Archives & Memorial

These archival related records are provided by JRFA for the interest of family members as evidence of the our ancestors and lineage. They have been compiled from various sources such as US census records, social security death index, state records, church records, obituaries, etc. We would like to include more documents, so if you have any to share, please send them in so that they may be scanned and included here. Please send in pictures, obituaries, birth announcements, death notices, and anything else of interest that you think would be valuable to add to our family archives. If you need the items returned, please let us know when you are sending them. We will make photocopies and/or scan the items and send them back to you as soon as possible. You may also send us copies of your documents via fax. And if you have information or details or see where we may have incorrectly documented something or left something out, please share this information with us by leaving us a detailed message on our hotline. Simply click on the link below to obtain our contact information.

From time-to-time, we will include certain pictures and records on this website. This website only represents a sampling of our archives. To view our archives in its entirety, you will need to be a member of JRFA. A considerable amount of time, effort,and expense is involved in maintaining such databases, please won't you consider joining JRFA? Simply click on the link below.

Reeves Archives Williams Archives Marshall Archives

JRFA Memorial Calendar

Click on any month to be taken to a page with the names of those individuals who have passed away during that month.

We are interested in preserving the resting places of our ancestors. Many cemetary plots are in desperate need of vital restoration. If you are able to help, please make a donation in any amount by clicking on the tab below.

Find out how you can join JRFA

Please click here to find out how to reach us via voicemail, fax, email, or regular mail.

JRFA Contact Information

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