Vol. XXXIX  No. 2




It is now the hour for you to wake from sleep. The night is far spent; the day draws near. Let us cast off deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. Let us live honourably as in daylight. (Rom. 13:12-13)


Engagements of Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. – February, 2009








11.00 a.m

Mass : Charismatic Leaders  : Jesu Bahvan




08.00 a.m





08.00 a.m

First Communion/Confirmation




09,00 a.m

Diocesan Consult




06.15 a.m






CCBI Assembly





Visitation of Seminarians





Visitation of Seminarians


Engagements of Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. – March, 2009




Seminar/ CBCI





DOT Seminar at Catholic Charities





Visitation of Seminarians





Retreat for Seminarians/ Diaconate/Priesthood




Fr. Franco Mulakkal                        Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Delhi Archdiocese

Sr. Nirmala Jyoti Kachhap,DSA     Appointed Provincial of DSA, Ranchi

Sr. Kristukumari, DC                        Appointed Provincial of DC, Berhampur



D I O C E S A N   R O U N D -  U P !


SACRED HEART CONVENT, JAMSHEDPUR: Sisters Alcidia & Ursula, A.C. celebrated the Golden Jubilee of their Religious Profession on January  05, 2009. Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. presided at the solemn Con-celebrated Eucharist in the convent Chapel at 5.30 p.m. Sisters from the many Provinces came to participate in the celebration. Sr. Dipasha, A.C., the Provincial Superior and the Counsellors of the Northern Province were present together with the General Counsellor. More than 20 Priests concelebrated with the Bishop. The Jubilarians were felicitated after the Mass and all shared the family meal arranged for the occasion.


CARMEL CONVENT, SONARI : Sisters Flavian and Maximine, A.C celebrated the Golden Jubilee of their Religious Profession on January 06. Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. was the Chief Celebrant at the concelebrated Eucharist in the School Hall. Bishops Gerald Almeida, Bishop of Jabalpur and Bishop Emeritus, J.R. Rodericks, S.J. concelebrated together with 29 Priests. Sr. Mena D’Silva, A.C., the Superior welcomed the guests and gave an introduction to the celebration with details of the responsibilities held by the 2 Jubilarians. Bishop Gerald Almeida preached an inspiring homily. Soon after the Mass all assembled in another Hall and felicitated the Jubilarians. Relatives and friends had come from Mumbai, Mangalore and Mumbai. All shared the sumptuous meal prepared and wished the jubilarians ‘Ad Multos Annos’.


BISHOP’S HOUSE, GOLMURI: Fr. Vijay Kachhap, S.J. suffered a mild stroke on Saturday, January 03 during the community meal at 7.45 p.m. He was rushed to Mercy Hospital immediately and the Doctors on duty attended to him. The scanning showed mild bleeding in the brain area. He is taking rest as well as attending to the office regularly. 

Bishop Gerald Almeida, Bishop of Jabalpur was our guest on January 06. He reached Jamshedpur for  the Golden Jubilee of Srs. Maximine and Flavian and returned on the 7th.

 Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. visited Pratiskha (Neeldungri), Siadih, Toklo and Catholic Charities during the 1st half of the month. He had interactions and meetings with the Priests, Religious and associates of the places. Fr. Edward Kongari visited Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Mumbai for a review check up with Fr. Roque Carodza and returned on January 19.

Bishop Gabriel Kujur, S.J., Bishop of Daltonganj was with us from January 12-14 as he came to meet Fr. Seraphine at the Mercy Hospital as well as the seminarians at Pratiksha.

Msgr. John Bodra had the special privilege to be in the ICU at Mercy for 09 days and returned to Bhilai Pahari on the 26th noon. Bishop Joe Rodericks, S.J. spent 10 days at Mercy for various tests and to bring under control the blood pressure. He came back on the 26th evening refreshed and relaxed.

The Regents attended the Charismatic Leadership training at Jesu Bhavan from January 30 p.m. to February 01, noon. The programme was conducted by the Diocesan Charismatic Team and Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. presided at the Eucharist on the concluding Day.


CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, TELCO: Fr. Vijay Bhat, the Parish Priest took off for a short holiday on January 03 and returned on the 11th.  Fr. Raphael Monteiro took care of the Pastoral needs of the people camping at Lupita Hall.


KRIPA SADAN, BHILAI PAHARI: Fr. Vernon D’Souza attended the NLP at Jesu Bhavan from January 17-28 given by Fr. Dick McHugh, S.J. Frs. Florence Dungdung, Linus Kindo and Bro. Pascal supported Fr. Casimir Vas for the classes for the candidates until the Director returned. Fr. Casimir is busy  in constructing safe accommodation for the calves and goats besides making buttermilk on every alternative day for the community.


ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL, BHILAI PAHARI : The hospital had many patients to begin with the New Year. All the malaria patients from the neighbourhood were treated to good health. Srs. Mary and Anasthesia made trips to Hydrabad- Bhopal to be with their superiors in session. The Mother General visited Bhilai Pahari and stayed in the campus on December 28th. The construction work is progressing well and Bro. Paulson, DDS is busy supervising and guiding the many workers on site   Bro. Arnold made many trips to St. Joseph’s Centre, Patmada and started the work of the compound wall. Fr. Casimir Vas hoisted the National Tri-colour on the Republic Day, January 26 after the Mass in the forecourt of the hospital for the campus community. The candidates and Staff presented a short cultural programme for the joy of one and all.


CRI, JAMSHEDPUR DIOCESE: The Annual General Body Meeting of the Diocesan CRI was held at the Vikas Bharati, Sundernagar on January 18-19. There were 87 participants and Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. inaugurated the sessions at 5.30 p.m. on the January 18.  Bishop expressed his appreciation for the wonderful works the many congregations rendering for the people and encouraged everybody to be totally dedicated and committed persons to give witness to the Lord. He urged all to have deep love for the Word of God and thirst for prayer with mystical experiences to overcome the disturbances and atrocities against the Church.  Fr. Anthony Raj, S.J. and Fr. Mike Thanaraj, S.J. were the Resource Persons. Fr. Tony  spoke on the theme “ Spirituality in the context of violence”. Fr. Michael Thanaraj, S.J. addressed the assembly on ‘ Inter-religious harmony and its response’. He cautioned everybody to be pro-active to avoid problems and conduct group discussions in a planned way.

The AGM elected a new team of Office-bearers: Fr. Mike Thanraj,S.J (President); Sr. Sudha, SJT(Secretary);  and Sr. Anita, A.C.(Treasurer). The Jamshedpur Jesuit Provincial, Sacred Heart Provincial Superior, Superiors of Apostolic Carmel, Jamshedpur, SCJM, Baridih; and OSU, CKP will be permanent members of the Executive Body.  Fr. Alex Mascreanhas, S.J. will continue to be part of the Executive Body. The members thanked the out-going team - Sr. Severin, SSH; Bro. Jacob, DDS; Sr. Grace, SCJM, and Sr. Felicia, A.C. Fr. Shantwan, MSFS proposed vote of thanks. The AGM concluded with the lunch. Congratulations to the New Team and ‘Deo Gracias’ to the emeritus team.(Jacob)


ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL, GOLMURI:  Fr. David Vincent was the Chief Guest for the Republic Day celebrations in the School, on January 26 at 8.00 a.m. The school band welcomed the Chief as he reached the campus and invited him to inspect the parade. He hoisted the national Flag and addressed the Staff, Students, parents, Guardians and Guests. The school children presented a colourful cultural programme during the function. All shared sweets/snacks and left for home celebrations.(Jacob)


ST. PAUL’S SCHOOL, MALUKA: The School celebrated the Silver Jubilee of its foundation on January 25, 2009. Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. was the Chief Guest and presided at the solemn Concelebrated Eucharist at 9.00 a.m. It was also the Parish Day. The Parishioners, Parents , Guardians, Staff and Students took part in the celebrations in full strength. Soon after the Mass, there was a cultural programme and Mr. Madu Kora, the former Chief Minister and Local MLA was the Chief Guest though the time fixed for him to be present was 11.00 a.m. he reached the campus at 2.30 p.m. Priests and Religious of the Deanery attended the celebrations. Former Pastors, headmasters and teachers were honoured during the programme. All shared the family meal prepared by the school management to honour all who were part of the school for the last 25 years. Congratulations to Sr. Karuna, Staff and Students for the superb Silver Jubilee mega celebrations! (Pascal)


PRATIKSHA, NEELDUNGRI: Fr. Mathew, the Director had seminarians divided into 3 groups for the month long retreats at home and at Hazaribagh while Fr. Leo D’Souza attended the NLP basic and advanced at Jesu Bhavan from January 04-28 . The visitation of Bp. Charles Soreng, S.J. and Bp. Gabriel Kujur, S.J. was memorable events for Pratiksha.


ST. JOHN MARY VIANNEY CHURCH, DHOWATAND:   Pastor, Fr. Edward Kongari returned home on January 23 after his visit to the TMH, Mumbai to find that his cook disappeared from the scene. He has managed to get a new one who is well trained at Tundi. The school celebrated the Republic Day with great enthusiasm and the National Tricolour was hoisted at 8.00 a.m. on the 26th and Fr. Edward Kongari was the Chief Guest. The parishioners are negotiating the land attached to the present campus for the school. Fr. Nicholas took care of the pastoral needs of the mission while Fr. Edward was out for treatment. The pond is dry and Fr. Edward is looking out for sponsors to deepen the pond before the rains.(Edward)


LOYOLA SCHOOL, KUMARDHUBI:  The ISC & ICSE mock examinations that began on 5th January successfully ended on 15th & 19th respectively. Answer scripts have been shown to the students to help them rectify the errors. Their report cards were given on January 27.

Picnic was organized for the XII & the XI on January 20th & 21st just to give them a little relief from monotonous studies. The class teachers accompanied them. The Principal too visited them at the spot for a while. This kind jester has left a deep impression on them.

Despite unfulfilled promises, the Republic has ended. So said the President of India and encouraged the Youth to exploit every opportunity & give their best to the country. Here too in Loyola our Principal had a similar message for the students. The colour, the mood, in fact the total celebration reflected the theme of patriotism. Students from both English & Hindi mediums put up a fabulous show.

The Loyola Teachers went to Adra, Sacred Heart School for their picnic on Republic Day. They left just after the celebration was over. It was quite refreshing. The warm welcome by the teachers and students at Sacred Heart, the tasty cuisine and the pollution free surrounding took away all the tiredness of the journey and made the day very enjoyable.

The graduation day was celebrated on January 30. As we bid adieu to the students of class XII, we ushered the new Council Members to take up the responsibilities for the year 2009.(Rita Sen)


N A T I O N A L  - I N T E R N A T I O N A L   R O U N D – U P !


Breathe slowly to cut your blood pressure:  Tests conducted at the UK show that slower breathing relaxes the muscles in blood vessel walls, making them more flexible, reports dailymail.co.uk. This eases the pressure exerted on them when the heart tries to pump blood around the body.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the major risk factors for heart attack and strokes. Some patients can reduce their blood pressure by cutting down on salt or taking more exercise. But, for many, it involves a daily cocktail of tablets for the rest of their life. These pills increase the risk of side-effects like tiredness, leg cramps, insomnia, cold limps, dizziness, and constipation.

Slow breathing and meditation can lower blood pressure but perfecting the technique can take many years. Most people average around 18 breaths a minute. To reduce blood pressure, this needs to fall to ten or fewer. Ideally the blood pressure should be 120/80. Devices to bring down the breathing  through music have been invented. The idea is that the patients breathe in one note and breathes out on another. The length of each tone is gradually increased so breathing slows down. (Health Bits)

Climate Change to worsen kidney stone: A patch of south US has been nicknamed “kidney stone belt” because the residents are twice as vulnerable to suffering from kidney stone more than those in the north. An increase in the number of kidney stones is one potential painful outcome of climate change, says newscientist.com. An increase in temperatures will lead to kidney stone formation, say hydrologists at the University of Texas, Dallas. Dehydration and low urine volume on account of rise in temperature too can cause the expulsion of calcium deposits from the body. This is a prime reason why kidney stone hospitalizations tend to peak after a hot summer. Reducing emissions of the greenhouse gases that cause warming may slow down the growth of the stone belt. The best way to avoid kidney stone is to drink more water, and advise researchers.(Insight


ST. ALBERT’S  COLLEGE, RANCHI:   All the brothers returned from their Christmas ministries on January 04, 2009. Fr. C.R. Prabhu, the Rector warmly welcomed us all. The feasts of Christmas, New Year and Epiphany were celebrated with great pomp and gaiety at St. Albert’s on January 08.  The celebrations began with the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. C.R. Prabhu at 6.00 in the morning. Bishop Julius Marandi, Bishop of Dumka was the Chief Guest for the evening cultural programme. We had carols presented by the Brothers from the different cultural backgrounds and it was held in the auditorium. On the occasion a highly informative book titled ‘Handbook on Mother Mary’ (Mariale Parvum)by Fr. Pingal Ekka was released by Bishop Julius Marandi. The celebrations of the day concluded with a sumptuous meal.

Deacon Raju Felix Crasta is busy with his diaconate ministry at different parishes in the town. Bro. George Ekka is with his books preparing for his Universal Exams, to be held in the month of April. Bro. Ranjit has come up with flying colours in his philosophy exams of the first semester. He is good at Hockey and plays for the college team. Fr. Selvaraj celebrated his birthday on January 21. We had a special Mass to pray for him and wish him many happy returns of the day. We saw a huge number of well-wishers and loved ones whole day long. Fr. John Crasta enjoyed a well deserved home visit and celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his parent’s Wedding anniversary on December 08. He returned on December 30. We are grateful to our Bishop for making available a computer for our use. (George Ekka)


ST. CHARLES’ SEMINARY, NAGPUR:   We are all fine by the grace God and doing well. All the Philosophers have finished their classes in the seminary and preparing for the college exams. For the next academic year we have got a new Rector, Fr. Dominic Mendonca. He will take charge in the month of June. We are praying for speedy recovery of Msgr. John Bodra. (Sonu)


PALLOTTI  INSTITUTE, GOA: Greetings from Mukesh and Santhosh. We  are doing well. On 5th our third semester began and on the next day we celebrated Epiphany. On the same day the Brothers of the Pallottine Province, Prabhu Prakash organised a cricket match. On the 16th along with Casa Pallotti family brothers we celebrated Pongal. The brothers prepared very delicious food as it was the thanksgiving festival for the good harvest. On the 22nd the feast of St. Vincent Pallotti, the founder of the Pallottine congregation was celebrated. The cultural programme for the guests was held on the 25th. The Novices of Dev Mata Convent presented the prayer dance while Brothers of St. Francis of Assisi, ‘One Act Play’ on the life of St. Francis of Assisi. The programme ended with the traditional Goan Dance. (Mukesh)



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