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Points to Aid Communication With Deaf or Hard of Hearing People

  • Make sure you are in front of or fairly closed to (approx. 3 to 6 feet), and on the same level as the deaf person.
  • Position yourself with your face to the light and avoid placing yourself in front of a bright window.
  • Check that the background noise is kept to a minimum,
  • Do not shout.
  • Speak clearly. Maintain a normal rhythm of speech. Over emphasis of words distorts lip movements, making speech reading more difficult.
  • Remember that sentences end phrases are easier to understand than isolated words.
  • If a word / phrase is not understood, use different words with the same meaning - rephrase.
  • If the topic is changed, make sure the deaf person knows.
  • Keep head still and stop talking if you turn away.
  • Keep hands, pens, cigarettes, etc away from your face while speaking. Other distracting factors affecting communication include moustaches obscuring the lips.
  • Do not eat while speaking.
  • Avoid exaggerating facial movements, grimacing or inappropriate facial expression.
  • Gesture, pantomime and body language can be helpful.
  • Make sure the deaf person is looking at you - attract attention if necessary.
  • Don't be embarrassed about communicating via paper and pencil. Getting the message across is more important than the medium used.