Log file open: SSvsASS20-2.txt mr. pengui> and u have to play retarded newbie teams 90% of the time T Sky> KEEP AN EYE OUT OF JESUS ASSIGNING RANDOM DAMAGE TO PEOPLE, RIGHT AGILE? T Final> I will rocket as soon as we start T Agile> USE REPEL EARLY mr. penguin(200) killed by: Final T Agile> USE REPEL EARLY C 1:Megaman> have u seen this one? http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/19060/The_Chuck_Norris_Facts.html T Agile> USE REPEL EARLY T Agile> USE REPEL EARLY T Agile> USE REPEL EARLY T Agile> USE REPEL EARLY T Agile> PLS Macros loaded C 1:Megaman> chuch norris reads his own jokes mr. pengui> i dont get the point of pyramid other than to watch good squads beat newbs mr. penguin(200) killed by: Final T Agile> 0 WR T Final> they're not playing T Agile> gl everyone higherself> umm Agile> get in pussies higherself> lol at you NOTICE: Game over Final> gg T Enforcer> fkn pussies higherself> gg Da_monkk> lol wtf Willy> cackle Enforcer> good game C<>LT(201) killed by: mr. penguin Agile> Starseed 2-0 vs assassins Agile> man we are so good higherself> yup Agile> where is dingop T Final> can I leave now Primos> public 0 Brandon> i hope u lose for talkin shit T Enforcer> we could have a squad prac C<>LT(200) killed by: mr. penguin rex> a C<>LT> o Willy> wired remove the corn cob from your anus and get in T Enforcer> we got enough for 2 teams mr. pengui> fucking wimp T Agile> I practiced hard all week for this T Enforcer> ss vs ss T Final> abs, no, they're refusing to play T Willy> grant them an extension to get in T Willy> were not taking a no show T Agile> I agree C 1:Sky> Chuck Norris once challenged Lance Armstrong to a "Who has more testicles contest" and chuck norris won by 5. T Agile> we want the kills develop(200) killed by: Final T Agile> I want to kill assassins players Da_monkk> I will play for ass T aiti> its actually pretty funny, dev, foo want to play, twiz is bitching C 1:0Nethervoid> they wanrt 5 minutes C 1:Agile> lol C 1:0Nethervoid> give it? T aiti> brut telling them to get in C 1:Agile> yes C 1:Willy> i say yes mr. penguin(205) killed by: Da_monkk mr. pengui> the sad part about this is i can solo starseed 7 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4prac1 -blahh T aiti> and neo trying to msg dingo on xbox live C 1:Sky> (lance armstrong has testicular cancer and had them removed, LOL) Yancy> !roster assassins P Agile> u have enough players twiz Willy> get on xbox live and get dingo P Agile> tell them to get in develop(200) killed by: mr. penguin mr. penguin(202) killed by: Final Enemy> BRB A 5 minute extension has been given and confirmed by both Captains. --Knives P Agile> $ Five Venom> 2 free wins mAImER> !time Agile> course it is 4:16 mr. pengui> nappy headed hos Agile> already Agile> so Agile> start the bot mr. pengui> hut up digs> so kiss me im shitfaced mr. pengui> shut up agile FooMasta(200) killed by: Final T Willy> aiti is this going to be like tito ortiz vs dana white aiti(205) killed by: mr. penguin mr. pengui> go watch naruto mr. penguin(202) killed by: KriLYu FooMasta(200) killed by: Final T aiti> lol mr. pengui> i watched like 3 episodes and thought it sucked The 4:15 minute delay was because of ref'ing issues. I appolgise for the delay. -Knives T scorch> so assassins are to afraid to weigh in? Final(214) killed by: mr. penguin Sky> and by reffing issues Sky> you mean E Agile> get 4 in Sky> you forgot to announce the game knives Sky> :P T aiti> they are going to tough it out while neo tries to get dingo to come on and sub bRUt> o mr. pengui> no Knives+> Lies! Sky> DONT FORGET IM ON REF CHAT TOO bRUt> haha T Agile> what is twizllur so pussy about Knives+> I didn't forget to announce they just asked me at 4:03 mr. penguin(203) killed by: Final Grifter(200) killed by: KriLYu T Agile> he should be in T aiti> he gets pms Sky> SURE SURE FooMasta(200) killed by: mr. penguin Grifter(200) killed by: mr. penguin T aiti> he says he hasn't praccd in two months bRUt> so...what happened from 4:03 to 4:13 T Final> PRIVATE MESSAGES? mr. pengui> big penguin attack! T aiti> pyramid sucks etc T Agile> should I offer him some Midol T Willy> who? bRUt> i must know T aiti> whats the point etc digs> shut up FooMasta(200) killed by: KriLYu T 0Nethervoi> we shpuld have probably takn the 12-0 T Agile> or maybe some pamprin bRUt> not funny T Willy> wired? digs> true T 0Nethervoi> but oh well higherself> not at all digs T Sky> nether 3 Minutes remaining. -K mr. penguin(206) killed by: Final T Sky> they had 4 in T Sky> we would have played it out T Agile> well Knives+> !roster Assassins T Megaman> what's going on? Neo> ok knives aiti(200) killed by: mr. penguin T Agile> in the name of good sportsmanship Neo> we are ready Da_monkk> !roster assassins mr. pengui> PENGUIN CLAW ULTRA SPIN PENGUIN ATTACK T 0Nethervoi> we're about to start Neo> thanks for waiting T Agile> we can let em atleast try FooMasta(200) killed by: KriLYu P Sky> anyway T Willy> we had a win by "cheating" P Sky> we got this T aiti> at least i could have slept if we got the W P Sky> but! T Willy> were giving them a shot T 0Nethervoi> dominate, win 12-0 Final> anything for you, Neo P Sky> lets place a prop bet bRUt> !roster assassins P Sky> $5 says scorch dies :P T Agile> anyone who dies with repels is my bitch for the next month digs> where are dingo, travis, zeit, and why isn't twiz on the freq? develop> i wonder where that guy X===TURBULENCE===X is at aiti(200) killed by: mr. penguin C<>LT(200) killed by: Final mAImER> dingo is in chaos zone mr. penguin(206) killed by: Final bRUt> he died P Agile> he might Megaman> he's in chiang mai Neo> they are afraid of starseed P Agile> It worries me digs> o P Agile> scorch FooMasta(200) killed by: mr. penguin develop> i think he got taken over by X---ALIEN---X develop(200) killed by: Final T 0Nethervoi> ok, it's starting The game is about to start. GOod luck. develop> and probed Knives+> !start Assassins vs Starseed Starting in 60 seconds... develop> or something digs> burt is scared of spaceships P Agile> youre a good player buit your weak point is not using repels T Enforcer> H13 T Final> afk C 2:Slimster> dingoling Primos> Assassins have 3 players in T 0Nethervoi> H13 Enemy> o Final(200) killed by: mr. penguin Neo> uh Enemy> we have 3 Enemy> thanks Enemy> for starting P Agile> pls use them today bRUt> haha Final> haha why is penguin in P Agile> :D T Enforcer> 3 warbirds Knives+> wtf. aiti(201) killed by: mr. penguin bRUt> reffing issues Knives+> !end Neo> i said go digs> 1-0 assassins T 0Nethervoi> lol at the ref bRUt> u have mr. penguin in Sky> spec him knives P Agile> I have faith in u Sky> knives mAImER> penguin is going to fight both teams at once Sky> .*spec him digs> aiti died T 0Nethervoi> ok they have 4 now bRUt> haha T Enforcer> h13 C<>LT> it willr eset Enemy> TAB LAG C<>LT> when the game satrts Da_monkk> penguin doesnt need a team mAImER> NO SHOOTING digs> no digs> 1-0 assassins cuz aiti died -3- -2- Final> I died too Megaman> teams are for losers -1- T Agile> GL GO! T 0Nethervoi> H13 digs> 2-0 Sky> !score T KriLYu> aw? Sky> 0-0 tied Sky> newb T 0Nethervoi> grifter w/ AW on T aiti> not it digs> 2-0 cuz aiti and final died T Agile> someone get aw on T 0Nethervoi> one of us needs anti T Sky> KrilYu gots it T Final> AW ON T 0Nethervoi> kril has it on T Agile> kril got it The stats before the actual start of the game do not show on !stats, no worries. --Knives T Final> off bRUt> it's quite obvious...aiti always goes to the team that is stacked digs> change the bot to say 2-0 since aiti and final died digs> appeal P Agile> scorch with -100 Sky> you're just bitter because agile won digweed in a name duel :( P Agile> no repel bRUt> look at these nappy headed hos plaly digs> o P 0Nethervoi> yeah... T 0Nethervoi> rep EARLY mr. pengui> fucking nappy headed hos P Agile> if he dies he has to go bRUt> play P 0Nethervoi> immediatly digs> Im sure if I was really bitter about it I wouldnt have given him my pw P Agile> k Knives+> !time bRUt> digs = digweed? P 0Nethervoi> their lineup is horrible we could easily comeback if we die 1 or 2x bRUt> oh i hate digs now Sky> yes digs> since no one ever gives pws after they are bitter and lose a name duel P Agile> I agree T Megaman> how many rounds left? bRUt> what a fag P Agile> But having less than 3 lives will hurt our offense digs> agreed T KriLYu> Use X-RADAR near K13 T Sky> alot digs> h8 digweed T Sky> :P P Agile> Thats all im worried about vorbis> !schedule T 0Nethervoi> N14 4 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad4 -Stiggy P Agile> I want 12-0 T Enforcer> too many digs> afk writing about it in my blog mr. pengui> LOL u have a blog T Sky> Regroup at N13 DeathKnigh> !schedule mr. pengui> lOOOO P 0Nethervoi> important for us to finish #1 so we don't have to play sterling digs> ok back from writing in my blog P Agile> ya mr. pengui> LOL @ BLOG P Agile> I was going to say the same thing a few days ago P 0Nethervoi> our style works better vs ass/bia as fucked up as that sounds T 0Nethervoi> K13 P Agile> I think we are still fine vs sterling P Agile> thing is I was playing shitty in those games T 0Nethervoi> Dev 1/3 T 0Nethervoi> I13 T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near H13. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near H13. T KriLYu> 1561 nrg @ I13 bRUt> we have one sub bRUt> we better use it wisely mr. pengui> !sub mr. pengui> let me in Sky> TWIZ Agile> brut why arent you playing Agile> why isnt twiz Brandon> cut penguin lose Brandon> loose Agile> u have 3 subs Sky> neo brut twiz T 0Nethervoi> x Neo> !allowsub brut bRUt> my 400 average ping will be fantastic for this online grudge Sky> neo Neo> now we have 4! Sky> he isnt rostered Neo> oh Agile> nothing wrong with 400 ping Neo> !cancelsub brut Agile> it is playable mr. pengui> brut maybe u should have thought about ur ping before the match Sky> he is under x----turbluiglhlfkjhg----x T 0Nethervoi> grifter 1/3 Foo 2/3 Enemy 2/3 Develop 1/3 E Crisis> USE TUMBLEWEED mr. pengui> u fuck Neo> dunno how to remove Agile> removesub Knives+> !help mAImER> o dingo is back Neo> !removesub brut Agile> did that work P Agile> !help P DZ-4v4-Bot> Basic: !listop !help P DZ-4v4-Bot> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ P DZ-4v4-Bot> | Player Commands | P DZ-4v4-Bot> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !allowsub !burnme !cancel !cap | P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !claim !end !forcecap !freqinfo | P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !game !givecap !kick !leaguestats ,# | P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !leaguetop # !pracstats ,# !ready !remove | P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !restart !results :# !return !sc # | P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !schedule !score !showline !spam | P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !standings !stats !sub : !time | P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !top # !unban !winners | P DZ-4v4-Bot> | !helproster !helpprofile !helpstats | P DZ-4v4-Bot> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ P DZ-4v4-Bot> Type /!help for detailed descriptions. Stats: http://stats.svszone.com Neo> dunno :( thx tho Neo> he wont come in Neo> mb Neo> !roster assassins bRUt> im about to sub in P Agile> are we 100 or 200 P Agile> lol P 0Nethervoi> 200 Neo> pls dont :( digs> shut up T Megaman> wow I would totally fuck these guys up in a minute Neo> !allowsub x===turbulence===x Neo> man thats hard to type P 0Nethervoi> scorch dropping bombs like sika Knives+> !roster Assassins P Agile> lol P Agile> sweet Neo> knives can u remove brut from allowsub? T Sky> Dingo and Twiz will be subbed in soonishly P 0Nethervoi> if he can lagh like that consistently he'll perm start T 0Nethervoi> shrug Knives+> Don't worry about it Neo. T Agile> develop 1r grifter 1r T 0Nethervoi> Dingo will get owned with this line in Agile> if hes not going to sub in then dont worry about it Agile> just leave it Knives+> btw, it's easier to type %.tickname than that out. 2 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -Lemon Herb T 0Nethervoi> dev 0 mr. pengui> yeah neo T Sky> dev 0 T Agile> dev 0r mr. pengui> idiot T 0Nethervoi> good mr. pengui> u should have used tick name mr. pengui> when x===turbulence===x wasnt in the arena Neo> but x------turbulence-=-=-=-X isnt here Neo> yeah mr. pengui> lol Neo> good trick tho thx Knives+> But when he gets here... lol Neo> yeah mAImER> MAYBE HE SHOULD COME HERE Knives+> not like he's gonna sub without being here! Agile> maybe x--turbulence---x should just log on Agile> and quit pissing you off Sky> maybe this game feels like a prac bRUt> who Primos> 1stats Primos> !stats Knives+> !time Yancy> !stats Crisis> !stats mAImER> !stats T 0Nethervoi> dev 0/3 Enemy 2/3 Foo 2/3 Grifter 1/3 Primos> copy cats T 0Nethervoi> target dev Brandon> omg this is so fricken intense!!! bRUt> i wish i can see more bRUt> this res stinks Brandon> OPEN UR EYES MY CHILD bRUt> o 0Nethervoi> turb why are u not in yet? Brandon> Neo> brut not today sorry T Agile> rocket T Agile> rocket T Agile> rocket T Agile> too late bRUt> how did brandon find out :( Macros loaded Brandon> me and neo have a lil somethin goin on Brandon> but dont tell Sky> man boy love? Brandon> im the man deleteriou> put sky in!@ Sky> you guys are members of NAMBLA right? P Agile> when u and me get in this is going to be ten thousand times worse for ass T 0Nethervoi> Develop 0/3 Enemy 1/2 Foo 2/3 Grifter 1/3 Sky> listen to deleterious the wise Brandon> nope we're part of puma P Willy> nod P 0Nethervoi> yeah, we're in great shape Dingo> !time P Agile> i am happy that you changed your style P Agile> I have faith in your new strategy T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near N13. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near N13. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near N13. P Willy> just solid play i risk too much when i go offense P Agile> Ya T Agile> choke P Agile> scorch used a rep P Agile> $ Raspi> plz kill someone T 0Nethervoi> N13 P Agile> i didnt see it P 0Nethervoi> SUCCESS P 0Nethervoi> lol mindriot> someone die! P Agile> haha P Agile> no one on our team has rocketed at all yet T Sky> develop is target with 0/3 P Agile> :/ P 0Nethervoi> we want grift subbed out if possible P Agile> he is definitely staying in the whole game digs> !stats P Agile> itd be great if he wasnt but im sure they arent that dumb P 0Nethervoi> enemy is their captain P Agile> lol Knives+> !stats P Agile> :( P 0Nethervoi> he's horrible at decision making, mop usually does everything P Agile> dev and foo will be the first to sub out P Agile> for sure P 0Nethervoi> dunno why dev is still in then P Agile> neither do i P Agile> they might want him to use rockets P Agile> or something bRUt> subarus develop(200) killed by: aiti develop kb aiti -- Assist by: Final develop has 2 lives remaining - [14:45] Score: 1-0 Starseed -- [4v4] P 0Nethervoi> u and 3 go in before the deadline regardless of the situation P Agile> oooool T Willy> atta boy T 0Nethervoi> Good T Agile> nicely done bRUt> make noise! P Agile> ok Brandon> omg Brandon> ARR OOO Knives+> kb T Agile> foomasta 0r T Agile> grif/enemy 1r T Willy> /dingo coming in FooMasta has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Dingo in for FooMasta [Time: 00:01] [3 lives] T Agile> boom bRUt> time to spec dingo T Agile> tighten up fellas T 0Nethervoi> Develop 2/3 Dingo 2/3 Enemy 1/2 Grifter 1/2 Team oriented flagging action now available in ?go WarzoneCTF. P Agile> if someone on our team were to die with reps in this game it will happen now P 0Nethervoi> Hope T Final> Lost at Down [K13] - coords? T 0Nethervoi> K13 T 0Nethervoi> J12 T Agile> lol Primos> oh E Agile> Helo patrick sherman Suprem> reaem are you winning Brandon> agile is reaem? Brandon> i never knew Agile> at the moment we are winning by 1 kill Knives+> !time Suprem> that is good news friend Agile> <3 Sky> bradon T Willy> nice shot T C<>LT> aww Sky> Agile is Reaem, but now Reaem is nacre Agile> yes T aiti> up P 0Nethervoi> Like I thought, dingo being too offensive and getting owned T Willy> move UP ^^^ ASAP K14s T Willy> move UP ^^^ ASAP K14s T Willy> move UP ^^^ ASAP K14s Suprem> did grifter get confused and press f11 Suprem> or was he supposed to be in P Agile> he is used to having good backup Sky> the latter bRUt> this team is a whole lot better with mop, tak, and travis afk P 0Nethervoi> we need scorch+final to last another 9 minutes P Agile> heh yea vorbis> !stats digs> thats not funny P Agile> theyre doing relaly good so far Suprem> does travis neglect his kid Suprem> how does he play this so much still 0Nethervoi> kid doesn't live with him I think Suprem> oh P Agile> someone made aiti repel P Agile> sound the emergency alarms Neo> hes actually a surprisingly good father P 0Nethervoi> heh T 0Nethervoi> N15 Suprem> he can't be that good vorbis> Travis' kid only got an 8 average on hot or not so he had it adopted P Agile> this must be harder than i thought Suprem> is mom has custody Suprem> if* P 0Nethervoi> he just screwed up Neo> i said surprisingly, not dad of the year T KriLYu> 1637 nrg @ M14 Yancy> its conversation's like this that make me miss ap0c Sky> Travis> OK FATHER SON TIME....lets watch daddy play spaceships! Knives+> !time Megaman> lol Suprem> even most shitty dads have their kids with them Da_monkk> ass are so agressive without mop Watcher78> you guys are so lame P 0Nethervoi> fucking scorch Megaman> they are? Neo> hes afk for the rest of the season for his son P Agile> another close call? P 0Nethervoi> ya P Agile> :/ Da_monkk> oh Knives+> lies he'll be back next weekend. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I13. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I13. Knives+> I bet monkks name. Da_monkk> deal P Agile> aiti 0r:/ P 0Nethervoi> he's fine C 1:Sky> CASEY HI P 0Nethervoi> he'll do much better with u and 3 in C 1:designator> hi P Agile> yes P 0Nethervoi> which will be soon Suprem> reaem i think it's time to put yourself in the game Caerbannog> !schedule 0Nethervoi> Soon Suprem> it's time for adult swim T Willy> do your best to support aiti just dont get killed doing it Agile> why do you think that Suprem> get these kids out of the pool designator> !stats C 2:FoxTrot> hey Agile> ?chat seed70: designator,life,C<>LT,Agile,0Nethervoid,Sky,Megaman,Willy,scorch seed70: aiti,KriLYu,Final,Enforcer poker: Mauler,Dingo,life,Underlord,Slimster,Agile,P-Mav,0Nethervoid,Megaman poker: Enemy,Crisis,Nilrem,FoxTrot,Dutch Baser invasion: Mitsubishi,higherself,Agile,vorbis,ebola,DeathKnight,Farlig invasion: Malarky Agile> ?chat seed70 Agile> ?chat seed70: designator,life,C<>LT,Agile,0Nethervoid,Sky,Megaman,Willy,scorch seed70: aiti,KriLYu,Final,Enforcer C<>LT> !time T KriLYu> team rep? T 0Nethervoi> Ok, willy in for scorch T Agile> aiti 0 you guys 2 T designator> back off for sub T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L10. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L10. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L10. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L10. T Agile> SUB COMING IN scorch has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Willy> OK CHUMS IM BACK LETS DO THIS.... LEEEEEROOOYYYYYYY Willy> !SUB Willy in for scorch [Time: 00:02] [3 lives] designator> LEEEEEEEROY Willy> JENKINS designator> JENNNNNNNNKINS P DZ-4v4-Bot> You are now allowed to !sub for Freq 200 5 Minutes until all subs are burned. P Agile> im going to pee real quick P Agile> brb P 0Nethervoi> hurry Suprem> wtf Suprem> sub for reps now? designator> yep bRUt> yeah isn't this game stupid designator> haha designator> yeah Suprem> didnt 99.9 of this game whine for years to have that rule removed C<>LT> brut T KriLYu> 1332 nrg @ I13 T 0Nethervoi> G14 C<>LT> way to not play bRUt> i am bRUt> in 4 minutes bRUt> just wait vt> !stats P 0Nethervoi> tell me when you're back Da_monkk> !time P Agile> K T designator> Develop 1/3 Dingo 2/3 Enemy 1/1 Grifter 1/2 7-Eleven> I was one of them suprem, but now I like it :( T C<>LT> boom T designator> Grifter 0/2 Suprem> but u also love the B=========D Suprem> ~~~~~ P Agile> that changed the pace real fast 7-Eleven> uuuuuuuuuuuuuu T 0Nethervoi> Develop 1/3 Dingo 2/3 Enemy 1/1 Grifter 0/2 T Sky> dammit bRUt> u know suprem after 15 yrs playign this game people don't get better, so they have to change the rules :( T Sky> i had that all typed out T Sky> ... Suprem> what ever 7 eleven T designator> nice shooting aiti P 0Nethervoi> u ready to go in? P Agile> ya Suprem> you proabably drive a saturn T 0Nethervoi> Agile in for Final designator> my girlfriend drives a saturn Suprem> i understand brut T designator> back off T designator> for sub T KriLYu> Regroup! @ M13 T Final> k Final has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Agile> !sub 200:1 Agile in for Final [Time: 00:01] [3 lives] Public chat OFF T 0Nethervoi> Winning time T designator> regroup L14! Macros loaded T Agile> LOST near K11. Need coords or safe attach. T Sky> nice playing final, not having to rep :) gg m8 T 0Nethervoi> P11 T 0Nethervoi> P11 T 0Nethervoi> P11 T designator> move into open space T designator> move into open space T Willy> move LEFT <<< ASAP P12s T Willy> move LEFT <<< ASAP P12s T Willy> move LEFT <<< ASAP P12s T Willy> move LEFT <<< ASAP P12s aiti(203) killed by: Dingo aiti kb Dingo aiti has 2 lives remaining - [28:51] Score: 1-1 TIED -- [4v4] T Sky> hes red T Sky> RED T 0Nethervoi> silly death T Sky> red and 0 T Agile> dingo 0 T KriLYu> :( 1 Minute until all subs are burned. T designator> move into open space T KriLYu> reps? T Agile> ooo T 0Nethervoi> Develop 1/2 Dingo 0/1 Enemy 1/1 Grifter 0/2 T 0Nethervoi> enemy 0/1 T Sky> Enemy 0/1 Enemy has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Neo in for Enemy [Time: 00:00] [3 lives] All subs are now burned. T designator> lol Neo in... game over T Agile> LONE ENEMY K14. T Agile> LONE ENEMY K14. T Sky> Why not twiz? hes here T 0Nethervoi> neo in T 0Nethervoi> gg T 0Nethervoi> group up T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near G13. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near G13. T C<>LT> grifter and dingo 0 T C<>LT> that shopuld be game T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near G15. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near G15. T 0Nethervoi> Grifter,dingo 0 T C<>LT> 3-1 wins T Megaman> are we winning? T 0Nethervoi> soon T Megaman> oo agile is in now T C<>LT> 1-1 T designator> we are winning T 0Nethervoi> Neo choking/playing horrible T Megaman> I'm speccing you reaem don't get nervous T Sky> DINGO y T Sky> Develop 1/2 Dingo 0/1 Grifter 0/2 Neo 2/3 T Megaman> put me in! T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L11. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L11. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L14. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L14. T Agile> MISSING ONE teammate near L14. T Agile> USE X-RADAR near M13. T 0Nethervoi> develop 0/2 Dingo 0/1 Grifter 0/2 Neo 2/3 T 0Nethervoi> L8 T 0Nethervoi> L10 T 0Nethervoi> L5 T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L5. Grifter(200) killed by: Willy Grifter kb Willy -- Assist by: KriLYu Grifter has 2 lives remaining - [35:09] Score: 2-1 Starseed -- [4v4] T KriLYu> ez T 0Nethervoi> Good T 0Nethervoi> More T designator> good T 0Nethervoi> Dingo,develop 0 T 0Nethervoi> Develop 0/2 Dingo 0/2 Grifter 2/3 Neo 1/2 T scorch> woh :P T Megaman> prolly why T Agile> BAD POSITION FOLLOW ME OUT M15 T Agile> BAD POSITION FOLLOW ME OUT M15 T Agile> BAD POSITION FOLLOW ME OUT M15 T Final> dev blue P Agile> <-- P Agile> <-- T Final> lol... everyone else did go out :) NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining. 4v4 League - Triumph vs Nightwatch - in ?go 4v4a - CptChaos+ 4v4 League - Rebels vs Iron - in ?go 4v4b - cay+ T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L11. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L11. T 0Nethervoi> Develop 0/1 Dingo 0/1 Grifter 2/2 Neo 1/2 T C<>LT> dingo 0/0 C 1:Sky> i would like to blow it in a thai hookers mouth mega T C<>LT> spear him C 1:Sky> that would be fun T Sky> dingo red Dingo(202) killed by: aiti Dingo kb aiti -- Assist by: Willy Dingo has 2 lives remaining - [42:29] Score: 3-1 Starseed -- [4v4] T C<>LT> gg T Sky> and dead C 1:Megaman> it is:) T Agile> nice T 0Nethervoi> good T 0Nethervoi> More Dingo(0) killed by: Grifter Dingo kb Grifter [TEAMKILL] -- Assist by: Agile Dingo has 1 life remaining - [42:50] Score: 4-1 Starseed -- [4v4] T scorch> ROFL T Willy> lOL T Sky> LOL T 0Nethervoi> good T Agile> owned T Sky> SCORE T Final> game T 0Nethervoi> and LOL btw T 0Nethervoi> neop red T Willy> Chasing LONER H10s T 0Nethervoi> red T 0Nethervoi> red T 0Nethervoi> yel T 0Nethervoi> red T 0Nethervoi> yel T 0Nethervoi> blu T Willy> coord T Willy> coord T C<>LT> 0 @ I11 T C<>LT> 0 @ I11 T Agile> dinbgo 1r T KriLYu> 1389 nrg @ M10 T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near K9. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near K9. T 0Nethervoi> M10 T 0Nethervoi> L11 T 0Nethervoi> More kills T Willy> WATCH FOR ROCKETA T Willy> WATCH FOR IT NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. T designator> its over.. less than one minute T Megaman> put me in T designator> just don't die 4v4 League - StarFire Elite vs B.I.A. - in ?go 4v4c - Final+ T designator> 30 seconds T designator> 10 seconds T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near M13. T Agile> DISENGAGE and REGROUP near M13. T designator> over Final Score: 4-1 Starseed wins -- Game Time: 45:00 +----------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+ | F 200: Starseed Ki/De KO TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG | W-L | Ki/De | Rat TRat | +----------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+ | scorch 0/ 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 24:38 | 25796/ 29842 46% | 26 7 | 2-0 | 2/1 | +1 504 | | Willy 1/ 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 19:58 | 28738/ 26830 51% | 37 14 | 9-2 | 26/10 | +7 608 | | aiti 2/ 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 44:39 | 67231/ 72875 47% | 45 15 | 5-2 | 15/7 | +9 570 | | KriLYu 0/ 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 44:38 | 63900/ 49175 56% | 47 16 | 6-2 | 9/3 | +4 543 | | Final 0/ 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 27:05 | 43104/ 32023 57% | 29 9 | 5-0 | 4/2 | +2 517 | | Agile 0/ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 17:32 | 24533/ 13811 63% | 26 14 | 5-2 | 12/7 | +1 533 | | TOTAL: 4/ 1 0 0 2 0 4 14 0 2 6 | 253302/224556 | 35 13 | 32-8 | 68/30 | | +----------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+ | F 100: Assassin Ki/De KO TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG | W-L | Ki/De | Rat TRat | +----------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+ | Grifter 0/ 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 44:39 | 55587/ 45039 55% | 25 12 | 1-1 | 0/1 | -3 497 | | develop 0/ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 44:38 | 56651/ 78575 41% | 58 14 | 5-2 | 5/2 | -2 525 | | Enemy 0/ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 29:38 | 36067/ 45264 44% | 38 11 | 0-2 | 0/2 | 0 492 | | Neo 0/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14:59 | 17606/ 25678 40% | 29 19 | 0-1 | 0/0 | 0 500 | | FooMasta 0/ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 15:40 | 14699/ 17735 45% | 25 14 | 0-1 | 0/0 | 0 500 | | Dingo 1/ 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 28:56 | 33840/ 47220 41% | 22 12 | 5-2 | 17/10 | 0 551 | | TOTAL: 1/ 4 0 1 2 1 0 5 2 7 11 | 214450/259511 | 31 13 | 11-9 | 22/15 | | +----------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+ Stats for this game can be viewed at: http://stats.svszone.com/?page=Game&id=15358 MVP: aiti (+9) -- Runner Up: Willy (+7) LVP: Grifter (-3) -- Runner Up: develop (-2) T Agile> haha T Agile> saved T Sky> GG T Megaman> gg C 1:0Nethervoid> they were smart and ran the whole match to save differential C 1:0Nethervoid> gj btw 4 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -lowball C 1:designator> lol C 1:Agile> ya C 1:Willy> gg C 1:Willy> LOL @ THE TK C 1:Agile> that was pretty smart of them C 1:Sky> #1 C 1:Sky> AGAIn C 1:Sky> ^5 C 1:Megaman> did we win pro now? C 1:Agile> ^5 T LoRdVeGaS> LOL @ NELSON Good Game guys, intereting! --Knives C 1:0Nethervoid> soon