いつからこんなに あなたを感じてたのか Since when did I start to feel like this about you?
溢れるほどの 光に見えて The feeling is visible in such deluging light,
悲しみが沈むほど and so strong that it drowns my sorrow
いつでもあなたは 気遣う瞳の中で You always will be embraced by
苦しみまでも 癒す強さと power that is so strong that it even eases pain,
やさしさに 包まれ and tenderness, in your anxious gaze
このまま このまま In this way, in this way
この願いあつめて 苦しい日々に閉ざされてても even if I was bogged down during those difficult times,
今強さに変えてゆく this hope will materialise and transform into dynamism
あの日をくれた あなたを守りたい I wish to protect you, who spent those days with me
涙が溢れて 言葉出なくなるほどの Those moments, which are so tender
やさしい時間が全てを包み that my eyes are filled with tears and I turn speechless, encompass everything
いとしさが強くなる The fondness intensifies
このまま このまま In this way, in this way
今愛信じて 激しい風にさらされてても Now I believe in love even if I’m being expose to a gale
もう迷いはしないわ 生まれ変われた I’m no longer perplex I’ve transformed into a new person
今なら こわくない Now, I’m no longer afraid
この願いあつめて 苦しい日々に閉ざされてても Even if I was bogged down during those difficult times, this hope will materialise
今愛信じて 激しい風にさらされてても Now I believe in love And even if I’m being expose to a gale
越える強さに変えてゆく love can transform into courage to overcomes (all adversities)
あの日をくれた あなたを守るため This is to protect you, who spent those days with me

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