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VHS Movie Lister

for the family using


10 ' vhsmovie.bas  Program by fhb4family
20 '   rev 1.00 11/15/98  copied & modified from music.bas v1.10 of 10/5/98
30 '   rev 1.01 11/18/98  variables and screen display changed for movie use.
40 '   save"vhsmovie.bas",a
50 '
60 '
70 '
80 '
90 '
100 '
110 '
120 'Program:
130 GOSUB 420 'Initialization
140 GOSUB 550 'FunctionKeys
150 GOSUB 590 'CountData
160 GOSUB 650 'MainMenu
170 PRINT "Ended at progam":END
180 '--------------------------
190 'SubroutineLocator:
200 CLS:LIST  120-180  'Program
210 CLS:LIST  420-530  'VariableInitialization
220 CLS:LIST  550-570  'FunctionKeys
230 CLS:LIST  590-640  'CountData     (variable=totalmovie)
240 CLS:LIST  650-860  'MainMenu
250 CLS:LIST  870-950  'ActionTakenOnKeyPress
260 CLS:LIST  960-1220 'DisplayByTapeNumber:
270 CLS:LIST 1230-1470 'DisplayBy (Title|Character|Actor|ProductionGroup|Label)
280 CLS:LIST 1480-1770 'MultipleFieldSearches
290 CLS:LIST 1740-1770 'ScreenScrollingPauser
300 CLS:LIST 1780-1830 'ScrollStop@4Records
310 CLS:LIST 1840-1880 'SearchCompleted-Go2MainMenu
320 CLS:LIST 1890-1930 'NoMatchFound-Go2MainMenu
330 CLS:LIST 1940-1970 'ScrollStop
340 CLS:LIST 1980-2010 'ReadDataCard
350 CLS:LIST 2020-2110 'PrintDataCard2Screen
360 CLS:LIST 2120-2260 'PrintAllData2Printer
370 CLS:LIST 2270-2320 'Exit2DOS
380 CLS:LIST 2330-2860 'DataCards - 1st group
390 CLS:LIST 2860-3560 'DataCards - 2nd group
400 CLS:LIST 3560-3750 'DataCards - 3rd group
410 '-------------------------
420 'VariableInitialization:
440 DIM V$(7,2)          'V stands for VARIABLES (basket array or table)
450  V$(0,0)= "Th-th-th-":V$(0,1)= "that's "   : V$(0,2)="all, folks!..."
460  V$(1,0)= "VHS$"     :V$(1,1)= "VHSNO$"    : V$(1,2)="VHS number"
470  V$(2,0)= "TITL$"    :V$(2,1)= "TITLE$"    : V$(2,2)="Movie Title"
480  V$(3,0)= "CHAR$"    :V$(3,1)= "CHARACTER$": V$(3,2)="Movie Character name"
490  V$(4,0)= "ACTR$"    :V$(4,1)= "ACTOR$"    : V$(4,2)="Actor's name"
500  V$(5,0)= "GRUP$"    :V$(5,1)= "GROUP$"    : V$(5,2)="Production Group"
510  V$(6,0)= "LABL$"    :V$(6,1)= "LABEL$"    : V$(6,2)="VHS tape label info"
520  V$(7,0)= "EMPTY  "  :V$(7,1)= "Enter fragment of ":V$(7,2)="empty slot"
530 RETURN 'to program, FunctionKeys
540 '----------------------------------
550 'FunctionKeys:
560 FOR FKEY=1 TO 10:KEY FKEY,"":NEXT FKEY ' all Function Keys turned off
570 RETURN 'to program, CountData
580 '-------------------------
590 'CountData: 'just to see how many datacards of cd's there are.
600   GOSUB 1980 'ReadDataCard
610     IF V$(1,1)="end of data" THEN RETURN 'to Program, MainMenu
630     GOTO 600 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Loop thru data counting entries
640 '-------------------------
650 'MainMenu:
660 CLS
680 T=26
720 PRINT TAB(18)"Your Family's VHS tape movie locator";
740 LOCATE  5,T:PRINT "Search & List";TOTALMOVIE;"entries by: "
750 LOCATE  8,T:PRINT "Vhs tape number"
760 LOCATE  9,T:PRINT "Title"
770 LOCATE 10,T:PRINT "Character"
780 LOCATE 11,T:PRINT "Actor"
790 LOCATE 12,T:PRINT "Production group (director, producer, composer, etc.)
800 LOCATE 13,T:PRINT "Label information"
810 LOCATE 14,T:PRINT "Multiple field query"
820 LOCATE 16,T:PRINT "Quit to interpreter"
830 LOCATE 17,T:PRINT "eXit to menus
840 LOCATE 25,T:PRINT "Press capital letter for selection";
850 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenScrollingPauser
860 '---------------------
870 'ActionTakenOnKeyPress:
880 IF INSTR("vVtTcCaApPlLmMqQxX",KP$)=0 THEN GOTO 650 'MainMenu
890 IF INSTR("qQ",KP$)>0 THEN CLS:LIST 190-400 'Quit2GW-Basic & LIST subroutines
900 IF INSTR("xX",KP$)>0 THEN 2270 'Exit2Dos
910 IF INSTR("vV",KP$)>0 THEN  960 'DisplayByVHSTapeNumber
920 IF INSTR("tTcCaApPlL",KP$)>0 THEN 1230 'DisplayByTitle|Char|Actr|Grup|labl)
930 IF INSTR("mM",KP$)>0 THEN 1480 'MultifieldSearch
940 'PRINT "Program end at:  ActionTakenOnKeyPress-MainMenu":END
950 '-------------------------------------
960 'DisplayByVHSTapeNumber:
970 CLS
980 LOCATE 25,1
1000 LOCATE 2,34: PRINT "AlphaRangeNo.":PRINT:PRINT
1010 PRINT TAB(16)"A 1xx     G  7xx    M 13xx    S 19xx     Y 25xx"
1020 PRINT TAB(16)"B 2xx     H  8xx    N 14xx    T 20xx     Z 26xx"
1030 PRINT TAB(16)"C 3xx     I  9xx    O 15xx    U 21xx"
1040 PRINT TAB(16)"D 4xx     J 10xx    P 16xx    V 22xx"
1050 PRINT TAB(16)"E 5xx     K 11xx    Q 17xx    W 23xx"
1060 PRINT TAB(16)"F 6xx     L 12xx    R 18xx    X 24xx"
1070 LOCATE 12,24:PRINT "Input your collection's
1080 LOCATE 13,24:INPUT "tape number (100-2699): ";VHS$
1090 CLS
1100   IF VHS$="" THEN 650   'to main menu if no entry
1110   ENTRY.CHECK=VAL(VHS$) 'alphabet entrys set to zero
1120   IF ENTRY.CHECK <100 OR ENTRY.CHECK > 2699 THEN 960 'numeric range check
1130 GOSUB 1980 'ReadTheDataCards
1140   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG=0 THEN GOTO 1890 'NoMatch
1150   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG<>0 THEN GOTO 1840 'SearchComplet
1160   IF VHS$=V$(1,1) THEN GOSUB 2020 'PrintDataCard2Screen
1190   IF LINECOUNT=4 THEN GOSUB 1780 'ScreenStop@4Records
1200   GOTO 1130 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru data
1210 'PRINT "ended at DisplayByRecordTapeOrDiskNumber":END
1220 '-------------------------------------
1230 'DisplayByTitle|Character|Actor|ProductionGroup|Label:
1240 CLS
1250 IF KP$="v"OR KP$="V" THEN KP=1
1260 IF KP$="t"OR KP$="T" THEN KP=2
1270 IF KP$="c"OR KP$="C" THEN KP=3
1280 IF KP$="a"OR KP$="A" THEN KP=4
1290 IF KP$="p"OR KP$="P" THEN KP=5
1300 IF KP$="l"OR KP$="L" THEN KP=6
1310 IF KP$="m"OR KP$="M" THEN KP=7
1320 LOCATE 8,20
1330 PRINT V$(7,1);V$(KP,2);:INPUT V$(KP,0)
1340   IF V$(KP,0)="" THEN 650
1350 CLS
1360 LOCATE 1,20
1370 PRINT V$(7,1);V$(KP,2);":  ";V$(KP,0)
1380 GOSUB 1980
1390   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG = 0 THEN GOTO 1890 'NoMatch
1400   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG <> 0 THEN GOTO 1840 'SerchComplet
1410   IF INSTR((V$(KP,1)),V$(KP,0))>0 THEN GOSUB 2020 'PrintDataCard2Screen
1440   IF LINECOUNT=4 THEN GOSUB 1780 'ScrollStop@4Records
1450   GOTO 1380 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru data                  
1460 'END
1470 '-------------------------------------
1480 'MultipleFieldSearches:
1490 CLS
1510 PRINT TAB(30) "Multiple Field Query"
1520 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT TAB(5) "                            Title: "
1530 PRINT TAB(5) "                        Character: "
1540 PRINT TAB(5) "                            Actor: "
1550 PRINT TAB(5) "           Production team member: "
1560 PRINT TAB(5) "                            Label: "
1570 LOCATE  6,40:INPUT;V$(2,0)
1580 LOCATE  7,40:INPUT;V$(3,0)
1590 LOCATE  8,40:INPUT;V$(4,0)
1600 LOCATE  9,40:INPUT;V$(5,0)
1610 LOCATE 10,40:INPUT;V$(6,0)
1620   IF V$(2,0) ="" AND V$(3,0)="" AND V$(4,0)="" AND V$(5,0)="" AND V$(6,0)="" THEN GOTO 650 'goto MainMenu if no input
1630 LOCATE 25,1
1640 PRINT "Press the Anykey to search or 'N' to reedit query.";
1650 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenPauseTilKeyPress
1660   IF KP$="n" OR KP$="N" THEN 1480 'MultipleFieldSearches
1670 CLS
1680 GOSUB 1980 'ReadDataCard
1690   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG=0 THEN GOTO 1890 'No match
1700   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG<>0 THEN GOTO 1840 'Search complete
1710   IF INSTR(V$(2,1),V$(2,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(3,1),V$(3,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(4,1),V$(4,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(5,1),V$(5,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(6,1),V$(6,0))>0 THEN GOSUB 2020 'printDataCard2Screen
1720   IF INSTR(V$(2,1),V$(2,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(3,1),V$(3,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(4,1),V$(4,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(5,1),V$(5,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(6,1),V$(6,0))>0 THEN LINECOUNT=LINECOUNT + 1
1730   IF INSTR(V$(2,1),V$(2,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(3,1),V$(3,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(4,1),V$(4,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(5,1),V$(5,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(6,1),V$(6,0))>0 THEN EASTEREGG=EASTEREGG + 1
1740   IF LINECOUNT=4 THEN GOSUB 1780 'ScreenScrollStop@4Records
1750   GOTO 1680 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru data
1760 'END
1770 '---------------------------
1780 'ScreenScrollingStop@4Records:
1790 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Press the Anykey to continue.                       ";
1800 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenPauseTilKeyPress
1820 RETURN ' to either 1)RTD   2)Titl|Char|Actr|Grup|Labl   3)MultiField
1830 '---------------------------
1840 'SearchCompleted:
1850 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Search completed...                 press the Anykey";
1860 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenPauseTilKeyPress
1870 GOTO 650 'MainMenu
1880 '---------------------------
1890 'NoMatchFound:
1900 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Sorry, no match found.  Please try again.           ";
1910 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenPauseTilKeyPress
1920 GOTO 650 'MainMenu
1930 '---------------------------
1940 'ScreenScrollingPauser:
1950 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1950 'wait for keypress
1960 RETURN 'to any of many calling subroutines...
1970 '---------------------------
1980 'ReadDataCard:
1990 READ V$(1,1),V$(2,1),V$(3,1),V$(4,1),V$(5,1),V$(6,1)
2000 RETURN 'to calling subroutine ie CountData,...
2010 '---------------------------
2020 'PrintDataCard2Screen:
2030 PRINT V$(1,1);"    ";V$(2,1);"    "V$(3,1)
2040 'PRINT V$(3,1)
2050 PRINT V$(4,1)
2060 PRINT V$(5,1)
2070 PRINT V$(6,1)
2080 PRINT
2090 FOR DL=1 TO 4000:NEXT
2110 '---------------------------
2120 'PrintAllData2Printer:    This is a small program within a program *
2130 CLS
2160   IF LINECOUNT=4 THEN GOSUB 1780    'ScrollStop@4Records
2170   IF VHSNO$="end of data" THEN END  'or goto 440 main menu
2200   PRINT TAB(6) ACTOR$;" - ";GROUP$
2210   PRINT TAB(6) LABEL$
2220   PRINT
2240   GOTO 2150 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru data printing everything...
2250 END
2260 '---------------------------
2270 'Exit2DOS:
2280 CLS
2290 LOCATE 10,20
2300 PRINT V$(0,0);V$(0,1);V$(0,2);
2320 '---------------------------
2330 'DataCards:   'CASE SENSITIVE data cards - capitalize appropriately
2340 'Vhsno-Title-Characters-Actors-MovieInfo (producr/directr/music)-Label
2350 DATA"100", "A","  ","  ","  ","   "
2360 '
2370 DATA"101", "Apocalypse Now","Kurtz"
2380 DATA"Mart.Sheen, Marl.Brando, Rob.Duval+, Harris.Ford, Denn.Hopper"
2390 DATA"DW=Francis Ford Coppola+ W=John Milus, M=Carmine Coppola"
2400 DATA"1979 153m"
2410 '
2420 DATA"200", "B   ","  ","  ","  ","  "
2430 DATA"300", "C   ","  ","  ","  ","  "
2440 DATA"301", "Cats","  ","  ","  ","  "
2450 DATA"400", "D   ","  ","  ","  ","  "
2460 '
2470 DATA"401", "Dr. No","James Bond 007"
2480 DATA"Sean Connery, Ursula Andress, Joseph Wiseman, Jack Lord"
2490 DATA"D=Terence Young, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry"
2500 DATA"1962 111m  Bond #1"
2510 '
2520 DATA"402", "Diamonds are Forever","James Bond 007 v Ernst Blofeld"
2530 DATA"Sean Connery, Jill St. John, Charles Gray, Bruce Cabot, Jimmy Dean"
2540 DATA"D=Guy Hamilton, W=Tom Mankiewicz, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry+"
2550 DATA "1971 120m (Connery gets 1,000,000 for this one)"
2560 '
2570 DATA"500", "E","  ","  ","  ","  "
2580 DATA"600", "F","  ","  ","  ","  "
2590 '
2600 DATA"601", "For Your Eyes Only","James Bond 007"
2610 DATA"Roger Moore, Carole Bouquet, Chaim Topol"
2620 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Michael G. Wilson, M=Bill Conti+, S=Sheena Easton"
2630 DATA"1981 136m"
2640 '
2650 '
2660 DATA"602", "From Russia with Love","James Bond 007 v SPECTRE, Rosa Klebb"
2670 DATA"Sean Connery, Daniela Bainchi, Pedro Armendariz Sr., Lotte Lenya"
2680 DATA"D=Terence Young, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry"
2690 DATA"1963 125m Bond #2"
2700 '
2710 DATA"700", "G","  ","  ","  ","  "
2720 '
2730 DATA"701", "Goldeneye","James Bond 007, Xenia Onatopp"
2740 DATA"Pierce Brosnan, Famke Janssen, Sean Bean"
2750 DATA"D=Martin Campbell, W=Michael France&, M=Eric Sera, S=Tina Turner"
2760 DATA"1995 130m"
2770 '
2780 DATA"702", "Goldfinger","James Bond 007, Pussy Galore, Oddjob"
2790 DATA"Sean Connery, Honor Blackman, Gert Frobe, Shirley Eaton, Tania Mallet"
2800 DATA"D=Guy Hamilton, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry, S=Shirley Bassey"
2810 DATA"1964 117m Bond #3"
2820 '
2830 DATA"800", "H","  ","  ","  ","  "
2840 DATA"900", "I","  ","  ","  ","  "
2850 DATA"1000", "J","  ","  ","  ","  "
2860 DATA"1100", "K","  ","  ","  ","  "
2870 DATA"1200", "L","  ","  ","  ","  "
2880 '
2890 DATA"1201", "Licence to Kill","James Bond 007"
2900 DATA"Timothy Dalton,  Carey Lowell, Robert Davi, (Wayne Newton)"
2910 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Michael G. Wilson & Richard Maibaum, M=Michael Kamen"
2920 DATA"1989 133m  Dalton's 2nd Bond movie"
2930 '
2940 DATA"1202", "Live and Let Die", "James Bond 007 v Dr. Kananga (voodoo)" 
2950 DATA"Roger Moore, Jane Seymour, Yaphet Kotto, Clifton James, etc.)"
2960 DATA"D=Guy Hamilton, W=Tom Manikiewicz, C=Ted Moore, M=George Martin" 
2970 DATA"1973 131m  Song+=Paul McCartney"
2980 '
2990 DATA"1203", "(the) Living Daylights","James Bond 007"
3000 DATA"Timothy Dalton, Maryam D'Abo, Jeroen Krabbe, John Rhys-Davies"
3010 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Richard Maibaum & Michael G. Wilson, M=John Barry"
3020 DATA"1987 130m  Dalton's 1st Bond movie"
3030 '
3040 DATA"1300", "M","  ","  ","  ","  "
3050 '
3060 DATA"1301", "(the) Man with the Golden Gun","James Bond 007"
3070 DATA"Roger Moore, Chris. Lee, Britt Ekland, Maud Adams, Herve Villechaize"
3080 DATA"D=Guy Hamilton, W=Tom Mankiewicz, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry"
3090 DATA"1974 134m  Bond#9"
3100 '
3110 DATA"1302", "Moonraker","James Bond 007 v Jaws & Amazons"
3120 DATA"Roger Moore, Louis Chiles, Richard Kiel, Michael Lonsdale"
3130 DATA"D=Lewis Gilbert, M=John Barry"
3140 DATA"1979 136m"
3150 '
3160 '
3170 DATA"1400", "N","  ","  ","  ","  "
3180 '
3190 DATA"1401", "Never Say Never Again*"
3200 DATA"James Bond 007 v SPECTRE, Fatima Blush"
3210 DATA"Sean Connery, Klaus Brandauer, Kim Basinger, Max Sydow, Barb.Carrera"
3220 DATA"D=Irvin Kershner"
3230 DATA"1983 134m (remake of Thunderball)  *not in collection yet!"
3240 '
3250 DATA"1500", "O","  ","  ","  ","  "
3260 '
3270 DATA"1501", "Octopussy","James Bond 007"
3280 DATA"Roger Moore, Maud Adams, Louis Jourdan, Kristina Wayborn, Kabir Bedi"
3290 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Michael G. Wilson, M=John Barry"
3300 DATA"1983 140m"
3310 '
3320 DATA"1502", "On Her Majesty's Secret Service","James Bond 007 v Blofeld"
3330 DATA"George Lazenby, Diana Rigg, Telly Savalas, Gabriele Ferzetti"
3340 DATA"D=Peter Hunt, M=John Barry"
3350 DATA"1969 144m Bond #6"
3360 '
3370 DATA"1600", "P","  ","  ","  ","  "
3380 DATA"1700", "Q","  ","  ","  ","  "
3390 DATA"1800", "R","  ","  ","  ","  "
3400 DATA"1900", "S","  ","  ","  ","  "
3410 '
3420 DATA"1901", "(the) Spy Who Loved Me","James Bond 007 v Jaws"
3430 DATA"Roger Moore, Barbara Bach, Curt Jurgens, Rich. Kiel, Caroline Munro"
3440 DATA"D=Lewis Gilbert, M=Marvin Hamisch & Paul Buckmaster S=Carly Simon"
3450 DATA"1977 136m Marvin Hamlisch song 'Nobody Does it Better+"
3460 '
3470 DATA"2000", "T","  ","  ","  ","  "
3480 '
3490 DATA"2002", "Thunderball","James Bond 007 v SPECTRE"
3500 DATA"Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, Adolfo Cili, Luciana Paluzzi"
3510 DATA"D=T.Young, W=J.Hopkins & R.Maibaum, C=T.Moore, M=J.Barry, S=Tom Jones"
3520 DATA"1965 125m Bond #4  (remade as Never Say Never Again in 1983 w Connery"
3530 '
3540 DATA"2100", "U","  ","  ","  ","  "
3550 '
3560 DATA"2200", "V","  ","  ","  ","  "
3570 DATA"2201", "(a) View to a Kill","James Bond 007 v Evil Max Zorin"
3580 DATA"Roger Moore, Christopher Walken, Tanya Roberts, Grace Jones"
3590 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Michael G. Wilson, M=John Barry, Perform=Duran Duran"
3600 DATA"1985 131m (Roger Moores last Bond) "
3610 '
3620 DATA"2300", "W","  ","  ","  ","  "
3630 DATA"2400", "X","  ","  ","  ","  "
3640 DATA"2500", "Y","  ","  ","  ","  "
3650 '
3660 DATA"2501", "You Only Live Twice","James Bond 007 v Blofeld"
3670 DATA"Sean Connery, Mie Hama, Akiko Wakabayashi, Tetsuro Tamba, Karin Dor"
3680 DATA"D=Lewis Gilbert, C=Fred Young, M=John Barry, S=Nancy Sinatra"
3690 DATA"1967 125m"
3700 '
3710 DATA"2600", "Z","  ","  ","  ","  "
3720 DATA"end of data",,"  ","  ","  ","  "
3730 END
3740 '-----------------------------
3750 'Embedded Commands
3760 '              SAVE"VHSMOVIE.BAS",A
3770  CLS:LIST 190-410  'roadmap of subroutines
3780  CLS:LIST 410-540  'display variable names
3790  CLS:LIST 2330-2860 'display first part of datacards
3800  CLS:LIST 2330-3730 'display second part of datacards

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