easily navigate the website without distraction, yet I added the personality and sense of humor of the artist.

I am a budding web designer and as such I am not versed in all that web design has to offer. I would have liked to create a checkout page to give Joe the ability to cash out the customer electronically. Instead I settled on a gallery view of the product and gave Joes brick and mortar address to complete any sales. I also would have liked to add a calendar that progressed through the days automatically. Unfortunately I lacked the experience to do this, though I intend to revisit the webpage when I do have this ability. Effectively, the end product will include these additions. There are services that populate both these additions automatically. It is possible that we will be moving this server to one of those services to resolve this exclusion...

As the webpage sits, I hope you enjoy your visit and for any technical issues or comments, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a wonderful day.

-John Talbot
Web Developer