Kanashii Sake
ひとり酒場で 飲む酒は Drinking alone at the bar is
別れ涙の 味がする (I) tasted the tears of farewell
飲んで棄てたい 面影が The face that (I) wish to drink and forget
飲めばグラスに また浮かぶ emerges in my drinking glass as I drank
(セリフ)ああ 別れたあとの心残りよ Ah- Leave you heart behind as you leave
未練なのね あの人の面影 I still can't forget that person's face
淋しさを忘れるために To forget my loneliness
飲んでいるのに I am drinking
酒は今夜も 私を悲しくさせる however, alcohol is making me sad again tonight
酒よどうして どうして Sake why oh why
あの人を That person....
あきらめたらいいの If only I can give up on him
あきらめたらいいの If only I can give up on him
酒よこころが あるならば Sake If you have the heart
胸の悩みを 消してくれ Help me to erase my problems in my mind
酔えば悲しく なる酒を Drinking the sake that makes me sad when I'm drunk
飲んで泣くのも 恋のため I cry for love
一人ぼっちが 好きだよと The heart that said "I like to be alone"
言った心の 裏で泣く is crying inside
好きで添えない 人の世を Crying and reproaching the world of the person
泣いて怨んで 夜が更ける who (I) love and can't be with, the day breaks

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