Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site: http://premier.shanky.com Starseed vs The Dark is being held in ?go 4v4c - Tomatoes+ Tomatoes+> *beginlog Logging session to: SS29287.log Log file closed Five o ford> TOM Five o ford> ATOES Tomatoes+> sup fof :) Five o ford> hey man Five o ford> afk for a quick min Tomatoes+> okey zoo> look at this shit Zeromus> hi kuan Tomatoes+> Z Tomatoes+> E Tomatoes+> R Tomatoes+> O Tomatoes+> M Tomatoes+> U Tomatoes+> S Zeromus> ! Tomatoes+> Zeromus :) Tomatoes+> *timer 10 zoo> starseed is cheating Tomatoes+> *arena The Dark requests 10 minute delay The Dark requests 10 minute delay Zeromus> it's 3.07pm already :( Feox> we accept ! Starseed to freq 100, The Dark to freq 200 please. - Tomatoes+ Tomatoes+> hahah zoo> give us 2 nts zoo> im actually gonna play Feox> Starseed requests an handicap ! Spitfire> zoo Spitfire> were being the orcs Tomatoes+> one sec Legacy> zoo and me request a 2v2 match Tomatoes+> *arena Sorry all. NTS are no longer allowed in Premier League. Sorry all. NTS are no longer allowed in Premier League. zoo> bullshit league Tomatoes+> *arena or 2v2s, hahah or 2v2s, hahah zoo> dont convert lives then Legacy> lol Five o ford> omg we will win one zoo> you think so? Macros loaded Five o ford> it could happen Hook> hehe Zeromus> no chance Spitfire> tom petty is a definate 0-3 Zeromus> we'll be 0-9 when the season's over Zeromus> feox on a laptop Tomatoes+> *arena Hello, I will be your ref today. -Tomatoes+ Hello, I will be your ref today. -Tomatoes+ Tomatoes+> *arena Captains, please private message me your starters. -Tomatoes+ Captains, please private message me your starters. -Tomatoes+ Five o ford> shhh 1-8 Tomatoes+> *arena Reminder: Please remind Tomatoes+ to write down slots on paper so he doesn't forget. (IMPORTANT) Reminder: Please remind Tomatoes+ to write down slots on paper so he doesn't forget. (IMPORTANT) Tomatoes+> *arena Reminder: Public chat is disabled with ?nopubchat Reminder: Public chat is disabled with ?nopubchat Tomatoes+> *arena Reminder: Any player may burn himself by typing /!burnme to bot. (IMPORTANT) Reminder: Any player may burn himself by typing /!burnme to bot. (IMPORTANT) zoo> have you lost 4v2 ever? Tomatoes+> *arena PRIVATE message me for sc/subs/lagouts. -Tomatoes+ PRIVATE message me for sc/subs/lagouts. -Tomatoes+ Five o ford> tomatoes write down slots on pieces of paper IMPORTANT Spitfire> this is gonna be good zoo> start zoo> start Hook> you can make history zoo zoo> yeah zoo> start the game pls zoo> hey start the game Tomatoes+> okay guys, I got 3 of you msging me zoo> hey whats the delay here? Tomatoes+> *arena TD, I assume those are your two starters that are in? TD, I assume those are your two starters that are in? zoo> lol Legacy> lol Tomatoes+> zoo, Leg asked for 10 NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining. zoo> oh god afk Legacy> haha Tomatoes+> hahah Legacy> well..maybe someone will pop on :) Miner> cfl Spitfire> im on the dark Legacy> oh yeah Miner> liar spit Legacy> he is Legacy> spit 200 Tom Petty> legacy, i want a win, let's hurry this up Legacy> i forgot tomatoes is on TD too Legacy> stupid me Legacy> tomatoes 200 Tomatoes+> :o cfl> miner Miner> cfl esox> I WILL PLAY :) Miner> did u win Tomatoes+> *arena Starseed starters confirmed. The Dark starters confirmed Starseed starters confirmed. The Dark starters confirmed cfl> no Miner> u lost? cfl> gb afk :( Spitfire> nice Spitfire> im in Legacy> well Legacy> lets start i guess Tomatoes+> *arena Please spec if you are not a starter (hi spit) zoo> is spitfire allowed to play Please spec if you are not a starter (hi spit) Legacy> i dont see anyone Miner> lol zoo> lets go Legacy> sigh let spit play..:( Spitfire> i am playing Tomatoes+> *arena Captains please private message me when you are ready to start Captains please private message me when you are ready to start zoo> starseed desperate for a win Player locked in spectator mode Tomatoes+> *lock Arena LOCKED Spitfire> fuck dont spec me Spitfire> bitch Five o ford> actually i dont think we really care at this point Player free to enter arena Spitfire> im playin zoo> desperate for a win Tomatoes+> ready? Legacy> yes Tomatoes+> *arena starting bot starting bot zoo> go Starting in one minute. You may recycle as needed until then. Spitfire> zoo im on their frq NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. zoo> haha Spitfire> their talkin mad shit about u zoo> fuck with em Starting in 10 seconds... 3 2 1 GO!!! Starseed vs The Dark Ref: Tomatoes+ Tomatoes+> spit, dont' hop on their freq or you will get kicked for an hour Spitfire> fine fag Five o ford> hey gizzo Tomatoes+> *arena Note: Empty slots will be converted at 30 min mark. Note: Empty slots will be converted at 30 min mark. GiZzO> hey SimonSays> do it spit Five o ford> no work? GiZzO> my car won't start...so i can't make it to work :p SimonSays> don't take orders from a fag Spitfire> i can go on the darks frq right Spitfire> and give them rep count Five o ford> oldestescuse in the book Spitfire> im their friend Tomatoes+> yes Spitfire> nice aim newbies Five o ford> zoo spitfire is talking shit abouty ou zoo> good Devs Angel> enemy did As win? Tom Petty> er Geek Jr> bia won Devs Angel> thanks geek Tom Petty> damn Spitfire> nice aim tom newbie Spitfire> roflmlahlahlahahlahl Tom Petty> er Tom Petty> he rocketed spitfag Devs Angel> Geek, do you know the score? Legacy kb Feox Kill Time: 4:38 Legacy has 2 lives left Score: 1-0 Starseed Spitfire> everyone on starseed has to take aiming 101 Five o ford> are you a registered sex offender spit? Spitfire> ive never been caught Zeromus> my god Feox kb zoo Kill Time: 6:48 Feox has 2 lives left Score: TIED 1-1 Feox> lol Feox> i cant rep on my laptop Feox> i cant zoo> 90 Spitfire> good excuse for dying in a 4v2 Spitfire> u fucking newbie Feox> spitfire idiot Feox> i had 40 sec to rep Feox> i tryed esox> spitfire now I know why I usually keep you on ignore :-) Legacy kb Zeromus Kill Time: 7:24 Legacy has 1 life left Spitfire> ROFLHALHALHAHA U DIED Score: 2-1 Starseed Legacy> fucking cpu esox> you're such a cheerful feelow. esox> fellow even Feox> ok Feox> i found the keys Five o ford> he's a smart fellwer Five o ford> or as it fart smeller? Five o ford> AHAHA Five o ford> i'm so witty Spitfire> your a homo Five o ford> u wish Tomatoes+> zoo is doing a lot of dmg even in this situations Tomatoes+> -s zoo kb Five o ford Kill Time: 9:24 zoo has 2 lives left Score: 3-1 Starseed Five o ford> tom Tom Petty> what Tomatoes+> yah? Tomatoes+> oh Zeromus> lol Five o ford has lagged out or specced 9:47 Tomatoes+> *lock Arena LOCKED Five o ford> afk mixing concrete :/ Madness> Burn Gizzo? Gizzo subbing in for five of ford 10:31 Tomatoes+> no Madness> Why not? Geek Jr> five didnt die Geek Jr> burn him esox> this is pro you must burn him :) Madness> He has to be burned Hook> that's a burn Tom GiZzO has been burned of all specials - Tomatoes+ Tomatoes+> sec, had to process sub crap... he entered w/o me telling Tomatoes+> bot didn't lock arena for some reason Tomatoes+> *lock Arena UNLOCKED Tomatoes+> *lock Arena LOCKED Legacy kb Zeromus Kill Time: 12:29 Legacy is OUT Score: 4-1 Starseed Zeromus> :( Feox> lol< Zeromus> this is gay, where are all your people? :( zoo kb Tom Petty Kill Time: 14:47 zoo has 1 life left Score: 5-1 Starseed Tomatoes+> *lock Arena UNLOCKED zoo> lucky newbies Tom Petty> that's living lucky newbies to u Tomatoes+> *lock Arena LOCKED Tomatoes+> *arena Marklee fills 3rd slot Marklee fills 3rd slot Marklee kb Zeromus Kill Time: 15:38 Marklee has 2 lives left Score: 6-1 Starseed Tom Petty> wtf Tom Petty> tank :( zoo> get me 3 competent pilots zoo> 12-0 Legacy> this .39 release sucks dick Sparklin> no public chat! Legacy> every 5 min or so my cpu slows down and the screen skips like the fps has dropped...but it hasnt Legacy> and its only done it with this version Sparklin> haha don't talk too much Crisis> this version allowed me to run 1900 res Crisis> it did it on it's own Crisis> now it's stopped Crisis> or something happened Zeromus> fucking bricksa Crisis> my computers just messed :( :) Sparklin> fu 1900 res, i use 1152*864 Tom Petty> aw Crisis> yeah well It lasted for about 2 days Sparklin> hehe Sparklin> only get like 20fps at 1280*1024, my max res Sparklin> 2mb VRAM! Zeromus> you on a 486? Sparklin> no a pentium I 200mhz Sparklin> phear Zeromus> awesome Sparklin> it's good for what i need it Sparklin> ms word, internet explorer, ss a> omg i cant belivew it blur+> TD losing to Starseed =( Kane> sad Kane> ;) Kane> the dark is 1-6 Kane> they will have the same record Zeromus> im retiring Crisis> maybe they just need players to show :) Kane> the reason is they arent FuN! Kane> NT esox> what happend, I remember something on pro board about odin wanting to disband, but I totally missed what happened. Crisis> FuN! is FuN! Zeromus kb Marklee Kill Time: 23:14 Zeromus has 2 lives left Score: 6-2 Starseed Klown> that was nice Tom Petty> er Kane> if ur not FuN! - u just aint coo esox> kane, you're squad isn't named after a teakettle, ez. Kane> :-D esox> your squad, sorry for error. Tom Petty> wee Kane> its named after ur mom - cause everyone gets to ride on the FuN!mobile esox> EASY Kane> :-P esox> :( Kane> just playen zoo kb Feox Kill Time: 24:44 zoo is OUT Score: 7-2 Starseed Kane> u know that Kane> ;) esox> :-) esox> Yupppers Marklee kb Zeromus Kill Time: 25:14 Marklee has 1 life left Score: 8-2 Starseed Zeromus> all me Marklee> all your lag Marklee> your shit comes out 2 inches from your ship Marklee> everyone else is fine Tom Petty> especially mine tak> did the dark not show 4 Legacy> nope esox> nope :( Legacy> what a pathetic squad Tomatoes+> ?time Time left: 18 minutes 56 seconds Legacy> was a mistake joining them Speed> damn Legacy> im through with them tak> :c Speed> legacy you own tho tak> veri and legacy should turrent tak> i want a gun duel rematch Legacy> Tomatoes+> damn, i gtg soon, can you just sui pls? :( Marklee kb Feox Kill Time: 28:17 Marklee is OUT Score: 9-2 Starseed Tomatoes+> guess that's a wrap Starseed defeats The Dark in 28 minutes. Final Score: 9-2 MVP: Zeromus (4-1) ------Starseed------------------Ki--De--TKK--LO--ID--PlayT--SubbedBy------------------------ Name: Feox 3 1 0 0 0 28:35 Name: Zeromus 4 1 0 0 0 28:35 Name: Five o ford 1 0 0 1 0 28:35 Name: Tom Petty 1 0 0 0 0 28:35 Name: GiZzO 0 0 0 0 0 18:46 TEAM TOTALS 9 2 0 1 ------The Dark------------------Ki--De--TKK--LO--ID--PlayT--SubbedBy------------------------ Name: zoo 1 3 0 0 0 24:44 Name: Legacy 0 3 0 0 0 12:29 Name: Marklee 1 3 0 0 0 13:19 TEAM TOTALS 2 9 0 0 Game Over!!! 28:35 Arena is unlocked Zeromus> gg the dark :( Tomatoes+> *arena GG Teams