Peter's Music Page

Welcome to my music page. I have a lot of work to do on this, but since some people wanted to hear my greatest hit, I've decided to put this much online and continue developing the rest of the page over time. It uses RealPlayer to provide the streaming audio, so you will probably need to have it if you want more than a history lesson.

My Greatest Hit!:

  • Call On Me Again by Peter Haliburton ©1984

    Back in 1980(?) my friend Lorne LeDrew (keyboard) and I (lead guitar/vocals) met up with Darren Harnett (drums/vocals), Derwin Hodder (rhythm guitar/vocals), and Bruce Mesh (bass). We got together and formed a band. We were called Feedback, for obvious reasons as you will hear. We played once in public, without Lorne, and that was during education week of 1982(?). Here is our opening number.

    Feedback Live at Lewisporte High (1982?):

  • Saw You On The Telephone by 12 Gauge

    Darren Harnett is an excellent drummer. We always considered him by far the best musician in Feedback. He has continued to play in bands, and try to break his way into the big leagues, but so far with little luck. Here is a demo a band was in at Winnipeg did.

    From Kantelia's First Demo Tape:

  • One Thing On Your Mind by ???

    Click for ordering information

    I played in a band called the Raunchy Ravens with Terry Penney around 1987. Terry has gone on to release a CD of his own compositions. It even gets some airplay on OZ-FM. Below is a link to his website. Clicking on the CD cover brings you to informaitn on how to purchase it.

  • Terry Penney's Unofficial Website

    I used to spend a lot of time listening to a tape of a song, playing it over and over, first to write out all the words, and then to figure out the chords. Then along came the internet and OLGA, the Online Guitar Archive. Now a simple search will usually turn up the song I am looking for, compiled from the efforts of other people around the world. (eg. Great Big Sea)

    The songs are in several formats, but you will probably find Chord (CRD) to be the most generally useful. Remember to use a proportional font like Courier so that the chords are over the right words. ChordPro (PRO) is great since it will do all the formatting, and create the chord charts, with the help of the proper program. Tablature (TAB) is the way to go if you want to learn something note for note.

    Enter the artist or song you are looking for below.
    Then click on the button.

    Convert your ChordPro files to HTML with Web Chord.
    This page was last updated on 1999/10/05.

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