District JOOI conventions were made to pick new district officers, get the whole district together for some team-building and club-improving workshops, and to have lots of fun. This year's PSWD-JOOI convention took place at Chatsworth Park in Chatsworth (located in the north-western tip of L.A. county). It was a gorgeous day for June 10, and though the attendance could have been better, those that were there definitely agreed the convention was worth going to.
9:00 am-10:00 am                   Registration/Check-in
10:00 am-10:30 am                 Welcome...
Rene Rubalcava, JOOI Gov.
                                                                Aiala Levy, JOOI Lt. Gov.
                                                     Stan Rubin, Youth Clubs Chairman
10:35 am-11:20 am                 Workshop #1    (choose from: )
1. Running for Office... Learn how to be a better JOOI club/district officer                       with tips and advice from the pros in the business.
2. Making Meetings Fun... Add some pizzaz to your meetings, recruit new                       members and, most importantly, get everyone to listen to you!
3. Projects/Fundraisers... Discover many great new service projects and                           fundraisers for your club and share your own stories.
11:20 am-11:40 am                 Snack break
11:45 am-12:30 pm                 Workshop #2
(choose a different workshop to attend from the choices above)
12:30 pm-1:30 pm                   Lunch
1:30 pm- ?                              Elections and Results
If you were at the convention, have an idea on how to improve our convention (we could really use that!), or just want more info, please e-mail us at [email protected] .  Thanks!
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