Press Start


Albuquerque's Best Video Gaming Center

Press Start Gaming center is New Mexico's premier old school gaming center. We feature console and PC gaming for gamers of all ages.

Located in central Albuquerque, Press Start is only minutes away from any part of the city. We are waling distance from the University of New Mexico's Albuquerque campus and offer discounts for students.

For the console gamers, we offer the latest generation of the major systems. We feature the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Wii U, all in high definition on 4 12' screens with surround sound. We also have Xbox 360s, Playstation 3s, and Wiis available for use.

For the old school gamers, we have the Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Gamecube, and Playstation 2. In addition, we have a vast library of games for each of the old school systems.

In rare cases, this one-to-one communication can progress to the point at which a shared language is created. The twins will come up with their own words, and in some cases, their own grammatical structures. The languages are unintelligible to anyone else but the twins. These cases are very rare, even though they are well publicized. The twin's secret language will usually disappear by age 4 or 5, as they become more adept at using their parent's language.

What can you do to help your twins in acquiring language? The most important thing you can do is pay individual attention to each child. Easier said than done! Provide feedback to each child as he or she gropes with language. If you are feeding your twins, talk to one child as the other is eating. Then, when the first child is eating, switch to the second. When changing diapers, use the one-on-one time (one hopes) to further provide the audio clues needed for learning language.

As with everything that is twin-related, language acquisition requires some extra work on the part of the parents; but again with twin-related activities, the extra work is paid off in extra fun.

Press Start Gaming Center • 101010 Byte St. • Albuquerque, NM 87105 • (650) 555- 1111