
About Us

To reserve your puppy today: call 555-555-5555, eMail [email protected], or click here

A. Documentation of the Development Process

The purpose of the website is to promote a state licensed dog kennel which specializes in breeding pure bread labrador retrievers and labradoodles. The website will focus upon advertising puppies for sale, detailing the medical care given to the puppies, and describing the genetics and pedigrees of their parents. The website will leverage multimedia to allow potential customers to view the actual puppies being offered for sale, via still images and short videos.

B. Defense of the Final Product

The selected colors come from a triadic color scheme, with the primary color of green. Green was chosen because of the associations with health, growth, and nature. The other colors are red-orange, and blue-violet. Red-orange will be used for action items, and blue-violet will be used for borders. The links are arranged to promote sales, with a red-orange call to action link to reserve a puppy being prominently featured on each page. The font used in the header will a serif font such as Times New Roman. This font represents tradition and respectability. The font for the main content and navigational links will be a sans-serif font such as Calibri which engenders cleanliness.

As the primary purpose of the website is to drive sales the links within the navigation area are arranged with a sales link at the top. The order of links beneath the sales link serve to promote the quality of the product with the last link being a Home link. Placing the Home link at the bottom forces the visitor to scan all links before returning to the Home page.

C. Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

One area which may be improved upon is the logo, it would be nice to have a circle around it that was composed of text with the company name and established on date. Another area to improve is the remarks within the HTML code. The code should be marked up to make it easy for the business owner to change images to showcase new litters.