Vol. XXXIV No. 06


JUNE,  2004


The devil can cite scriptures for his purpose.

An evil soul, producing holy witness,

Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,

A goodly apple rotten at the heart;

O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath !

[ Shakespeare , Merchant of Venice]




I will be visiting friends and benefactors abroad from 28 May to 16 July. The Vicar General, Fr. George    Mannarakam will act on my behalf during my absence.  


     +Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J.

     Bishop of Jamshedpur                                                                                                                   27th May, 2004              


Diocesan round-up :


St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Golmuri : The solemnity of the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, the feast of the Cathedral Parish & of the Diocese was celebrated on Saturday, 1st May. Fr. Gilbert D’Souza, S.J. was the Chief celebrant of the Eucharist at 5.30 p.m. in the Cathedral. Fr. A. Alphonse preached an inspiring homily and the rain god showered blessings with hails to drown the preacher’s voice but without success. Soon after the Mass there was a cultural function organized by the Parish Council at the Welfare center Hall. All returned home happily after having had snacks in the coolness of the evening.

The parishioners were happy to meet their former pastor, Fr. Joy Paul at the celebration . Frs. Jerome Pereira and Cyril Tigga were on the move in the morning -noontime and evening for the Easter family blessing.


St. Anthony’s Church, Kutkudungri :  Fr. Vijayan OFM succeeded in organizing a ‘Blood Donation Camp’ on 2nd May at the Parish Hall. He managed to get 60 donors and started an account with the Blood Bank under the patronage of Sr. Magdala, A.C. Congratulations to Fr. Vijayan and his team at Kutkudungri.

Bishop’s House, Golmuri :  Minor seminarian Anthony Minj  joined Bishop’s House community on 5th May  hoping to get admission at Abdul Bari or Krim City College for I.A/I.Sc . All the seminarians had chances to be at the Bishop’s House as they passed by either for summer ministry or home holiday. Bishop J.R. Rodericks, S.J. left for Delhi-Mumbai-Rome-USA on 16th morning. Bishop Felix left for Canada-USA-Rome on 28th May. Bishop Felix Toppo, Frs. Halan, Gerry, Bene ,Edward Kongari, Junas and Valerian attended  the “ Basic  Account Course” conducted at Jesu Bhavan, by Fr. Alex Mascarenas, S.J. from 14th to 17th May. Sr. Veronique succeeded in getting the ‘no objection to return to India’ after many hot summer rides to the Jharkhand–Secretariat in Ranchi .


D.S.W.C, Dhanbad : Eight of the Diocesan major seminarians got  the golden opportunity to work at Nirmala Hospital and in the colonies during the  month of May. Frs. Walter Crasta and Micheal Raj made sure that the seminarians enjoyed their mission in the DSWC family. Director, Fr. Walter was kept busy monitoring the various activities of DSWC while Fr. Michael made a quick trip to the southern part of the country for the latest technology fact finding. Meantime, the Director  had to step in  to help out with Masses in different parishes. He also led the Dhanbad deanery medical team at the ‘Diocesan Health Ministry’ meeting at Vikas Bharati on 23rd May.

The 36th Birthday of Fr. Michael Raj was celebrated on 10th May with much rejoicing and action at the Nirmala campus and at the office. The day began with a solemn Mass in the Chapel where everybody prayed for Fr. Michael. Coincidently the day was commemorated as ‘Damien Day’ in  DSWC. A sumptuous lunch was served for all the inmates and the staff at noon.


Mercy Convent, Baridih : Bishop Felix Toppo. S.J. was the chief celebrant of the Eucharist at the community feast of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary at Mercy convent on 19th May. Immediately after the Mass, there was the campus blessing and a family meal.


St. Mary’s Church, N. Road :  Fr. K.M. Joseph , the  care-taker pastor of St. Mary’s was more than busy with house blessings, funerals and area Masses in the month of May. St. Mary’s English School had the opportunity to conduct exams for the Engineering selection recently. The CBSE results have brought laurels to the school. Principal, Fr. Elvius Dungdung had to be in the office to monitor the maintenance of the school buildings and issue certificates. Fr. Edwin Coelho returned on 25th to learn that many of his parishioners left for their eternal reward in his absence.



Jeevan Jyothi School of Nursing : The ‘Nurses’ Day’ was celebrated on 13th May with a special Mass presided at by Fr. Gerry Martin D’Souza  in the morning. The student nurses presented a cultural programme for the parents, guardians and well- wishers in the evening at the Nursing School Hall.  

Sr. Jyothi was given a prayerful send off on the 9th during a special Mass celebrated by Frs. Victor Misquith and Gilbert D’Souza . She joined M .Sc nursing at Bangalore.


Lupita  Parish, Telco :  Fr. Cornelius Tigga, the pro-tem pastor of Lupita shuttled daily morning and evening to take care of the Masses at Telco in the absence of Fr. Vijay Bhat, who was on home holiday.  Even Fr. Cyprian Lobo had to step in to help out while Fr. Cornelius was away at the junior and senior youth trainings at Vikas Bharati and at Gomoh.


Kripa Sadan, Bhilai Pahari :  Director, Fr. Cyprian Lobo had a busy schedule in the month of May, supervising the constructions, taking care of the farm and animals , guiding the Jamshedpur AA groups and rushing to help out at times to Telco and Kutkudungri for Masses. If there is a census of his animal farm then we will know his actual strength. 24th May was a day of mourning for Fr. Cyprian  - the new -born calf was found dead in the morning.

Carmel Convent, Sonari : Sr. Redempta A.C. was given a tearful and faith-filled farewell during the funeral Mass presided over by Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. on 25th May at the School Hall at 4.30 p.m.. She was admitted at the Mercy Hospital and expired on 25th morning . She worked at the Carmel Convent, Dhanbad for many years. May the good Lord reward her with eternal peace and joy .


 Bro. Marcel Topno , regent, Siadih lost his mother on 20th May – Omra Parish. He could reach home only on 21st evening. Please say a prayer for Marcel’s mother and the family. RIP;

Jisu Marsal, Chandil : Frs. Nockolas and Manu Horo were on the move to different directions during the month of May. Dileep Marandi managed to get his passport after numerous trips to Ranchi, Seraikela and Jamshedpur. He is ready to take off to Rome to study Theology. Manu left for home holiday in the middle of May to be returned to take charge as PP, Purulia. The work on the compound wall is almost completed.  It is great that there are many strong bulls in the village that can easily jump into the campus untouched  the  high wall. The admission at the boys hostel has reached 100 plus. Fr. Nicko is hopeful to double the strength in the Holy Cross School at the re-opening in June.  

Youth Desk:  Director Fr. Corne was seen rushing in and out on various programmes for the youth and taking care of Telco Parish. The youth camps conducted at Vikas Bharati from the 19th to 25th was well participated. The training programme for the junior group had 58 participants and that of the senior 38. Bishop Felix Toppo was present for the inauguration on 23rd evening. On 28th the team took off for Gomoh for the Deanery youth convention at DBH. Great work Corne, be an inspiration to the youth of today. 

Catholic Charities, Sundernagar :  The  campus had crowds all through the month for various training programs. Director, Fr. Bipion had to be doubly busy to keep up the schedule of programmes in and outside the diocese. Sr. Thomisna made sure that all followed the guidelines and worked for the welfare of the people. She got the accounts audited for presentation to the Home Ministry. Deputy Director, Fr. David returned from home holiday on 23 May and flew out on 28 to Philippines to join for the Rural Social Leadership Course at SEARSOLIN.


Fr. Lawrence Gnanarethinam, S.J. [05. 03.34 – 17.05. 2004]

Lawrence Gnanarethinam aged 70, expired on 17 May at Tatanagar railway station. He had left Rajkharswan that morning to come to Jamshedpur to attend the Province Gathering. After getting down from the train, he felt sick and sat on a bench on the railway platform and passed away peacefully.

The funeral Mass on 18 May at XLRI was presided over by Bishop Felix Toppo and attended by 160 + Jesuits who had gathered for the Province meet, some Diocesan priests and Sisters. Fr. Stan Lourduswami- Lawrence’s co-Novice- gave the introduction; Fr. A. Jesurajan, another co-Novice of his gave the homily and Fr. Antoniswami, Socius, thanked everyone in the name of Fr. Lawrence’s family members. After the Mass at XLRI, all proceeded to Jesu Bhavan Novitiate at Mango where the body was kept for the last ‘darshan’.

The coffin with the mortal remains of Fr. Lawrence Gnanarethinam was carried by Jesuits from the Novitiate chapel to the cemetery . The grave was blessed by Fr. James Kalapura, the Provincial, and after the coffin was lowered into the grave, everyone who had come for the funeral showered flowers over the coffin and bid him good-bye.

Lawrence was born in Tiruchirappalli, Tamail Nadu, on 5 March 1934; did his studies in St. Joseph’s Trichy and after B Sc [Botany] joined the novitiate at Dindigul on 13 June 1956. Later in 1961 he completed M Sc at the same college. He did his doctorate on Plant Physiology and Biochemistry at Sorbonne University, Paris, France in 1964-68, He was ordained priest on 13 March 1970 by the late Archbishop Justin Diraviam of Madurai . From 1970-85 he was at St. Joseph’s College as Professor, Director of Research, Principal and Rector at different times. Later he was sent to Arul Anandar College, Karumathur as Principal, Director of Research & Head of the Department of Rural Development Science. From 1992-94 he was the Director, Department of Farm Science & Rural Development at Loyola Academy, Secunderabad.

He came to Jamshedpur in 1994 and till 2000 he was at XIM, Bhubaneswar as professor, Superior and Director at different times .Later he was the Spiritual Father at St. Paul’s Minor Seminary, Padanpur, Orissa. In 2003 he came to Claver Social Welfare Centre, Amda, Jharkhand, to assist in the leprosy apostolate.

Lawrence made it a point to attend the common celebrations and meetings in the Province and Diocesan area: Chrism Mass at the Cathedral, CRI meetings at Vikas Bharati etc. He gave retreats to the Brothers of the Assistancy, recollections to Sisters and Scholastics. He was always available for Spiritual ministry.

The bag he carried during his journey on 17 May, besides his personal effects, had his Breviary, Rosary, “Christian Community Bible”, “How to pray always” and “Come Away, Rest a While”. Yes, Lawrence has been called by the loving Father, not to rest a while, but for eternal rest. {Fr. Antoniswamy,S.J.}



St. Mary’s Parish, Omra :  Fr. Paulus Bodra is happy that the new generator has brightened the hill resort mission , Omra. Fr. Gerry took a team to fix up and inaugurate the generatoron22nd  and returned safely without touching the Saranda jungles. The Holy Cross novices are visiting the villages, organizing prayer groups and taking catechism classes for the children. Preparations are going on to have the ‘first communion’ on 6th June in the parish.


St. Anthony’s Church, Dhanbad : After having completed the diploma course on accounting at the Jesu Bhawan, Mango, dean Fr. Edward Kongari feels confident  to  organize the deanery businesses independently. Meantime Fr. Norbert Kindo made a quick visit to his home village for a week and returned relaxed and enthused. He is happy that good number of people approach him for guidance on the latest on ‘Ayurvedic’ medicinal plants.. 




Goals of family Catechesis : Some of the suggested goals for family catechesis are:

01.  Experiencing and living God’s presence

02.  Good relationship-within the family, neighbors and country.

03.  Education in Christian and human values.

04.  Strengthening personal and family prayer life.

05.  Fruitful sacramental life.

06.  Evangelization within the family and its neighborhood.

07.  Peace making-within the family, neighborhood and religions.

08.  Justice

09.  Involvement in the programs and activities of the family and parish.

10.  Reach out to those in need.

Advantages of Family Catechesis:

01.   The child who is initiated into faith in a family atmosphere feels a sense of security, enjoys the richness and freedom brought by the faith.

02.   The family is strengthened in its sense of belonging to the church, by feeling itself supported and guided in its life of faith. As a result the children are glad go to Church and live their faith and they will want to know more about faith.

03.   The family enjoys the authentic interpretation of the word of God by listening to it as community.

04.   Parents, may at a given moment” re-discover their faith” or begin to live it anew with deeper conviction,”become better people” [as they say themselves].

05.   The family catechesis gives an occasion to update the catechetical formation of parents themselves.

06.   Pastoral co-workers emerge from among the parents.

07.   A liturgy develops which is closely related to people’s experience and interests.

08.   There is a growing and closer bond of trust between pastor and parishioners through manifold and deeper personal contacts.

09.   Renewal of parish life and the parishioners develop a sense of belonging and community spirit grows among the members of the local church.

Forms of Family Catechesis;

a.      Exemplary life the parents themselves.

b.      Co-operating with God’s grace.

c.       Family prayer.                                                      [Catechesis India, May, 2004 ]


What is Faith ?


a.      Faith is that disposition of our minds which makes us ready to accept all that God has revealed simply because He has revealed it. It is an assent to that which comes to us with God’s authority because it comes with His authority, and not because in itself it commends itself to our reason. It is quite satisfied that God has said that this or that is true, and it gives its adherence to what He has said without any further question. It thus earns the benediction of those “who have not seen but have believed”. Jn.xx,29]. Have I this simple, unquestioning faith ?

b.      Faith is never opposed to reason. It is above and beyond reason, but never contrary to it. What God has spoken can never be in contradiction with what our reason tells us is true. It may contradict our ordinary experience, as in the case of miracles; it may seem to set aside the testimony of our senses, as in the case of the Blessed Eucharist; it may require our acceptance of what is beyond the power of reason to grasp, as the doctrine of Blessed Trinity; but it never requires us to believe in an absurdity. Thank God for your faith in the Catholic religion, since all others are ultimately in contradiction with reason.

c.       Yet faith requires us to believe many things that are difficult of belief, and that we cannot believe without the help of God. Faith is a gift of God. No amount of searching or inquiry will obtain it.  I must humble pray to God, “Give me a strong faith; increase my faith; make me loyal in my readiness to believe”, if I wish my faith to be that of a true child of the Catholic Church. [Richard F. Clarke S.J]

Supreme Court issues guidelines to schools :  “ The Supreme Court today laid down strict guidelines to stop commercialization of education by private schools in the national capital and said the schools have to comply with conditions mentioned at the time of allotment of land at concessional rates. The court directed that it is mandatory for every recognized unaided school to file yearly financial statements disclosing its income from fee collected from students and other expenses as well as the profit and surplus before the authorities”.  [Hinduonline.com 27.4]

SC okays model syllabus for environment studies :  “ The Supreme Court today approved the model syllabus for environment prepared by the National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. The Court had, last year, made environmental studies a compulsory subject up to senior secondary level in schools”. [The Indian Express, 23.4.04]


Larger Bench to define what constitutes essential part of a religion : “ A larger Bench of the Supreme Court will go into what constitutes an essential part of a religion, with reference to a particular doctrine or religious practice followed by a particular community”. [The Hindu, 11.05.04]


The Eucharist fosters Unity : The Eucharist… appears as the culmination of all the sacraments in perfecting our communion with God the Father by identification with his only be-gotten Son through the working of the Holy Spirit.

The celebration of the Eucharist, however, cannot be the starting-point for communion; it presupposes that communion already exists, a communion which it seeks to consolidate and bring to perfection. The ecclesial communion of the Eucharist assembly is a communion with its own Bishop and with the Roman Pontiff. The Bishop, in effect, is the visible principle and the foundation of unity within his particular Church. It would therefore be a great contradiction if the sacrament par excellence of the Church’s unity were celebrated without true communion with the Bishop.

The Eucharist creates communion and fosters communion. Saint Paul wrote to the faithful of Corinth explaining how their divisions, reflected in their Eucharistic gatherings, contradicted what they were celebrating, the Lord’s  Supper. The Apostle then urged them to reflect on the true reality of the Eucharist in order to return to the Spirit of fraternal communion [1 Cor. 11, 17-34]. The Eucharist’s particular effectiveness in promoting communion is one of the reasons for the importance of Sunday Mass. The safeguarding and promotion of ecclesial communion is a task of each member of the faithful, who finds in the Eucharist, as the sacrament of the Church’s unity, an area of special concern [ Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 34-42]


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