Vol. XXXVII No. 2




If buttercups buzzed after the bee,

If boats were on land, Churches on sea,

If ponies rode men and grass ate cows,

And cats should be chased into holes by the mouse,

If summer were spring and the other way round….

Then all the world would be upside down ! ( British Fifers)



Archbishop Oswald Gracias                                  Re-elected   President of CCBI

Bishop Joshua  Ignathios                                       Appointed 1st Bishop of Mavelikara

Fr. Kurian Valiakandathil                                      Appointed Bishop of Bhagalpur

Fr. C.R. Prabhu                                                     Elected Vice President of All India Major

                                                                               Seminary Rector’s Forum

Fr. Angelus Kujur, S.J.                                         Appointed Bishop of Purnea

Mar Joseph Peruthottam                                       Appointed Archbishop of Changanacherry

Mar Andrew Thazhath                                         Appointed Archbishop of Trichur



Engagements of Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. – February / March – 2007









Parish Feast & Confirmation





Pastoral Visit & Confirmation




9.00 a,m

Mass & Pastoral Visit





Ordinary Pastoral Visit





CRI Meeting





Episcopal ordination





Visitation of Minor Seminarians










Visitation of Minor Seminarians





Formator’s Forum Meeting





Visitation of Minor Seminarians





Ordinary Pastoral Visit





Senate of Priest’s Meeting




8.00 a.m

Pastoral Visit cum Confirmation





Mass in honor of Cardinal Joseph Cardijn






Clergy Meeting/Recollection/Chrism Mass/Jubilee Felicitation











D I O C E S A N   R O U N D – U P !


Prabhu Marsal, Goilkera:  Christmas and New Year celebrations had the church filled with faithful. Majority of the villagers stayed in the campus and danced through the night and returned after the morning Mass. The liturgy was in Ho, Mundari and Hindi. Fr. Roque Cardoza, the Parish Priest gave messages in Ho- Hindi to help the people know Jesus better.

The meeting of the parents/guardians was held at the school on January 18 from 10.00 a.m to 12.00 noon. Over 200 parents/guardians were present for the meeting. Fr. Linus Kindo presented the school report and appraised of the school functioning. The parents have decided to increase the school fee from the new academic session. Fr. Roque Cardoza, the Parish priest presided at the meeting. It has been agreed that the KG section will be held at the convent and the other sections in the present school campus.

Bishop’s House, Golmuri:  Fr. Cyril Fernandes arrived from Fort Wayne on January 04 via Kolkata-Ranchi . Fr. David received him at the Birsa Munda Airport and brought him to the Bishop’s House for a special welcome. Fr. Cyril visited Balarampur. Purulia, Dhanbad, Govindpur, Kumardhubi, Adra, Chaibasa , CKP , Jamshedpur area etc before leaving for home visit via Ranchi on the 8th. He was lucky to have met many of his friends to revive his old friendship. He will return to Fort Wayne in the 1st week of February.

Bishop Felix Toppo attended the CCBI meeting at Aluwaye, Kerala from January 04 - 09 and  visited our seminarians at St. Charles’, Nagpur before returing to Jamshedpur on the 12th. Bishop Joe Rodericks attended the CCBI meeting and returned on the 20th and again to travel to Berhampur on the 28th.

Mr. Zdenek Jirasky left Jamshedpur for Kolakta on the 15th morning in the company of Fr. Marcel Barla, OFM (Cap) and flew back to Czech on the 20th. He was with us for a month and has captured most of the actions at Bhilai Pahari, DSWC and some of the mission stations for documentation. He had many memorable experiences in India to remember all the time.

Frs. Marcel Barla and John Kandulna celebrated their combined birthday on the 17th with Holy Hour and community meal.

Bishop Charles Soreng, S.J of Hazaribagh came to Jamshedpur for a special visit on January 28. He visited many people in the town and saw the facilities at Pratiksha for the seminarians. He has proposals to upgrade Pratiksha to a spirituality centre for the seminarians before going for Philosophy.

Fr. John Crasta came to Jamshedpur from Leuven via Mangalore-Kolkata by the Jana-Shadabti Express on January 30 at 9.50 a.m. He visited CKP, St. Albert’s, Ranchi, Goilkera, Charbandia etc before taking the return flight.

Fr. James Quadors arrived in Jamshedpur on January 30 after spending 3 weeks in Mangalore-Mumbai and visited many of our Parishes/Mission Stations in Jamshedpur during his week long stay in Jamshedpur.


St. Mary’s Church, N. Road: Pastor, Fr. Edwin Coelho was doubly busy during the Christmas-New Year weeks with Masses and gatherings at the parish and at Adityapur area. He offered 5 Masses on the Christmas day. The Parish Liturgical committee was in action to arrange meaningful liturgy for Christmas and new Year. They have plans that every person who will be present for the Mass will have a hymn book on hand for better participation. Congratulations Fr. Edwin for being a true shepherd for the flock at N. Road. St. Mary’s and its Pastor was highlighted in the local news papers during the Christmas-New year including his special visitor, a stray cat in the crib.


Catholic Ashram, Balarampur: Fr. Henry Sequeira finally succeeded in registering the land in front of the leprosy hospital, which was being negotiated  for sometime. Fencing work has begun and looking ahead for a residence in the campus. Soon after the new year celebrations, Fr. Henry left for Kolkata and got the cataract of his one eye removed. He did rest in Jamshedpur for a few days before proceeding to Mangalore for home rest.


St. Joseph’s Church, Kiruburu: Pastor, Fr. Richard Miranda was admitted to Mercy for a couple of days with severe abdominal pain. He got discharged on the 15th and took rest at St. Mary’s, N. Road. Fr. Michael Tirkey, S.J. took care of the Masses on the 13th and 14th in the Parish and at the stations.


St. Joseph’s Hospital, Bhilai Pahari: The dispensary and hospital are functioning well and leprosy-T.B patients are getting admitted. So far there were 44 admissions.  Srs. Annie, Mary and Jerome are kept busy with the hospital mission.

On January 07, the hospital organized a mobile clinic at Toklo. Two  vehicles took the doctor, nurses, lab assistant and pharmacists all the way to Toklo and treated 197 patients from the various villages around. Since it was a day for administering pulse polio vaccines, the team gave 39 children the vaccines. The camp began at 10.30 a.m. and ended at 3.30 p.m. Frs. Camille and Herman were on high alert to get all the sick of their area of action to take advantage of the camp at Toklo. Special thanks to the Fathers, masters and hostel team for the wonderful hospitality and team work at Toklo. Mr. Zdenek Jirasky was present to capture the camp on video.

The dispensary and hospital get many patients as the treatment is free of cost. The Sisters are always on duty to care for the patients.

Br. Arnold and Sr. Jerome are out daily to visit the villages and guiding people to care for their health and some of them are directed to the Dispensary to meet the Doctor. The Sisters at the hospital are preparing for the visit of Jeevan Jyothi student-nurses for their community programme in Bhilai Pahari from the 1st to 28th February. These students will stay and visit all the villages around for a social and family health study and make proper records.



“Good News over Good News” was the news for Catholic Charities and its partners. Advent Season has just started and the readings of  Sundays and week days started saying “Prepare the Way of the Lord”, the news came to Calcutta harbor that ‘this week you will be receiving Bulgur and Oil.’ What a joy for the Catholic Charities all the partners of CRS that they would be getting the food. Since February 2006 Bulgur and Oil were not supplied and all the partners had scarcity of food especially to our Hostels, Schools, Parishes, Centers and Watershed program places. As soon as the commodity was down loaded in the go-down Mr. Theodore, the Food-Aid in charge began supplying to the concerned places. What a joy for hostellers and students who had no bulgur-breakfast for months, and more joy the parishes and that also just before the Christmas. It was great that Mr. Theodore could finish the supply before the Christmas. We hope that the children of the many hostels and schools enjoyed the food.

Christmas season is to share the joy and happiness. From local to the foreign the greetings came through Email, Cards and letters shared its own joy and happiness. Meanwhile Catholic Charities and Samekit Jan Vikas Kendra had lot of programs. On 1st December 2006 was the day of World’s Aids Day celebration. CRS Ranchi was invited to demonstrate and participate in the State level celebration which was inaugurated by Chief Minister Madhu Koda at Morabadi ground, Ranchi. In the collaboration with CRS Ranchi, Sr. Jayamma and team joined for the celebrations. Sr. Jayamma’s group showed street plays on the way back to Jamshedpur, in Chawka-Chandil, and Sakchi. Similarly,  the awareness programme on HIV/AIDS was presented by CCJ and SJVK staffs in different parts of East West Singhbhum and Saraikela Kharswan Districts. Fr. Halan attended a Follow up workshop and meeting on “Domestic Working Girls” the burning issue among the Tribals organized by Caritas India in Delhi and it was facilitated by the Domestic Working Girls Forum, SDC , Ranchi from  1st to 3rd January 2007. The theme of the meeting was “How to Stop Human Trafficking, in the big and small Cities. The meeting was attended by  all the Bishops of Bijhan, Orisa, Chatisgarh, MP, Assam, Bengal, and Provincials of Religious  Congregations, Heads of the institutions, Parish priests, representatives of Parish council Mahila Sangh, and Youth. The response was poor, only 78 members participated in this workshop. Fr. Bipin attended several meetings in Hyderabad and Sri Lanka in December. The half yearly Governing Board meeting of Catholic Charities took place at Hotel Bouleward on December 15. After the meeting everybody enjoyed the meal hosted by Mr. Ronald D’Costa, member of the Governing Board. The Christmas gathering was held on December 22, for the staff, Coordinators - field supervisors. The celebrations began at 9 .00 am with the skit of “Mukthidatha” directed by Fr. Halan and Sr. Pushpam. It was followed by gift exchanging program for the staff and it gave real joy to every one. The Sancta Clause arrived by the renovated Fiat car to a rousing welcome by the participants and the venue was turned into a dancing floor. The celebrations concluded with a fellowship meal

On Christmas Eve, Bishop Felix Toppo and Fr. Bipin delivered the Christmas messages at the Ramakrishna Mission Hall at 7.30pm. Similarly Fr. Bipin gave a Christmas message at Christmas Milan Samaroh  in Adityapur.(Halan) 


St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Golmuri: The Christian Unity Octave prayers concluded at the Cathedral on January 25 with an all Christian Unity Prayer Service. Rev. Jamaes Kandula was the Chief Guest and homilist. He exhorted the gathering the importance of prayer to bring unity and confidence in the Christian community. Mr. Ephrem Kispotta was the M.C. The parish choir was present to give praise to the Lord with many inspirational hymns. Congratulations to Fr. Amatus and the Parish Council for the initiative and action.


Holy Family School, Rahargora:  Bishop Felix Toppo. S.J. was the Chief Guest at the Republic Day celebrations on January 26. He hoisted the National Tricolor at the school grounds and addressed the gathering of children, teachers and parents. The children presented colorful cultural items during the ceremony. Congratulations to Fr. Udai Dev, IMS, staff and students of the school for the initiatives.


St. Joseph’s School, Golmuri: The Republic Day celebration was held at the school grounds at 8.30 a.m. on January 26. Advocate Shri Kilash Agarwal, an ex-student, was the Chief Guest. The school band welcomed the guests at the entrance and escorted them to the podium. He inspected the parade and hoisted the National Flag. The school children presented a colorful cultural programme for the joy of one and all. The campus was packed with parents, guardians and guests for the National Day celebrations.   


St. Mary’s School, OMRA: The annual School Sports Day was held at the School grounds on January 21. Mrs. Joba Majihi, Minister of Welfare, Government of Jharkhand was the Chief Guest. She came with Fr. Eugene Ekka from CKP. The school children, parents and villagers welcomed her from half a kilometer away and brought her to the campus dancing to the tune of the mighty drums and singing. The programme began with the march past and sports items. The Chief Guest participated in two guest items and won a 1st prize. She gave away the awards and addressed the children, parents and villagers. She promised to build a community hall and complete the road work. All the nearby villagers gathered at the campus and remained undisturbed till the close. Fr. Paulus Bodra and his staff did a great job to make the event a memorable success story. Fathers, Sisters and leaders from the Charbandia, CKP attended the sports Meet at Omra. (Eugene Ekka)


St. Paul’s Parish, Maluka: The Parish Day and the Silver Jubilee of Sr. Karuna, BS was celebrated on January 27 at the School campus. Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J presided at the solemn con-celebrated Eucharist at 12.00 noon. This was followed by a felicitation programme for the Jubilarian. Then all joined the Sisters for a family meal. Fathers and Sisters from Jamshedpur, CKP, Basahatu, Jhinkpani attended the celebrations at Maluka. Congratulations to Fr. Valerian Lobo and the Parish Council for the well prepared liturgy and felicitations.


Christ the King Church, CKP: The Pastoral visit of the Parish by Bishop Felix Toppo was on the 27-28 January. He presided at the solemn Mass in the morning in the Church. Later he met the Parish Council and other parish organizations. He also met the clergy, religious and other individuals who had something to share. After having looked into the parish records and inventory, Bishop left for Jamshedpur at 2.15 p.m.. For the Bishop it was a day well spent with the faithful of CKP.


St. Mark’s Parish, TOKLO:  Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. blessed and inaugurated the newly constructed double story Presbytery on January, 30 at 2.00 p.m. in the presence of many Priests, Religious and parishioners. Fr. Camille, the Parish Priest welcomed the guests and invited all to join him for the celebrations. Msgr. John Bodra and Fr. Edward Kongari, the founders of Toklo Mission were the biggest attraction for the ceremonial blessing of St. Mark’s Presbytery. Priests and Religious from CKP, Chaibasa, Basahatu, Jamshedpur were present to encourage and support our men in mission at Toklo.

Mementos were presented to Mr. Zafar Khan and the others who planned and executed the construction work.


St. Anthony’s Church, Dhanbad:  Fr. Cornelius Tigga was read in as the Associate Pastor of Dhanbad on January 14 by Fr. Edward Kongari, the Parish Priest. The parishioners welcomed the Fr. Corne with much enthusiasm and hope. After the Mass, the Parish Council had a special meeting to welcome Fr. Corne and to plan for the half yearly parish activities in the Parish Hall. Fr. Edward made trips to Jamshedpur for the Consult and later to TOKLO for the blessing of the new Presbytery.



N A T I O N A L – I N T E R N A T I O N A L  R O U N D – U P !


St. Albert’s College, Ranchi: On 4th January the seminary reopened after the Christmas vacation. New portfolios were announced. In the same weak-end we had recollection. Jamwallas celebrated the arrival of Fr. Cyril Fernandes at St. Albert’s. On 14th we had ‘inter-religious dialogue’ at Guru Nanak Higher Secondary School premises.  About 500 people gathered from various religious communities to celebrate Bakrid, Christmas, Tussu and Sankrant festivals. Mr. Inder Singh Namdhari and Cardinal Toppo were the Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour respectively. On 18th of January, the three theologates of Ranchi – St. Albert’s, Tarunoday and Gosner Evalgelical Theologate came together for a fellowship gathering at Gosner Theologate compound.

On the same day St. Albert witnessed a historic day, the long pending dream was actualized. A new magazine named ‘view drops’ was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Jos De Cuyper, S.J.  The first issue was dedicated to him since this year is his 50th year of stay in St. Albert’s. Br. Raju Felix Crasta is the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine who took the great task and initiative to fulfill the great venture. The Albertines  congratulated Crasta for the same. During the Unity Octave, brothers are on constant move for the Ecumenical payers to different churches. Brothers of theology attended GEL and CNI services on Sunday’s in order to have the ecumenical experience as a part of the course on ‘Ecumenism’. Two Professors from these churches came to Albert’s to deepen our knowledge about these churches.(Raju Crasta)

  The holy month of December 2006 was very special for me. We, the fourth year theologians had a weeklong retreat at Upasna, Mango. It was meant to prepare us well spiritually for our Diakonia. I began my Christmas ministry from 1. I was very happy to be stationed at the Bishop’s House. First time I had this opportunity to be in Jamshedpur proper for ministry. Bro. Raju Felix Crasta also joined me for the ministry. Our main task was to work for the” promotion of local vocation” to the priesthood. We decided to visit all the high schools in the diocese. We prepared an attractive brochure wherein we tried to highlight the various ministries that our priests are doing in the diocese and elsewhere. It also contained the brief history of the diocese. Fr. George and Fr. David facilitated us in becoming the “fishers of men”. They were our advisor, guide, and leader. We met quite many students in different schools. There were many enthusiastic young boys who showed interest in joining the diocese. We are really grateful to all the principals who were very cooperative in organizing the meet. We hope and pray that the Lord may send us many more labourers into His vineyard in Jamshedpur. However, we could not visit some schools as the X’Mas holidays had already begun. Fr. Ajay Tiru, the Vice-Rector of Pratiksha has promised us that he would continue to do our unfinished work.

December 19, 2006 was a very memorable day for me as Jondko and myself walked in the midst of the melodious tunes toward the Altar of God. Both of us were ordained Deacons at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Golmuri by Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J.. The presence of our parents and relatives added happiness to us. The imposition of hand ”not unto priesthood, but unto ministry” gave me the joy of assisting at the Lord’s Supper. I was privileged to proclaim the Gospel to the faithful, and then broke the Word of God. I also distributed Eucharist to the sick etc.

Thus my stay at the Bishop’s House was full of grace and love. I enjoyed the company of both the young and old. I find the BH community very loving, caring and sharing. It lives on the principle of “Love and Service”. I would always treasure my wonderful time at Golmuri. (Deacon Pradeep Marandi)


Morning Star College, Barrackpore:  My friends and I here are fine and doing well. We all reached here on the 4th January. We had a fruitful and memorable Christmas ministry in our assigned places.

I was in a village for five days. I think it was the best part of my ministry. I went to harvest on the first day, as I got bored sitting at home. The rest of the days were spent in visiting the families of both the Christians and those who are not.

As we came back we have got busy with our studies as there are exams scheduled to be held in this week and the one following. It gets very cold here as the sun sets. It’s not much though, comparing to my ministry place. (Anthony Felix).


Heart Attacks and drinking warm water : Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals… not cold water… may be it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating !!!

Nothing to lose, everything to gain… For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down digestion. Once this ‘sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down and absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.

Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks: You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the law line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep or do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive. (“z_ref_matwh3”)




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