Fun Minimalist Programs

for the family using


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Creating minimalist GW-BASIC programs is a fun hobby, for the
first reason that they don't require a lot of coding and they
can still do a lot as well.

Here is a 9 line 126 byte word processor (well, sort of...)
It will produce letters, memo's, note, reminders, phones, lists
if you add file routines.  And if you don't it still will print
an impromptu letter from your desk.

For now, let's just limit our 126 byte word processor to 15
lines of input text, down from 54 lines.  At least that will
cover the memo requirement.

1 DIM A$(14)  'our array starts at 0 so there are 15 elements.
2 WHILE I<15
3   LINE INPUT"     >";A$(I)  'the empty space between lets you control
4   I=I+1                     'line length a bit better, adjust as necessary
5   WEND                      'depending on line length values from 5 to 9
6 WHILE J<15                  'work pretty well.
7   LPRINT TAB(9)A$(J)        'same with tab() value.
8   J=J+1
9   WEND

Your printer should be attached and ON 

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