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DVD Movie Lister

for the family using


10 ' dvdmovie.bas  Program by fhb4family
20 '   rev 1.00 11/15/98  copied & modified from music.bas v1.10 of 10/5/98
30 '   rev 1.01 11/18/98  variables and screen display changed for movie use.
40 '   save"vhsmovie.bas",a
50 '
60 '
70 '
80 '
90 '
100 '
110 '
120 'Program:
130 GOSUB 420 'Initialization
140 GOSUB 550 'FunctionKeys
150 GOSUB 590 'CountData
160 GOSUB 650 'MainMenu
170 PRINT "Ended at progam":END
180 '--------------------------
190 'SubroutineLocator:
200 CLS:LIST  120-180  'Program
210 CLS:LIST  420-530  'VariableInitialization
220 CLS:LIST  550-570  'FunctionKeys
230 CLS:LIST  590-640  'CountData     (variable=totalmovie)
240 CLS:LIST  650-860  'MainMenu
250 CLS:LIST  870-950  'ActionTakenOnKeyPress
260 CLS:LIST  960-1220 'DisplayByTapeNumber:
270 CLS:LIST 1230-1470 'DisplayBy (Title|Character|Actor|ProductionGroup|Label)
280 CLS:LIST 1480-1770 'MultipleFieldSearches
290 CLS:LIST 1740-1770 'ScreenScrollingPauser
300 CLS:LIST 1780-1830 'ScrollStop@4Records
310 CLS:LIST 1840-1880 'SearchCompleted-Go2MainMenu
320 CLS:LIST 1890-1930 'NoMatchFound-Go2MainMenu
330 CLS:LIST 1940-1970 'ScrollStop
340 CLS:LIST 1980-2010 'ReadDataCard
350 CLS:LIST 2020-2110 'PrintDataCard2Screen
360 CLS:LIST 2120-2260 'PrintAllData2Printer
370 CLS:LIST 2270-2320 'Exit2DOS
380 CLS:LIST 2330-2860 'DataCards - 1st group
390 CLS:LIST 2860-3560 'DataCards - 2nd group
400 CLS:LIST 3560-3750 'DataCards - 3rd group
410 '-------------------------
420 'VariableInitialization:
440 DIM V$(7,2)          'V stands for VARIABLES (basket array or table)
450  V$(0,0)= "Th-th-th-":V$(0,1)= "that's "   : V$(0,2)="all, folks!..."
460  V$(1,0)= "DVD$"     :V$(1,1)= "DVDNO$"    : V$(1,2)="DVD number"
470  V$(2,0)= "TITL$"    :V$(2,1)= "TITLE$"    : V$(2,2)="Movie Title"
480  V$(3,0)= "CHAR$"    :V$(3,1)= "CHARACTER$": V$(3,2)="Movie Character name"
490  V$(4,0)= "ACTR$"    :V$(4,1)= "ACTOR$"    : V$(4,2)="Actor's name"
500  V$(5,0)= "GRUP$"    :V$(5,1)= "GROUP$"    : V$(5,2)="Production Group"
510  V$(6,0)= "LABL$"    :V$(6,1)= "LABEL$"    : V$(6,2)="VHS tape label info"
520  V$(7,0)= "EMPTY  "  :V$(7,1)= "Enter fragment of ":V$(7,2)="empty slot"
530 RETURN 'to program, FunctionKeys
540 '----------------------------------
550 'FunctionKeys:
560 FOR FKEY=1 TO 10:KEY FKEY,"":NEXT FKEY ' all Function Keys turned off
570 RETURN 'to program, CountData
580 '-------------------------
590 'CountData: 'just to see how many datacards of cd's there are.
600   GOSUB 1980 'ReadDataCard
610     IF V$(1,1)="end of data" THEN RETURN 'to Program, MainMenu
630     GOTO 600 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Loop thru data counting entries
640 '-------------------------
650 'MainMenu:
660 CLS
680 T=26
720 PRINT TAB(18)"Your Familie's DVD tape movie locator";
740 LOCATE  5,T:PRINT "Search & List";TOTALMOVIE;"entries by: "
750 LOCATE  8,T:PRINT "DVD disk number"
760 LOCATE  9,T:PRINT "Title"
770 LOCATE 10,T:PRINT "Character"
780 LOCATE 11,T:PRINT "Actor"
790 LOCATE 12,T:PRINT "Production group (director, producer, composer, etc.)
800 LOCATE 13,T:PRINT "Label information"
810 LOCATE 14,T:PRINT "Multiple field query"
820 LOCATE 16,T:PRINT "Quit to interpreter"
830 LOCATE 17,T:PRINT "eXit to menus
840 LOCATE 25,T:PRINT "Press capital letter for selection";
850 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenScrollingPauser
860 '---------------------
870 'ActionTakenOnKeyPress:
880 IF INSTR("vVtTcCaApPlLmMqQxX",KP$)=0 THEN GOTO 650 'MainMenu
890 IF INSTR("qQ",KP$)>0 THEN CLS:LIST 190-400 'Quit2GW-Basic & LIST subroutines
900 IF INSTR("xX",KP$)>0 THEN 2270 'Exit2Dos

You are going to have to change a few bytes of code to convert this program
to DVD  below is an example of a "left over" VHS variable.

910 IF INSTR("vV",KP$)>0 THEN  960 'DisplayByVHSTapeNumber
920 IF INSTR("tTcCaApPlL",KP$)>0 THEN 1230 'DisplayByTitle|Char|Actr|Grup|labl)
930 IF INSTR("mM",KP$)>0 THEN 1480 'MultifieldSearch
940 'PRINT "Program end at:  ActionTakenOnKeyPress-MainMenu":END
950 '-------------------------------------
960 'DisplayByDVDDiskNumber:
970 CLS
980 LOCATE 25,1
1000 LOCATE 2,34: PRINT "AlphaRangeNo.":PRINT:PRINT
1010 PRINT TAB(16)"A 1xx     G  7xx    M 13xx    S 19xx     Y 25xx"
1020 PRINT TAB(16)"B 2xx     H  8xx    N 14xx    T 20xx     Z 26xx"
1030 PRINT TAB(16)"C 3xx     I  9xx    O 15xx    U 21xx"
1040 PRINT TAB(16)"D 4xx     J 10xx    P 16xx    V 22xx"
1050 PRINT TAB(16)"E 5xx     K 11xx    Q 17xx    W 23xx"
1060 PRINT TAB(16)"F 6xx     L 12xx    R 18xx    X 24xx"
1070 LOCATE 12,24:PRINT "Input your collection's

next line change "tape number" to disk number

1080 LOCATE 13,24:INPUT "tape number (100-2699): ";VHS$
1090 CLS
1100   IF VHS$="" THEN 650   'to main menu if no entry
1110   ENTRY.CHECK=VAL(VHS$) 'alphabet entrys set to zero
1120   IF ENTRY.CHECK <100 OR ENTRY.CHECK > 2699 THEN 960 'numeric range check
1130 GOSUB 1980 'ReadTheDataCards
1140   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG=0 THEN GOTO 1890 'NoMatch
1150   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG<>0 THEN GOTO 1840 'SearchComplet
1160   IF VHS$=V$(1,1) THEN GOSUB 2020 'PrintDataCard2Screen
1190   IF LINECOUNT=4 THEN GOSUB 1780 'ScreenStop@4Records
1200   GOTO 1130 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru data
1210 'PRINT "ended at DisplayByRecordTapeOrDiskNumber":END
1220 '-------------------------------------
1230 'DisplayByTitle|Character|Actor|ProductionGroup|Label:
1240 CLS
1250 IF KP$="v"OR KP$="V" THEN KP=1
1260 IF KP$="t"OR KP$="T" THEN KP=2
1270 IF KP$="c"OR KP$="C" THEN KP=3
1280 IF KP$="a"OR KP$="A" THEN KP=4
1290 IF KP$="p"OR KP$="P" THEN KP=5
1300 IF KP$="l"OR KP$="L" THEN KP=6
1310 IF KP$="m"OR KP$="M" THEN KP=7
1320 LOCATE 8,20
1330 PRINT V$(7,1);V$(KP,2);:INPUT V$(KP,0)
1340   IF V$(KP,0)="" THEN 650
1350 CLS
1360 LOCATE 1,20
1370 PRINT V$(7,1);V$(KP,2);":  ";V$(KP,0)
1380 GOSUB 1980
1390   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG = 0 THEN GOTO 1890 'NoMatch
1400   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG <> 0 THEN GOTO 1840 'SerchComplet
1410   IF INSTR((V$(KP,1)),V$(KP,0))>0 THEN GOSUB 2020 'PrintDataCard2Screen
1440   IF LINECOUNT=4 THEN GOSUB 1780 'ScrollStop@4Records
1450   GOTO 1380 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru data                  
1460 'END
1470 '-------------------------------------
1480 'MultipleFieldSearches:
1490 CLS
1510 PRINT TAB(30) "Multiple Field Query"
1520 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT TAB(5) "                            Title: "
1530 PRINT TAB(5) "                        Character: "
1540 PRINT TAB(5) "                            Actor: "
1550 PRINT TAB(5) "           Production team member: "
1560 PRINT TAB(5) "                            Label: "
1570 LOCATE  6,40:INPUT;V$(2,0)
1580 LOCATE  7,40:INPUT;V$(3,0)
1590 LOCATE  8,40:INPUT;V$(4,0)
1600 LOCATE  9,40:INPUT;V$(5,0)
1610 LOCATE 10,40:INPUT;V$(6,0)
1620   IF V$(2,0) ="" AND V$(3,0)="" AND V$(4,0)="" AND V$(5,0)="" AND V$(6,0)="" THEN GOTO 650 'goto MainMenu if no input
1630 LOCATE 25,1
1640 PRINT "Press the Anykey to search or 'N' to reedit query.";
1650 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenPauseTilKeyPress
1660   IF KP$="n" OR KP$="N" THEN 1480 'MultipleFieldSearches
1670 CLS
1680 GOSUB 1980 'ReadDataCard
1690   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG=0 THEN GOTO 1890 'No match
1700   IF V$(1,1)="end of data" AND EASTEREGG<>0 THEN GOTO 1840 'Search complete
1710   IF INSTR(V$(2,1),V$(2,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(3,1),V$(3,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(4,1),V$(4,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(5,1),V$(5,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(6,1),V$(6,0))>0 THEN GOSUB 2020 'printDataCard2Screen
1720   IF INSTR(V$(2,1),V$(2,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(3,1),V$(3,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(4,1),V$(4,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(5,1),V$(5,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(6,1),V$(6,0))>0 THEN LINECOUNT=LINECOUNT + 1
1730   IF INSTR(V$(2,1),V$(2,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(3,1),V$(3,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(4,1),V$(4,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(5,1),V$(5,0))>0 AND INSTR(V$(6,1),V$(6,0))>0 THEN EASTEREGG=EASTEREGG + 1
1740   IF LINECOUNT=4 THEN GOSUB 1780 'ScreenScrollStop@4Records
1750   GOTO 1680 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru data
1760 'END
1770 '---------------------------
1780 'ScreenScrollingStop@4Records:
1790 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Press the Anykey to continue.                       ";
1800 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenPauseTilKeyPress
1820 RETURN ' to either 1)RTD   2)Titl|Char|Actr|Grup|Labl   3)MultiField
1830 '---------------------------
1840 'SearchCompleted:
1850 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Search completed...                 press the Anykey";
1860 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenPauseTilKeyPress
1870 GOTO 650 'MainMenu
1880 '---------------------------
1890 'NoMatchFound:
1900 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Sorry, no match found.  Please try again.           ";
1910 GOSUB 1940 'ScreenPauseTilKeyPress
1920 GOTO 650 'MainMenu
1930 '---------------------------
1940 'ScreenScrollingPauser:
1950 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1950 ' wait for keypress
1960 RETURN 'to any of many calling subroutines...
1970 '---------------------------
1980 'ReadDataCard:
1990 READ V$(1,1),V$(2,1),V$(3,1),V$(4,1),V$(5,1),V$(6,1)
2000 RETURN 'to calling subroutine ie CountData,...
2010 '---------------------------
2020 'PrintDataCard2Screen:
2030 PRINT V$(1,1);"    ";V$(2,1);"    "V$(3,1)
2040 'PRINT V$(3,1)
2050 PRINT V$(4,1)
2060 PRINT V$(5,1)
2070 PRINT V$(6,1)
2080 PRINT
2090 FOR DL=1 TO 4000:NEXT
2110 '---------------------------
2120 'PrintAllData2Printer:    This is a small program within a program *
2130 CLS
2160   IF LINECOUNT=4 THEN GOSUB 1780    'ScrollStop@4Records
2170   IF VHSNO$="end of data" THEN END  'or goto 440 main menu
2200   PRINT TAB(6) ACTOR$;" - ";GROUP$
2210   PRINT TAB(6) LABEL$
2220   PRINT
2240   GOTO 2150 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru data printing everything...
2250 END
2260 '---------------------------
2270 'Exit2DOS:
2280 CLS
2290 LOCATE 10,20
2300 PRINT V$(0,0);V$(0,1);V$(0,2);
2320 '---------------------------
2330 'DataCards:   'CASE SENSITIVE data cards - capitalize appropriately
2340 'Vhsno-Title-Characters-Actors-MovieInfo (producr/directr/music)-Label

All the data below has to be reentered by you it goes without saying.
notice everything is comma delimited (,) and enclosed in quotes if
it is a string variable.  You can even enclose numeric variables in quotes
if i remember right (i often don't) but you have to reconvert to numeric
status if you need to do any operations upon the sum or other whatnot.

2350 DATA"100", "A","  ","  ","  ","   "
2360 '
2370 DATA"101", "Apocalypse Now","Kurtz"
2380 DATA"Mart.Sheen, Marl.Brando, Rob.Duval+, Harris.Ford, Denn.Hopper"
2390 DATA"DW=Francis Ford Coppola+ W=John Milus, M=Carmine Coppola"
2400 DATA"1979 153m"
2410 '
2420 DATA"200", "B   ","  ","  ","  ","  "
2430 DATA"300", "C   ","  ","  ","  ","  "
2440 DATA"301", "Cats","  ","  ","  ","  "
2450 DATA"400", "D   ","  ","  ","  ","  "
2460 '
2470 DATA"401", "Dr. No","James Bond 007"
2480 DATA"Sean Connery, Ursula Andress, Joseph Wiseman, Jack Lord"
2490 DATA"D=Terence Young, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry"
2500 DATA"1962 111m  Bond #1"
2510 '
2520 DATA"402", "Diamonds are Forever","James Bond 007 v Ernst Blofeld"
2530 DATA"Sean Connery, Jill St. John, Charles Gray, Bruce Cabot, Jimmy Dean"
2540 DATA"D=Guy Hamilton, W=Tom Mankiewicz, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry+"
2550 DATA "1971 120m (Connery gets 1,000,000 for this one)"
2560 '
2570 DATA"500", "E","  ","  ","  ","  "
2580 DATA"600", "F","  ","  ","  ","  "
2590 '
2600 DATA"601", "For Your Eyes Only","James Bond 007"
2610 DATA"Roger Moore, Carole Bouquet, Chaim Topol"
2620 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Michael G. Wilson, M=Bill Conti+, S=Sheena Easton"
2630 DATA"1981 136m"
2640 '
2650 '
2660 DATA"602", "From Russia with Love","James Bond 007 v SPECTRE, Rosa Klebb"
2670 DATA"Sean Connery, Daniela Bainchi, Pedro Armendariz Sr., Lotte Lenya"
2680 DATA"D=Terence Young, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry"
2690 DATA"1963 125m Bond #2"
2700 '
2710 DATA"700", "G","  ","  ","  ","  "
2720 '
2730 DATA"701", "Goldeneye","James Bond 007, Xenia Onatopp"
2740 DATA"Pierce Brosnan, Famke Janssen, Sean Bean"
2750 DATA"D=Martin Campbell, W=Michael France&, M=Eric Sera, S=Tina Turner"
2760 DATA"1995 130m"
2770 '
2780 DATA"702", "Goldfinger","James Bond 007, Pussy Galore, Oddjob"
2790 DATA"Sean Connery, Honor Blackman, Gert Frobe, Shirley Eaton, Tania Mallet"
2800 DATA"D=Guy Hamilton, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry, S=Shirley Bassey"
2810 DATA"1964 117m Bond #3"
2820 '
2830 DATA"800", "H","  ","  ","  ","  "
2840 DATA"900", "I","  ","  ","  ","  "
2850 DATA"1000", "J","  ","  ","  ","  "
2860 DATA"1100", "K","  ","  ","  ","  "
2870 DATA"1200", "L","  ","  ","  ","  "
2880 '
2890 DATA"1201", "Licence to Kill","James Bond 007"
2900 DATA"Timothy Dalton,  Carey Lowell, Robert Davi, (Wayne Newton)"
2910 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Michael G. Wilson & Richard Maibaum, M=Michael Kamen"
2920 DATA"1989 133m  Dalton's 2nd Bond movie"
2930 '
2940 DATA"1202", "Live and Let Die", "James Bond 007 v Dr. Kananga (voodoo)" 
2950 DATA"Roger Moore, Jane Seymour, Yaphet Kotto, Clifton James, etc.)"
2960 DATA"D=Guy Hamilton, W=Tom Manikiewicz, C=Ted Moore, M=George Martin" 
2970 DATA"1973 131m  Song+=Paul McCartney"
2980 '
2990 DATA"1203", "(the) Living Daylights","James Bond 007"
3000 DATA"Timothy Dalton, Maryam D'Abo, Jeroen Krabbe, John Rhys-Davies"
3010 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Richard Maibaum & Michael G. Wilson, M=John Barry"
3020 DATA"1987 130m  Dalton's 1st Bond movie"
3030 '
3040 DATA"1300", "M","  ","  ","  ","  "
3050 '
3060 DATA"1301", "(the) Man with the Golden Gun","James Bond 007"
3070 DATA"Roger Moore, Chris. Lee, Britt Ekland, Maud Adams, Herve Villechaize"
3080 DATA"D=Guy Hamilton, W=Tom Mankiewicz, C=Ted Moore, M=John Barry"
3090 DATA"1974 134m  Bond#9"
3100 '
3110 DATA"1302", "Moonraker","James Bond 007 v Jaws & Amazons"
3120 DATA"Roger Moore, Louis Chiles, Richard Kiel, Michael Lonsdale"
3130 DATA"D=Lewis Gilbert, M=John Barry"
3140 DATA"1979 136m"
3150 '
3160 '
3170 DATA"1400", "N","  ","  ","  ","  "
3180 '
3190 DATA"1401", "Never Say Never Again*"
3200 DATA"James Bond 007 v SPECTRE, Fatima Blush"
3210 DATA"Sean Connery, Klaus Brandauer, Kim Basinger, Max Sydow, Barb.Carrera"
3220 DATA"D=Irvin Kershner"
3230 DATA"1983 134m (remake of Thunderball)  *not in collection yet!"
3240 '
3250 DATA"1500", "O","  ","  ","  ","  "
3260 '
3270 DATA"1501", "Octopussy","James Bond 007"
3280 DATA"Roger Moore, Maud Adams, Louis Jourdan, Kristina Wayborn, Kabir Bedi"
3290 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Michael G. Wilson, M=John Barry"
3300 DATA"1983 140m"
3310 '
3320 DATA"1502", "On Her Majesty's Secret Service","James Bond 007 v Blofeld"
3330 DATA"George Lazenby, Diana Rigg, Telly Savalas, Gabriele Ferzetti"
3340 DATA"D=Peter Hunt, M=John Barry"
3350 DATA"1969 144m Bond #6"
3360 '
3370 DATA"1600", "P","  ","  ","  ","  "
3380 DATA"1700", "Q","  ","  ","  ","  "
3390 DATA"1800", "R","  ","  ","  ","  "
3400 DATA"1900", "S","  ","  ","  ","  "
3410 '
3420 DATA"1901", "(the) Spy Who Loved Me","James Bond 007 v Jaws"
3430 DATA"Roger Moore, Barbara Bach, Curt Jurgens, Rich. Kiel, Caroline Munro"
3440 DATA"D=Lewis Gilbert, M=Marvin Hamisch & Paul Buckmaster S=Carly Simon"
3450 DATA"1977 136m Marvin Hamlisch song 'Nobody Does it Better+"
3460 '
3470 DATA"2000", "T","  ","  ","  ","  "
3480 '
3490 DATA"2002", "Thunderball","James Bond 007 v SPECTRE"
3500 DATA"Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, Adolfo Cili, Luciana Paluzzi"
3510 DATA"D=T.Young, W=J.Hopkins & R.Maibaum, C=T.Moore, M=J.Barry, S=Tom Jones"
3520 DATA"1965 125m Bond #4  (remade as Never Say Never Again in 1983 w Connery"
3530 '
3540 DATA"2100", "U","  ","  ","  ","  "
3550 '
3560 DATA"2200", "V","  ","  ","  ","  "
3570 DATA"2201", "(a) View to a Kill","James Bond 007 v Evil Max Zorin"
3580 DATA"Roger Moore, Christopher Walken, Tanya Roberts, Grace Jones"
3590 DATA"D=John Glen, W=Michael G. Wilson, M=John Barry, Perform=Duran Duran"
3600 DATA"1985 131m (Roger Moores last Bond) "
3610 '
3620 DATA"2300", "W","  ","  ","  ","  "
3630 DATA"2400", "X","  ","  ","  ","  "
3640 DATA"2500", "Y","  ","  ","  ","  "
3650 '
3660 DATA"2501", "You Only Live Twice","James Bond 007 v Blofeld"
3670 DATA"Sean Connery, Mie Hama, Akiko Wakabayashi, Tetsuro Tamba, Karin Dor"
3680 DATA"D=Lewis Gilbert, C=Fred Young, M=John Barry, S=Nancy Sinatra"
3690 DATA"1967 125m"
3700 '
3710 DATA"2600", "Z","  ","  ","  ","  "
3720 DATA"end of data",,"  ","  ","  ","  "
3730 END
3740 '-----------------------------
3750 'Embedded Commands
3760 '              SAVE"VHSMOVIE.BAS",A
3770  CLS:LIST 190-410  'roadmap of subroutines
3780  CLS:LIST 410-540  'display variable names
3790  CLS:LIST 2330-2860 'display first part of datacards
3800  CLS:LIST 2330-3730 'display second part of datacards

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