
About me

There isn't much to tell. My name is Jacques Philippe and I'm a person just like you. I'm not
much for longwinded conversations or speeches but I've been known to have my moments
on that proverbial soapbox. Mind you, I usually keep my more private opinions as such.
That is, unless, the situation truly warrants me verbalizing them. Interestingly enough, I can
be somewhat shy or reserved. I simply don't do crowds but I'm full of ideas and I like to
share. In any case, I hope you stay awhile and enjoy your visit.

About this web site

Please bear in mind that this concept in web site design is still in its infancy. The featured functionalities, however limited, should suffice in providing the visitor with an experience that is far removed from the usual. In any case, the design in question is akin to shuffling a series of web pages similarly to a deck of cards but not so animated. Finally, the intent is to present the visitor with a web site in its entirety but viewed one page at a time.