TV Hits!
BSB: The Real Story
By Nick carter

Q: C'mon then,which BSB song do you hate singing?

N: I don't hate any of them, 'Shape of my Heart'ismy least favourite.We record loads of songs before piciking the onse for the album,so we are not going to pick tunes we don't like.
Every song on teh album is a favourite to us.

Q: Do you think you would you be friends with other boys if you weren't in the band?

N: Of course! you can't put five guys together in a band who don't click.We've seen it happen
with bands in the past-it doesn't work out.It might work out about six months but then the
pressure sets in and the argument starts.

Q: Have you ever thrown a POP star stop and walked out of an interview?

N: I don't do it anymore! A long time ago I did  it-alot!That was only cos I was young and
imature. I wasn't really ready for all that attention in a way.Now we have much more
respect for journalists.

Q: We thought you were a drummer Nick, where have  those funky drums gone?

N: I am a drummer, but I thought I needed to get more into the guitar to help write better music
I hope it's working, but I will be getting back to the drums soon-promise!I love to drum but
you'll have to wiat until the next album to hear me again.

Q: Okay, let's get saucy! How many fans have you snogged over the years?

N: (Laughing) I don't want to say too much,but  let's just say I've had a couple of g/fs who
were fans!All that was a long time ago. How many have I snogged? I am not saying!

Q: You cheaky monkey!What's the worst thing you ever read about yourself?

N: I've read in Rolling Stone Magazine how I picked my nose and how I do rude things all the time! It's not true at all. The other guys were joking around while we were doing an interview, making up all this stuff, and the magazine just put it all in! I had my mum calling me up and everything!

Q: Why are you always neglecting your fans in Europe and spending loads of time in America?

N: We're not!We're on our way over to see you!That's why we're on a year-and-a-half-long
world tour. I think the reason why the fans think tehy don't see enough of us is because
we live out here in America. But we do love Europe. We'll be there over there soon,promise

Q: Can't wait!Now, be honest which other bands do
you really hate?

N: Musically,jut any of these rap boy groups that don't have there own style and also people
who have the same produces as us, who are  slightly less vocally powerful..(How bate can
he be, we all know he is on about N'sync)But I don't really hate anyone.

Q: How famouse do you lot think you really are?

N: Not famouse at all! I don't care about all that. No metter how big we get I still Love
all this -its something God blessed me to do.But the second you start thinking, I'm famouse
I'm this, I'm that-thats the day you crumble. I'll never let it get to that point cos I
apreciate every minute of it!

Q: Finally, we've heard more rumours in the press
about BSB splitting up. Are they true?

N: Not at All! I don't know why these rumours keep going round about us
-I guess cos we are doing things on our own
more. But don't worry, we're not going anywhere
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