Name: Joy Ann B. Acosta

Address: Purok Waling-Waling, Brgy. Paglaum 2, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

Age: 19 Years Old

Born: Himamaylan City

Religion: Formerly Catholic and recently Christian Baptist

Sex: Female

Email Address: [email protected]

Course & Year: BSIT 3

Talents: Singing, dancing, acting, and a little bit in drawing

Skills: Cooking, good in sports game and a lot more


Elementary Education

Grade 1----- Best in Writing
Grade2----- 3rd Honorable Mention
Grade 3-----5th Honorable Mention
Grade 4-----7th Honorable Mention
Grade 5-----5TH Honorable Mention
Grade 6-----5th Honorable Mention

High School Education

1ST Year-----4rd Honorable Mention
2nd Year-----5th Honorable Mention
3rd Year-----5th Honorable Mention
4th Year-----2nd Honorable Mention

I live in Paglaum Village II, Binalbagan Negros Occidental. We are fourteen
in the family.I have seven sisters namely:Margie Maningo,Marissa Alvarez,
Rosalie Ferrer, Michelle Acosta,Geralyn Acosta, Mary Grace Acosta and
Angelica Acosta.I have four brothers namely: George Acosta Jr.,Joemar Acosta,
Jimmy Acosta, and Joerie Acosta. There are four children left in our house
because some of my brothers and sisters have their own family and living.
We are three left who are still schooling.My older sister, Mary Grace is
studying at Southland College, while my younger sister Angelica and I
are studying at Binalbagan Catholic College.Mary Grace is taking Bachelor
of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management and she is now in her graduating
year.My sister, Angelica is taking Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration and she is now in her second year in college.And me, I am taking
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and I am now in my third year in

August 24 2013, I was baptized as a Christian Baptist.The Church that I am
attending is the Roadside Bible Baptists Church.Within two years, I am very
active in the Church, until such time, that my parents knew that I was baptized
in the Church of Baptist, they did not allow me to attend Church anymore.
It is because they don't want me to belong in other Churches other than Catholic
Church.Until now, I'm in my third year in College but still I am not allowed
to go to.As the time passes by, if i cannot go to Church I can feel that my
faith becomes weak.But the most important thing is that, I do still have faith
in God.

Since I was in my third year in high school, my most idoled person is David
James Archuleta. I know all his songs and some private aspects of his life.
Until now, he is still my idol. He's songs makes me feel relaxed and calm.
One aspect why he is my idol it is because, he is a religious person.
I am inspired by his dedication in trying to serve God eventhough he is a
famous one in Hollywood.And now, he is not that well known this time,
it is because he focuses in serving God.He just newly come back from his
2 years mission in Chile as a missionary for the Latter Day of Saints,or
known as Mormons.

My sister Geralyn, is the one who is sending my younger sister Angelica and I,
in college. She is working in Kuwait City for almost 5 years.If I am going to
finish my studies, I want to help my sister. Even though she now 28 years old,
i still want to send her in college if she wants to,in exchange for her
sacrifices and sufferings in sending me and my younger sister in college.

As a human, I also have dreams in life. One of those is to finish my studies in
college.I want to have a good job someday.I also want to work abroad for me to
earn faster and bigger.After that, I want to help my parents in building their
own house because they already bought a lot, but my sister Geralyn who is working
abroad is still earning for that house which my family is dreaming of.
I want also to build my own dream house. And after that i want to build my own
family. All that i want is to live simply as I can. I want to have 2 Children
someday,specifically, 2 boys.I want to send them in public school if they will
be in their elementary and high school for me to save their expenses while
studying, because I will be earning much money for me to send them in a University
if they're will be going to college.I don't want to build a big house because I
just want to live a simple life.I want to train my future family, to be contented
in what they have in life.Most especially I want them to be a Godfearing children.
How I wish and pray to have a Godfearing and responsible husband someday.

I have a very supportive and loving parents. My father is 66 years old while my
mother is 60 years old. My father is an elementary undergraduate and my mother too.
My father reached only his sixth grade in elementary, while my mother is only grade 5.
In the eyes of others it's so embarrassing that my parents are only elementary
undergraduate.But for me, it is not embarrasing, I am very proud of them.Eventhough
they only reached that level or kind of education,they made a way for me and my
other siblings to send us in school.I am very grateful to have them both as my
parents because, they are the most unique and the best parents in the world.
I know that, some of the youth in this world have the kind of parents like mine.
Some youths are not in school because they are being abandoned and neglect by their
parents. That is why I am very thankful and blessed to have them in my life.

Eventhough we belong in a lower kind of status in society, I'm still blessed because,
if I do not experienced this kind of living, maybe I will be not persevered
and determined in reaching my goals in life and one of those is to finish my studies.
I am dedicating my schooling,first and for most to God, who provides everything that
I need in my life, whose guiding me everyday, whose blessing me all day through,
whose giving me strenght and courage to face the problems that I have encountered and
still encountering, whose giving me good health all through years.Secondly, I want to
thank my parents who take good care of me since i was born until now. My parents,who,
tries to be patient when i am impatient, makes me strong when I am weak, gives me courage
when I am hopeless, provides all my material needs, loves me everytime I am loveless,
scolds me when I made mistakes, encourages me all the time to study hard and reach my
dreams through my own sweat and effort,and most especially, cares for me all the time.
Thirdly, my Pastor and churchmates in the Church, bestfriends, friends, relatives and classmates.